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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. The question with a fish you are going to sell is: would you be willing to buy it yourself?
  2. I've bred zebra danios using hair algae as spawning medium on top of some coarse netting, but I never encountered any problems when the fry hatched.
  3. Kind of a weird question, but I'll play the game. I once dreamt that I was a fish (maybe a brine shrimp?) and that I was being attacked by shrimpzilla. While I was being eaten I was trying to count its legs.
  4. I love the black and white shot, very cute.
  5. It's like Great Dane puppies, they are super sweet when young and then they're massive about 6 months later Gretel playing😂
  6. @Taco Playz They’re still beautiful dogs, and I think we all wanted one after watching 101 Dalmatians, but go for a not entirely pedigree one instead of a ‘pure’ bred. Pol(look at the first post) is part spaniel. 🐶 *Polo
  7. I used to have 3 full ones 😢 all bred in France and I can tell you that pedigree dogs have horrendous health problems. Number 1: ‘Dot’ was deaf Number 2: ‘Coco’ died of cancer Number 3: ‘Patch’ lived until the age of four and was a wonderful dog and was very protective towards us (too protective). One day a delivery company man walked without knocking and was bitten since the dog presumed he was a burglar.
  8. Maybe the 'livebearer' tank with guppies and mollies(maybe even halfbeaks) and a large number of tetra and the same species which you can breed yourself to lower costs. I'd recommend neon tetra or diamond tetra.
  9. I love dogs and it would be interesting to see what breeds other people have (my grandmas getting a new one and I want to mek some recommendations) This is Polo the Dalmatian (with a bit of spaniel) and Gretel the Ukrainian rescue
  10. It's OK @Brandxn, we were all once a beginner🙂. What you're thinking about are blue acaras which are basically a bluer variant of the German Blue Ram (forgive me if I'm wrong, it's what my LFS tells me) and therefore their care is quite similar. They seem to be O.K. with Amanos, but cherry shrimp are like popcorn. They're also a great community fish, which means you could house them along with a couple of other fish species recommended above, and a pair of them would be your showcase fish. Have fun!
  11. Best of Luck, and I'm looking forward to seeing it in the future.🙂
  12. Guppies seem like the obvious choice but since you don't want anything boring I wouldn't recommend that. White cloud minnows, cherry barbs, Apistogramma, Praecox Rainbows, Green Fire Tetras, Leopard Danios and Chili Rasboras would be quite fun and cool.
  13. pH under or around 6.5 male/female ratio of 1/1 fry hatch after 1 day, free swimming after 5. otherwise like Nannostomus Beckfordi. Translated from a French book published in 2003 I hope its helpful🙂
  14. I would recommend adding extra sealant to the area if you still want to use it as an aquarium. If you want to play safe a terrarium might be a better idea for it.
  15. Snails are opportunistic feeders who will eat most things (I have tried to spawn danios in a tank with bladder snails) eggs included. I recommend you put them in a separate spawning tank or a container with a bit of java moss after conditioning them. Look on the KeepingFishSimple YouTube channel, he recently bred gold laser corys.
  16. @Cory has done a fish catching tutorial on YouTube, but he demonstrated it with zebra danios in an empty store aquarium.
  17. Would you be interested in advice form a book published in the 2000s?
  18. Anubia "Golden heart" or what @nabokovfan87 said.
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