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Guppy Guy

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Everything posted by Guppy Guy

  1. Man, your lucky. Where I live, the state won’t let us have duckweed since it is an “invasive species” that I have never seen in local ponds, lakes, rivers, or streams. Same with water hyacinth. You can’t publicly visit fish hatcheries either, you have to be on a special group tour. Luckily, If you are fishing for education, you don’t need a license, and I’m pretty sure that counts for fish keeping, as you are “learning” how to keep fish. You should really see if you can buy some and attempt to breed them yourself in a stock tank! Great pic by the way. What camera did you use? Those belong in a tv documentary!
  2. What kind of shelf is that? I am trying to find one that can hold a few 2.5/5/10/20 gallon tanks. Would build one, but wood prices are ridiculously expensive nowadays.
  3. I would say get a 50-100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank with a small heater if it gets below 40F for extended periods of time. Check out aquarium co op’s Latest video on indoor mini ponds. That is what I would do for rice fish. Another option is to do goldfish, and bring them inside during the winter. Not an experienced pond keeper, just knowledge I have heard over the years. A second opinion is probably best.
  4. Also, browse around other DIY websites for fish feeders. Arduino projecthub is a good one, as is Thingiverse, which is where the feeder above is from. If you don’t have a 3d printer, there are online printing services, or you can get a highly recommended Ender 3 for $180. They are awesome for other things too. If you don’t like the ender 3 for some odd reason, search YouTube for 3d printer reviews. Check out This 3d printing thread about safe plastics.
  5. Have you seen This? It has 14 of your buckets you were talking about. I use this to feed my catfish during the night so the other fish don’t take his food. The only downside is it releases it slowly, so the more dominant fish might take the food from the smaller ones. If you’ve seen my other posts, you will know I like making things, so I am trying to make something like this, but with a motor to release everything at once. Check out this DIY 3d printed fish feeder on Thingiverse. It works good, but I am trying to make a bigger one that you only have to refill monthly instead of biweekly.
  6. The PETG arrived this week. Finally found time to print for the first time. Making a vase as a settings test. Will post time lapse when finished. Thanks again everyone.
  7. Thank you everyone! I ordered the clear PETG from amazon, and will test it in my 3 gallon experimental tank. I will share my results after 1 month of testing. As far as painting goes, I have used Krylon fusion with no problems so far. Thank you all again!
  8. Great! Thanks! I’ll have to try it soon. Right now, I have no wood in any tanks, just a few decorations and PVC pipe.( like my profile says, I like DIYing)
  9. Great idea! Does Gorilla Super glue gel work? I couldn’t find the original super glue gel near me.
  10. I’m not sure about sieryu stone, But an easy way to test is with your nitrate water tester. As krish’s aquariums says, drop a few drops of nitrate test on the rocks in question, and if it fizzes, it will raise the PH. If it dosn’t do anything, then chances are your rocks are safe.
  11. Can I see a picture of the aquarium? It sound like there might be a rock or something making the PH rise. Also, I looked up eco-complete, and there are 2 versions: Planted and cichlid. The cichlid version will raise the PH to match the water parameters of the African lakes. There is also a chance that the turbo start and fishless fuel raise the PH a little bit. For a betta, I wouldn’t worry about it, but I can’t say for amano shrimp as I have never kept them. Long story short, I would test it again tomorrow and if it stabilizes I wouldn’t worry about it. If it is too high once it stabilizes, use something like Seachem neutral regulator .
  12. Check out this post from aquariumgenius.com. A few side notes: Only bury roots on java fern, not the rhizomes. The rhizome will rot and kill the plant. Trust me, I’ve sadly learned first hand. 😢 Crypts are good, and @Cory knows this by heart: Meme posted by @Horrorshow_Georgia in the Aquarium memes thread. For most of these, I would back down the aquarium temp to 82F. Aqueon says that a good temperature for discus is 82F-86F.
  13. I have no discus experience, but my amazon swords do great at 80F in my 10g grow out tank. I do add Seachem flourish about every 2 weeks though. It isn’t an amazon plant, but java moss and watere wisteria are other good options. Also, what kind of light do you have? What size tank? This can help me make more recommendations.
  14. Would this Clear PETG or black PETG work? Also, I already have this White ABS for other projects, and I have heard this is safe for aquariums too. Can you recommended one? Thank you.
  15. EDIT: also, contact your breeder. If he breeds guppy’s, he must have experience so he might be able to help.
  16. Do you use salt? I recommend API freshwater aquarium salt. Most fish stores will have it. An amazon link is below. I only use it when I have a sick fish though. Some stores always keep it in their guppy tanks, and it drives me crazy. It makes the fish harder to acclimate. Use it until the problem is gone, and then do a 20%-30% water change. This has happened to my fish before, and I am pretty sure it is a bacterial infection. Luckily, it is pretty easy to cure and I wouldn’t worry about it unless it’s behavior changes. Salt link: https://www.amazon.com/API-AQUARIUM-Freshwater-Aquarium-65-Ounce/dp/B0010P0ZJK/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=Aquarium+salt&qid=1625084379&sr=8-2
  17. Saw what you said about any food safe plastics. That is almost true. Avoid #1 plastics(milk containers, plastic water bottles{You better not be using those in the first place. SAVE OUR OCEANS!}, disposable containers). Check out @flip aquatics YouTube video for more. Check out @The King Of DIYs video for safe silicones and glue as well. PVC is safe as well. I cut up some 2” pieces and they look really cool in my 30 gallon community tank.
  18. I have a 3d printer and have been itching to use it for DIY aquarium decorations. Is white ABS safe for this purpose? I have also heard about PETG being safe as well. Is there a certain time frame I have before I need to replace it? Also, are there any recommendations for different filament links? I have experimented with PLA, but it is only good for 6 months. Thank you and all help is appreciated.
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