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Guppy Guy

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Everything posted by Guppy Guy

  1. I’ve done something similar. So I have a 10 gallon tank full of guppies and plants, and as you know, when fish waste breaks down, it lowers the ph. Well I knew about this phenomenon, so I did regular water changes. Well, there was about a month and 1/2 where I didn’t do any water changes because I was so busy, or didn’t feel like it. (you can see where this is going…) When I noticed less active fish and melting plants, I decided it was time to see what was up. I finally did a water change, and I don’t usually test water unless there is a problem(with the exception of this one), but right before I dumped out the last of the water, I was like “what the heck. How bad could the water be?” Well, it was bad. Really bad. Shamefully bad. If my guppies weren’t so hardy, I would have lost all of them. My ph read 4.5! A full 3 points below where I usually keep it! I retested the water thinking I did something wrong, but low and behold, it was exactly the same. I realized that I had been really stupid, and haven’t missed a water change since. Also, I always have a small container of seachem alkaline buffer(best one out there in my experience), just in case it happens again. To fix it, I did a 50% water change, added some alkaline buffer, lowered the temp(higher temps break waste down quicker), and hoped for the best. The craziest thing by far was that I only lost 2 fish out of the millions in there(no wonder a common name for the guppy was the ‘millions fish’), and they both were at least 2 1/2 years old anyways(my guppies tend to live between 2 and 4 years before a natural death occurs). Hopefully everyone learns from our mistakes, and others can learn as well.
  2. Thanks for that. Both channels just got my subscription! While we’re on in, has anyone seen the streetwise youtube channel? Streetwise puts a lot of short tank videos on there. Just thought you might like it.
  3. I have been wanting to try breeding angelfish for awhile now. The pairs are hard to establish, but once they are, you can’t stop them from spawning. A bonus to this is that with the profits/store credit you will earn from the young, it is usually enough to support a fishroom.
  4. That is a good point. Guppy’s shouldn’t need salt in their tank if they are healthy, but nowadays you have to because of the farms. Where the farms are, 100% freshwater is expensive so they use brackish water instead. Because the fish are born in salt, it is naturally what they are used to, so in an aquarium, salt is required. That is why I prefer buying guppies(or free if you look hard enough) from local breeders. Then I know that they don’t need salt in the water.
  5. In my experience, a guppy takes between 1 and 3 months to start showing color, but it can take longer. The fry will grow faster if you feed a mixed diet(crushed flake food, baby brine shrimp(frozen is okay), algae, etc), and a temperature on the warmer side(78-83 F) helps them grow quicker as well. Ensure that the increased temp won’t affect the other fish in the tank(if any). The pics look like the majority of the fish are females, but some of the smaller ones might be males. It is too hard to tell at this stage, and it will be easier in another month or so.
  6. I agree with @Levi_Aquatics . Drip a little vinegar or nitrate test kit drops on the rock, and If it bubbles at all, don’t use it. Be careful with sandstone though, since it is a soft rock, it may fall apart in the water, and I would not be surprised if it clouds water.
  7. Don’t make promises you can’t keep 😂 I would use as much water/filter media/substrate in the new tank as possible to get the bacteria established quickly. Using the same water also won’t shock the fish as bad. Just make sure that the water parameters are good. You don’t want to put bad water in a new tank.
  8. What kind of fish should Han Solo be?
  9. I don’t grow pothos fully submerged, though I have tried. It did ok for the first week, then algae got it and it started slowly dying. Here is how I grow my pothos. The stem is fully submerged, but the leaves grow out of the water. It is in a 3 gallon aquaponics tank, but since I got sick of the aquaponics part, I just threw in the pothos as well as some java moss, salvinia, and duckweed(somehow that died though.) It is lit by a led desk lamp and gets between 8 and 12 hours of light a day(depends when I remember to turn it off)
  10. My fish literally live on seachem prime. Ever since my LFS recommended prime about 3 years ago, it has been my favorite declorinator by far. From there, I have ventured into some of their other products, the first being PH booster. It works great and doesn’t shock guppies, but I don’t know about other fish. I did try their flourish, but I can’t see a difference in plant growth. I think that fish poop is just as good if not better than flourish.
  11. In my city, there actually is a swim team named the archerfish. For a really tough team, a funny name would be the angelfish 🙃
  12. I’m nominating my trio of angelfish. They’re always playfully fighting until I walk in the room. Then they get all nice. Also, they ignore anyone and everyone unless it is me, or someone has a yellow sera can in their hand. I swear they can tell the difference from a regular can and a food can!
  13. I would move the current fish into the 55 and make a larger community tank, and use the smaller tanks to breed something. Also, I hear you on the mts. I walk into the LFS for food and walk out with a new tank!
  14. Maybe when Cory and Dean run out of fish to put in the urban fish farm, they can do projects like this! That would be so cool!
  15. Funny how all the fish collections are too many fish for the tank. I mean, 2 gouramis in a 5 gallon with a bunch of other fish? I’d put that in at least a 15 gallon, as well as add some cories to the tank. At least they didn’t ship during the Christmas season.
  16. Trying my hand at angelfish breeding(as soon as I get another tank 😂)
  17. Have you ever noticed that when java moss is pulled apart, it smells like fresh cut grass? Also, is it just me, or is the best smell ever a well cycled filter?(I just love that earthy smell) What fish smells do you like?
  18. Some people say that the males are bigger, and have a bump on their head. This method hasn’t worked for me though. The females egg tube comes down a few days before the males does though, so hopefully that helps.
  19. In that case, your all good to go! Good luck!
  20. Many people say that’s tank mulm(uneaten food and fish waste on bottom of tank) is a good food for guppy fry, so ensure the cories won’t eat that.
  21. As long as your water parameters are ok(ph 7-8, temp 73-82(warmer is better in my experience)and clean water), there really isn’t much to it. Looking at the pair, I would think that the young will grow up to be a light blue, speckled indigo, metallic purple, or anything along those lines. Ensure that they are being fed a high quality food(I use sera tropical flakes and frozen brine shrimp). Hopefully all goes well. As time goes on, the females gravid spot will grow darker, and the darker it is, the sooner the fry will come. Expect it to be between 2 weeks and 1 month, but it may be quicker. Leave the fish in the tank with the fry, as it is les stressful for everyone, but make sure that there are plenty of plants for the fry to hide in once they are born. I like java moss, and hornwort if you can keep it alive(which I can’t 🙃). After the fry are dropped, simply move the parents to another tank. Lastly, you can buy guppy fry food, and many people feed live brine shrimp, but I simply crush up flake food, and feed a small pinch a few times a day. Good luck, and feel free to ask any questions.
  22. Also, Here is the link for the fish: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5170761
  23. Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t get notified for some reason. I use the Original Elegoo Neptune, but that was discontinued about a year ago. The Elegoo Neptune 2 is pretty good from what I’ve heard, though it isn’t open source(which means you can’t easily upgrade it, a must for me). By far though, the best printer that I can recommend is the Creality ender 3. It is open source, has a massive community, many upgrades, and is the best bang for the buck out there.(also, it is currently on sale for $200 instead of $230) I would still do your research though, and find the best one for you. Here is a 3d printing starter guide that might help you. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. Good luck, and if you make anything, be sure to share!
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