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Everything posted by laritheloud

  1. I used a bucket for an epsom salt bath, then moved my fish to a QT tank for recovery. You could put him back in the main tank if you don't have a QT.
  2. I have no idea what that is. It looks like maybe a prolapse but it's huge???
  3. You CAN supplement up to 3 times a week... but Amanos are little thieves and will probably pick up any fish food you drop in the tank. Mine love to steal catfish pellets and repashy.
  4. I drip acclimate shrimp only. I'm expecting an order of shipped fish this week which I'm nervous about, and I'm still deciding whether I should follow the drip acclimation directions or just open the breather bag and plop + drop...
  5. I saw and it looks awesome! I have a lee specimen container for now, but whenever i want to pick up another I'll probably scoop one up.
  6. Thanks everyone! I ordered the Ziss breeder box and it's already got a label printed. 🙂
  7. It's true. Someday they'll get to 'hug' 😉 This week she just wanted to go to the opposite end of the tank and rest!
  8. I can always use my extra 10 gal tank for the honeys 🤣 we'll see how it goes!
  9. I was hoping someone would chime in about whether the Ziss was worth it! I might want to try using it for my honey gouramis, too... once my male successfully entices a lady to his nest. I have plenty of snails so that should be no problem at all. Thanks!
  10. I'm looking for a half-decent breeder box for my 55 gallon so I can breed and raise X. la mintzita platies. I'm new to this, so does anyone have any favorites? I'm considering the Fluval breeder box, but I'm seeing I'll probably need to DIY something to make sure fry don't escape out the outflow holes...
  11. Forever alone. He tries so hard, wiggling his little tail fin and trying to get her attention!
  12. So last night, I found my male golden honey cozying up to my female sunset honey gourami and attempting to win her over. He built a nice, lovely bubble nest and everything! ... But of course she's having none of it so far, and all the ladies are currently clustered under the floating plants on the left side of the tank, resting, while he is in his breeding jacket all alone under the bubble nest. Will he ever impress a lady enough to win them over to his side of the tank? Stay tuned.
  13. I did not realize when I bought amano shrimp I was actually purchasing a pack of thieves and bandits. Who brazenly swim cartwheels over, and sometimes on top of, fishy heads. With catfish tablets in their clutches. No food for the fishes. (don't worry, i'm pretty sure they all eat plenty)
  14. See, this is why googling is sometimes a curse. All the doom and gloom stories about how soap residue will stick to everything and kill all your fish 🤣
  15. Isn't Ich a parasite? Sometimes there is a secondary fungal infection but it's primarily a protozoan infection. EDIT: There is another infection that looks similar to Ich called Epistylis that I learned about on these forums. That would require antibiotics to treat.
  16. OK. So. My husband went ahead and cleaned my aquarium feeding dishes with dish soap, and now I'm nervous to put them back in the tanks. Is there anything I should soak them with to ensure it's safe for my shrimp, snails, and fish? I have a set of ceramic and a set of glass dishes.
  17. I don't have any fact-based reasoning to back up what I do, but I change all my tanks at around 30 to 50% every week, including wiping down the inside and outside of the glass and rinsing/cleaning my filters. The fish always seem to perk up with a water change and it often triggers spawning behaviors in my tetra. I like to create a habit/routine and stick with it. Caveat: I do have a legit OCD diagnosis, and a set routine and predictability is very helpful in maintaining my tanks without caving in to an impulse of overdoing it. So this is what works for me.
  18. AquaBid. Research your sellers before purchase!
  19. If they're bamboo shrimp they will have 'fans' on the ends of their front legs.
  20. oh my gosh! look at those adorable gouramis! I really want to try sparkling gouramis sometime, but I can never find them locally, and I don't quite want the quantity (6+) that I often see for a 'shipped' amount. Fingers crossed your shrimp colony makes it. My honeys don't bother shrimp at all (though they'd probably eat baby shrimplets), but they like to give some 'friendly' pecks to my mystery snails....
  21. I would simply avoid dwarf gouramis and other anabantoids for the near/forseeable future. Honeys and anything other than Trichogaster Lalia are not as susceptible, according to my research, but I don't know how long you should wait before trying to add them to the tank. Rams and apistos should be okay. I'm so sorry about your gourami, it's why I'm afraid to try the trichogaster lalia after seeing so many sad stories. 😞
  22. I have the spotted ramshorns in another tank, LOVE them. They're all different colors from pink to blue to spotted. 🙂
  23. You see, I thought they were alive, too. Until cleaning day/water change day came and I went to drop them back into the tank and their bodies smudged out all over the place when I took them off.............. It might be that some of them were totally alive but at least a couple of them were not. Bear in mind I have an acrylic tank with pieces that span across the top (and collect humidity/condensation) so it isn't fully open. Algae tends to build up on the underside of the top and I'm guessing they like the smell/taste of it.
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