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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Hope you don't lose any more of them! What about fry powders?
  2. @TheSwissAquarist his body isn't black, just his shell. I'll post about the Bettas on the Colossal thread in the next couple of days.
  3. Lovely!! I so want a Koi pond. ...makes one wonder what those were lol!
  4. This is Serious Black (no association with either metal band nor Harry Potter, however if you draw those conclusions we're ok with it) so named because he is seriously black in color (shell clearly not his body). Serious is a male Nerite in my Accidental Oto tank. I don't see him very often despite it being bare bottom tank with not a whole lot of places to hide- but he manages. He allows me to see him from time to time for a head count....
  5. In the last couple of days I've made 2 trips to different big box stores to stock some plants for this tank. I happen to really like the tube plants they sell as I know what I'm getting and it's pest free stuff- not contaminated by another tank and I can just plop them in the water. They usually have a lot of good Anubias and Java. They were also having a multiple buy 15% off sale. I bought 9 plants for this tank so far, mostly small Anubias species, some Java Windelov and 1 Narrow Leaf Java. I put some in my extra plant tank and had to put a couple of the larger Anubias in my Accidental Oto grow out tank: I also bought an 8lb bag of Fluval Stratum. I think I will try the method of dry starting a carpet plant that @Patrick_G suggested. However in case it doesn't work out what I plan on doing is using both Fluval Stratum and Eco Complete in different sections of the tank to give color contrasts and interest to the bottom of the tank. So if the carpet plant doesn't grow you can still see the shape of a pathway or whatever I decide the ground should look like. I still have to find a decent source for the Monte Carlo.
  6. Hi folks! Well yesterday I went to my mailing address (read: Mum and Dad's house) to get my shipment(s). For this tank I got all the decor I mentioned earlier in the thread, the window cling, heater, a spare flat heater, the 3M jewelry hangers aka lid handles, and filter. The tank is coming today but it's going to their house and I only go there 1x a week, my Dad has threatened to hand it to me with water in it (I get a LOT of packages, sorry Dad!). Firstly, I'm actually kind of excited (as excited as one can be anyway) about trying the new heater. I knew it was small but seeing it in person puts it into a better perspective: Then the decor. I put a ruler up so you can see where the decor would hit in the tank that is just over 9" tall. I actually really like all of it. I still think we're going the Medieval theme direction but I don't think I'll be sending the Buddha hand back- there's got to be somewhere in the future I can use this. As usual with this sort of decoration it's a different color than what you see online- it's black. So if I did use this in the tank I would have to be sure to put a curtain of green plants behind it to make it stand out with a black background. However, envisioning it without the plastic plants and the "sand" buried in the gravel it would make a nice addition to a tank IMO: As you see above I got the rock stacks too and I also really like them- they may be just fine in the Medieval theme tank if placed right OR be a great small addition to any of my other tanks as they are small and unimposing: Last but not least is the Medieval Archway. It's a very nice piece- it's unfiinished glaze so it's super light colored: What I really like about it is that it's not "unfinished" in the back- so if I ever have the tank on a counter top it will be beautiful from both sides: I tried running it under water and it does indeed get darker as I suspected- and it will be even darker than this pic because the ceramic has not been entirely soaked just run under the faucet for a second:
  7. Visited Mum's last night- Zaggi (formerly known as Purple) is doing so good. She's such a cool little fish, Mum loves her (I mean, you'd be a highly suspect human if you didn't in my book): Mum says they all fight over food in the morning. We know how Guppies can be!
  8. It's ok @Tam ask as many questions as you need. This is how I brew my tea and use it in my tank water with the help of friend @Chick-In-Of-TheSea who has posted recently about it and is using a similar method: I have Indian Almond leaves on a subscription order with Amazon. My water changing system for my 5 tanks is as follows: I keep 1 gallon empty water jugs from drinking water- anywhere from 9 to 11 of them (that changes due to them wearing out or if I'm using one for Epsom water etc). I bring to a boil 2-3 full sized IAL leaves in an 8 quart stock pot, once boiling I turn off the burner, put on the lid and steep anywhere from 8-12 hours. I then fill each of the 1 gallon jugs with SOME of that tea water (anywhere from 2 to 4 fingers high) then fill the rest of the way with tap water and fritz dechlorinator. I let the jugs sit out 12-24 hours uncapped then cap and use as needed. This lasts me anywhere from a week or 2 depending on my water changes- right now I start to run low within a week due to frequent QT water changes for my four patients along with my resident tank water changes. This is likely way cheaper than buying anything that "contains" the extract. Plus I have leaves on hand all the time if I just need to plop one in a QT or tank for "extra" @Chick-In-Of-TheSea says: I have a smaller scale operation going. I only have two of the 1-gallon jugs. Any extra dark water that I have boiled I just put it in jars and stuck it in the fridge until I do a water change and free up one of the 1-gallon jugs again. Also to answer your question about how fast I go through them- I find I go through them- 2 or 3 a week is reasonable to me as the subscription order I get contains 25 leaves. By the time I get my new shipment (ever 2 mos) I still have plenty left over.
  9. Now bear with me as I'm a total co2 layman. I understand why it works just not the dosing/regulator stuff as I've never looked into it. However the above statement makes sense to me. I instantly thought of really charged soda- super bubbly soda can be hard to drink- can't avoid those bubbles and your senses, throat, nose are just barraged with them. It's refreshing but not something easily gulped. Don't know about you but I burp A LOT when I drink the stuff. Then I thought of flatter soda- has fewer bubbles and larger ones. When drinking soda like that you can avoid the bubbles and most when you tip the glass end up going to the surface before you drink them. Maybe microbubbles are harder for the fish to avoid therefore taking in far more of it than with larger bubbles?
  10. As a general rule- tests- when done correctly from instructions and -checked/read when instructions say the test is done is the time the test should be most accurate. After that generally chemical reactions are still happening and will change color. This happens with test strips and can happen with liquid tests IME.
  11. Oh wow! Everyone is trying to get a big ol' drink of air there!
  12. I seriously just wish you were my neighbor and I could get all your plant cast offs, even if the plants didn't make it in my tank you'd likely have new ones for me shortly. 😄
  13. Oh very cool Well, I can tell you IME Otos lay eggs on the underside of broad leafed plants- most of the ones I've found have been on my amazon plants- they probably also lay on the underside of the anubias but I've never seen/looked for it. And personally I think an unheated tank is best for both of them- the temp flux I have a feeling helps trigger the spawning- this includes the water changes- which I do weekly.
  14. Haha thanks @redfish. We'll see which @Cinnebunschooses to try and breed first and if it's Otos I might be able to help but "accidental" is in the name! 😄
  15. Hey @Lauren A thanks for the tips! You're right that heater is no joke as far as price but if it works it's worth it. I did actually order the other and at least for now I'm going to try it first and see what shakes out. I am putting that on an internet list for future as we all know heaters have a tendency to fail- some a lot sooner than others! I agree, I've tried it 3x. I will say I didn't put a lot of effort into it and ended up pulling it out of every tank (it didn't die but it didn't really live either). There is one tank left where it's just kind of there in a tiny clump. I also use Eco Complete and I'm not sure that's the best substrate for it. This may be what I'll be getting as most of the other well reviewed soils are frankly more expensive than I'm willing to buy them for especially when I've already failed at carpeting plants and since I'm low tech I'm not going to throw much hope in it but since this is a short tank that will have a good light I'll give it another swing! The Aqua Neo you pointed out is reasonably priced but not in my local stores unfortunately.
  16. @Patrick_G do you root tab your carpet or? And, are you happy with the soil/substrate mixture you used?
  17. @Mmiller2001 if I could ask you a question- for a low tech person like myself if I were to try and do some Monte Carlo and used some sort of aqua soil what might you recommend? I see a lot of posts for ADA brand (including their Amazonia and "regular" versions) but there are others and the option of just using organic garden dirt. I would maybe like to try @Patrick_G's recommendation of dry starting it if I go that direction (attempting a carpet plant for the 3rd time). Once established is there any avoiding using root tabs (I'm assuming carpets need root tabs and not column dosing necessarily)? Should I bother?
  18. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea oh yes, I love the Foo Dogs and if I go with the Asian theme I've had very small ones on my internet list for a while I can buy. I don't want to go overboard on statuary though which is easy to do if you like this kind of thing there are some neat pieces out there but I've seen people overuse- and the styles don't end up matching and it looks jumbled. There is a fine line.
  19. @Tam I'm glad you are feeling at least a little better about things. I understand being a bit anxious about disease especially when you lose a favorite fish friend. Take your time and enjoy the new tank building process. 🙂 Catappa leaves can make water VERY dark. It's all a matter of preference. Personally, I brew Indian Almond leaf tea- I just boil a couple of leaves in a large stock pot, let it cool and steep, then I use that tea during water changes. It tints the water some but you get used to it and barely notice the color change- but it's there. This way I don't have to deal with decaying leaves and detrius they can cause- BUT if you have snails or shrimp- they'd love to eat decaying leaves so it's again, preference! As far as meds- at least stock Aquarium Co-op's Med Trio as it does cover quite a few things. Personally I have a lot of meds some overlap each other. But if you have none- start there. I also have a high preference for SeaChem's Kanaplex (metroplex is also helpful but the active ingredient Metronidazole is also in ParaCleanse recommended by ACO). I see a lot of people also using Jungle's Fungus Clear tablets. Start with basics and when you see a useful med here or on another forum, consider having it on hand. Along with basics, like Aquarium Salt and Epsom Salt (plain, no oils or scents added) And always have a QT tank. Then you don't have to worry about plants or other inhabitants. 🙂
  20. 😍 They are so pretty.... https://photos.app.goo.gl/urWt5ejfPESopLkV9 ... and this is the Spiderwood "tree" for the tank.
  21. Thanks @Patrick_G I will definitely consider that. Would something like eco complete work? In the past I've bought emersed growth mats from a seller on Etsy but they are currently out.
  22. @Patrick_GOh! Very interesting! So presumption, planting and waiting until it takes root, how long does that take? How much substrate does it need?
  23. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea about as long as a battery pack of that size (depending on model) will go though I've never personally tested it as my power outages have not been for very long. The other great thing about it is that you can change the modes to intermittent on the ones I have so it will make bubbles every 30 seconds or so which will make the battery last longer. They can be charged just like any other battery back up as well. I also believe you can use a battery back up to run it if it runs out of a charge.
  24. The pump I speak of isn't a nano usb, it's just a battery backed pump like ACO's (that is sold out last I looked but I have several similar that were on the market prior). They are plugged in and operate just like regular air pumps (benefit some have 2 airline ports so I run 2 different tanks with each of my 2 and have single port for my 5th tank- if the power cuts out it just goes to battery power. They are more powerful than the nano pumps IME. (which use for smaller QT or portable tanks)
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