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Guppy Guy

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Everything posted by Guppy Guy

  1. It’s not very clear what you need. Are you trying to see if the snails were eaten by the L333’s?
  2. Those flex tanks are really good for low to mid light planted tanks. Some simple plants might be water wisteria(my favorite as you can’t kill it), pennywort, any “java” plant, and many others. Another idea might be a rocky tank, or maybe a wooded tank. The possibilities are really endless. This isn’t a natural tank, but it still looks good. I use PVC pipes for caves in my 30 gallon tank, and after about a year, a bunch of algae grew on them and it looks really cool. Here are some pics:
  3. What kind of plants do you plan on keeping? Many won’t need co2, but it helps them grow faster. There are many designs for soda bottle yeast co2 generators, just search around. the king of diy has a few videos on this subject, and they are all pretty cheap.
  4. Have you ever heard of micheals fish room? He currently has the mutt guppy project 2.0 going on where you send in 5 guppies and get a $20 gift card to his store. He has a separate video on shipping fish, and he breeds quality guppies. Just an idea, and good luck.
  5. So I noticed this weird white stuff on almost all the silicone part in my tank(suction cups, elbows, and fluval 307 pipe connectors), and it has been since about a month after the filter was installed, which was about 10 months ago. It isn’t calcium or mold, as it is always completely submerged. It isn’t affecting water quality, as nothing changed even when I was 2 months behind on maintenance 😰. It just looks ugly. Thanks, and all help or opinions are appreciated. The picture is after I scraped some of it off. Maybe it will help.
  6. Just thought of another neat project. A device that you hang on the side of the aquarium with a sensor to measure the water level. When the level gets close to the top, it starts beeping to let you know it is full, and maybe even shuts off the filling pump via relay or Wi-Fi smart plug.
  7. So pretty much a modular filter. Neat. Have you seen the king of diys above tank sump? it seemed pretty modular.
  8. That doesn't look like ich to me, I think it is either mucus or fungus. I’m not familiar with those things, but I would still add a little aquarium salt as it will insure that if it is ich, it won’t be a problem in the future. For that, maybe @Streetwise or @Patrick_G will know. Next time you start a tank, I have to recommend Dr.Tims one and only. It is live bacteria in a bottle, but it gets even better. Unlike other brands, it cycles the aquarium within 48 hours, and you can’t overdose it. You pretty much dump in the whole bottle, and your done. ( @Cory, you should really carry this for the coop) Nevertheless, good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know.
  9. Ok Thanks anyway. I’ll have to make my own in Inkscape then.
  10. I live in SC as well, but where I am, the only tap water issues are a slightly high PH(8.2 ish). But that’s no issue for me, because once it mixes with aquarium water of 6.8, it balances itself out.
  11. Can I get the template for that? I think that with goldfish(some people train them) would be pretty funny!
  12. I don’t even use activated carbon. I just use a biological media in that spot on all my filters. No problems for the 3+ years I’ve been doing that.
  13. I personally don’t know a lot about Columnaris, but this video by micheals fish room may help.
  14. I’m going to be an oddball here, but I think he might be doing the damage to himself. Do you exercise Curly with a mirror for about 15 minutes a day? With bettas, they can get bored in their tanks so they start nipping they’re own fins. When they see themselves in the mirror, they think its another betta and start showing off their fins. When they do this, it exercises their fins, and keeps them on the lookout for other betas in the tank. Once you start doing this, you will notice that he is more active as well. I still recommend using the Kanaplex, as it will insure that there is no fungal issues as the fins grow back. Good luck!
  15. Which fish are flashing? What are they flashing on? How long has the tank been set up? Where did you get your fish from? Did you quarantine them when they were new? What temperature is the tank? What kind of filter does it use? Nice tank by the way. Hopefully we can help you fix the issue.
  16. Wow! That’s some neat stuff you’ve made. Thanks again! I’m working on a bubbling fish decoration, so when I finish that, I’ll be sure to edit in the link.
  17. Man! I would love some puffers! I’ve been eyeing the green spots and figure 8s for awhile now. If only I could find more aquarium space 😛. One day when I can come up with enough space for a 300 gallon tank(and the funds 😣) I really want a mbu puffer(inspired by The coop[that should be a hashtag. maybe: #TheCoop or #TheFishCoop]) For now, maybe I can build a shelf somewhere for a 20 high to hold the smaller puffers!
  18. Oh that’s cool! Thanks for the quick response. If its ok, could you show me what you made for your tanks?
  19. For me, 1st place is a school of 7 zebra danios that cost $15 total, and not a single one survived quarantine. So I went and got a second school of 7, and all of them died. The LFS was nice and gave me the next school for free, and 4 of the 7 are still alive today. 2nd is probably my angelfish. I got 1 for $25(it was locally bred), and later went back for more. I was very lucky and met the breeder at the LFS while I was there, and he gave me 2 for free! They might just have to be the most personable fish that I have. 3rd is my whiptail catfish(check out my profile for pics). He was originally $30, but after some negotiations with the LFS, I got him for $12(It was mainly because they’d had him for over 3 months, and wanted him to have a new home). Hopefully, you can see also that if you look hard enough, you can find fish at really good (or free 😃) prices. One more instance is where my cousin gave me $50 worth of guppies from his 75 gallon tank. That was a score(It isn’t as big as the angelfish score though, as their guppies and some people will pay you to take them away! 😂 😆)
  20. I’m sure it will grow in an aquarium with the proper lighting, but my concern is if the peppermint oils will harm the fish? Maybe @Streetwise or @Patrick_G will know. If it dosn’t work, I’m sure you can use little aquaponic pots and grow them there as the leaves won’t be touching the water.
  21. (Crazy question, but really.) I know that some aquarium stores use lead plant anchors in the plant tanks, but I was wondering if it is safe long term? I read a 3d printing article on making food-safe prints, and it was saying you need a steel nozzle instead of the stock brass nozzle because it contains trace amounts of lead. I already know that uncolored ABS and PETG are safe plastics, but is the trace amounts of lead going to mess something up? Thanks!
  22. I agree. Just be sure to put it in a place that you don’t mind if it gets a little messy. If you spill brine shrimp water, you will be smelling it for MONTHS! That’s why I have an old cookie trey under it to minimize spills.
  23. Good idea, but if it was affixed to the bottom, to get the sponge out, you would need to take out the airline, pop out the top, and slide out the sponge, whereas if you just take out the whole thing, you squeeze it in tank water, and return it. But if you really want to affix it, I think some super glue gel or safe epoxy(I don’t know what kinds are safe, as many leach chemicals into the water)would do the trick. Note that you have to apply it dry, and once its on, there’s no going back. Good idea, but if it was affixed to the bottom, to get the sponge out, you would need to take out the airline, pop out the top, and slide out the sponge, whereas if you just take out the whole thing, you squeeze it in tank water, and return it. But if you really want to affix it, I think some super glue gel or safe epoxy(I don’t know what kinds are safe, as many leach chemicals into the water)would do the trick. Note that you have to apply it dry, and once its on, there’s no going back.
  24. I got my guppies from my cousins tank a little over 2 years ago now. They bred, and they won’t die!(not that I want them to)
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