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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Well at least they're spawning 🙃
  2. This is part breeding project and part journal. I'm thinking about attempting to breed a pair of A. Agassizii and a pair of BN plecos on the same aquarium. Would anyone have any recommendations for or against that. (I would breed them separately but I'm having to downsize because of rising energy prices😔.)
  3. Some rocks here in the Swiss Alps have 'veins' of quartz in them which sparkles under both artificial and natural light. I've been using it for 3 years or so, and I can't attribute any fish death to it.
  4. Any rock which have previously been submerged (in rivers, lakes , etc) are usually safe.
  5. I look at these posts and I’m so inspired and interested by all your different projects and fish. As soon as I’m out of University and have a good job, brace yourselves 🙃
  6. You were a beacon of hope and continuity in an ever changing world. Thank you, ma'am. May you never be forgotten.
  7. Replying to take your post off the 'Unanswered Topics' forum. I hope you hired someone!🙂
  8. Thanks everyone for all the great replies, my grandmother is hesitating between a border collie or a Black and Tan Coonhound (thanks @FLFishChik) or a Blue Heeler ( @CKetchum)
  9. I think you should be OK, but keep an eye on agression from and between the angels.
  10. @Bev C, don’t !!!! I tried a trio of crayfish with a dozen snowball shrimp and the snowballs were massacred in about 5 days
  11. Replying to remove this topic from the 'Unanswered Topics' folder thing. I hope you sold/bought/or traded your fish!
  12. Replying to remove this topic from the 'Unanswered Topics' folder thing. I hope you sold/bought/or traded your fish! Nice clown loaches
  13. Should be fine. Just watch for aggression from and between the bettas.
  14. I recently spotted some fry in my species-only setup. What should I feed them?
  15. RO water is just the same as normal rain water (whenever I breed tetras I wait for a storm and put a bucket outside). pH is ok, maybe try using some Indian almond leaves to soften the water and bring the gH down. As for breeding, either be patient or try conditioning them with live foods or high quality frozen foods.
  16. I’d say that my best (accidental) deal would be when the shop assistant rang up 4 plants each worth about 10 Swiss Franks and only charged me for 3 because I had been waiting for half an hour. Second best deal would be getting a group of 5 near- adult angelfish for 15 Swiss Franks
  17. If there’s an artist on this forum : how about you do a fish drawing or painting where all the fish above are in orange jumpsuits and in little cells. I would, but my drawing looks like a bulldozer whent over some ants😂
  18. Patchwork Pleco? Yellow glow?
  19. Red tail sharks are worthy of Alcatraz
  20. Leopard danios are just a natural colour variant of the zebra danio.
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