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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. I seem to only be listening to classics like Queen these days
  2. I recommend thoroughly washing your substrate by hand in a bucket with a bit of water to get rid of any chemicals or grit that may absorb the tannins in the water.
  3. Owing to @Patrick_G's aquarium picture, I guess he's a bit more qualified than me to talk about this. Anyhow... Plant melting is a bit like going one pace back then 2 paces forward, in that aspect, as the plant needs to adapt it's leaves to the lighting conditions. For instance: I have a 15 gallon cube to which added some dwarf hair grass, which was covered in algae a week later. One month later I have a beautiful planted shrimp paradise with the dwarf hair grass spreading out and looking great.
  4. I agree with @tolstoy21, the other fish looks just like my breeding female.
  5. That is a tumour. Try treating it with Maracyn and/or Expel-P
  6. Owing to the fact that rams horn snails proliferate faster, they are able to access and find and eat bladder snail egg deposits more often than the bladder snails can find the rams horns eggs, owing to their larger population.
  7. Thanks for the info @Cinnebuns 😈, looks like my Panda Cory emporium can finally take off, mwa ha ha haa
  8. I’m sorry, @nabokovfan87, but I saw on either the Aquarium Coop or KeepingFishSimple YouTube channel that raising the temperature accelerates ichyophirisis parasites life cycle.
  9. It sounds like @Biotope Biologistmay have put an end to the debate. 🙃
  10. Very clever @AnimalNerd98! I didn’t know that you can spawn fish on maps! I agree water lettuce rotting is a problem.
  11. If you’re going to acclimate slowly I expect an Anubia might survive. I’ve noticed that plants don’t thrive in brackish water, but either die or survive.
  12. I'm devoted to either water lettuce or java moss.
  13. Update: the BN pleco babies are doing well, they've grown to about this size (photo off the web) I've decided to do something radical, so I've moved the pleco babies out of the 25 gal, and my next project is a Apistogramma Agassizii x Cacatuoides hybrid!!! I'll be responsible with the resulting fry by not selling them if they're weaker than a tissue against a bullet. Although if they're amazing and viable....
  14. It does look like dropsy to me. Sorry😔
  15. @brandonnaturally, do you have any really great pictures which you may want to enter into a photo competition on the forum? The prize is measured in Swiss Chocolate!
  16. Worse thing to do is to is raise the temperature because that accelerates the life cycle of Ich parasites. Ich-X stains aquarium sealant blue. Salt should be OK Good Luck!
  17. Morning @pictish_samurai! I had a nice long chat with my fish friend, and he states that: pH: 6-6.5 Tolerable nitrite and nitrate Blackwater Large eggs are laid among moss or floating plants and hatch after 1-3 days, feed fry with BBS or egg yolk (check out the KeepingFishSimple YouTube channel for his recommendations on fry food). Two pairs per aquarium, tank size 21-35 gallon. He wouldn't recommend breeding them because they are hard to offload to a store or on the inter web.(in Europe). Good Luck!
  18. I would squeeze a bit of java moss through the opening, (after a bit of gravel/sand) and maybe a long stalk of this plant:
  19. I'm told that Amazonas do nice fake plants. Guppy grass should survive in brackish water, but java fern should be acclimated over the course of a month I'm told.
  20. Apistogramma Mom with eggs And a little Corydora hiding away
  21. @JettsPapa, I'm working on something (I guess you could call it reverse reverse respiration) which basically chokes the duckweed by not allowing it to photosynthesise, I still need to test if it's safe for fish and inverts but I hope it could be a viable solution.
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