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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Awesome! They look incredible! Loved the soundtrack, perfect 😄
  2. Well when answering the question "how heavily stocked" that's a loaded question. Is it stocked with 5 guppies then yes, if it's stocked with 4 goldfish (or even one) you're in trouble. So here's hoping you, @dmurray407 understand what that might mean! 🙃
  3. I'm very sorry for your loss @GisheryGoodness- I know it's hard but as I said, Dropsy is very hard to cure and as @Aiden Carter pointed out and I already knew- Dropsy itself is not a disease just a symptom of other issues and by the time these symptoms (bloating, pineconing) manifest it is already too late, sadly. Even if you manage to get the symptoms down-- organ failure is often already well on its way. (I've managed in the past to cure the pineconing/bloating but my Betta didn't make it either). I threw away the tank I had my Betta in. After that I personally didn't trust it- it was the sort of tank that had its own internal filter and though I have a Fluval Flex9 now with a similar filtration system I've added a sponge to it. I had a feeling the filtration was part of the issue and maybe why my Betta got the infection to begin with. So I'd say yes, sanitize the tank- if it doesn't hurt toss the substrate. You can sanitize filters and hardscape by boiling it and leaving it in the sun to dry. Plants can be saved. Wash the tank and make sure it's rinsed well and dried. I've said it several times on this forum- Betta, despite what the industry says, are VERY hard fish to keep. Frankly I don't find that they are "beginner's" fish at all. They have a lot of specific requirements and because of the demand for more colorful, longer finned, specialized types of Betta they are bred for these features and NOT for health. They are sensitive fish- even the best of fish keepers struggle keeping them. This isn't a great thing to know nor is it something positive but it's something you can take a little comfort in. You did what you could.
  4. Ah, not an uncommon problem, I've seen it is a software glitch. Try cropping your photos, even a little, supposed to beat that glitch somehow. ...others flip the photo and it works.
  5. Welcome to the forum @DaniV. Yes Cory are sensitive fish and IMO bottom feeders of any kind need to be added when the tank is very well established. I run 2 sponges in my tanks and always have a spare so I can rotate for QTs (so keep this in mind) I would make sure before you add anything further that the cycle is done and the tank is running another couple of weeks after (I know this is the hard part). In the meantime though if your tank IS indeed cycled put a new filter in there and run it for- I'd be comfortable with a week- then you can put that in your QT- leaving the original filter in the original tank for now. As for plants, find yourself an Anubias- a rhizone plant that just needs to be glued to one of your rocks or piece of wood. You won't regret that purchase (also Java ferns can be glued as well). Java and Anubias are very easy plants.
  6. Looks a lot better! Keep an eye on the ammonia!
  7. Welcome to the fray! Look forward to your contributions here! I'm sure you have plenty of knowledge and journeys to share if you care to document them!
  8. As has been said, sometimes fish single out another fish and they are the target. It happens- fish have their heirarchy too. Also when fish are sick they get singled out and picked on so this can also be a factor. I suspect in this case it's just male Guppy behavior. I have one of 3 of mine that gets picked on more often than the other two- he often has a ripped tail. I suspect part of this is because not long ago I lost one of the 4 so their dynamics are off. There is no reasoning with it. He'll need to go back to the store/get rehomed in this case it's probably the best option for all of them. This is also an option if your tank can handle it. (there's no guarantee it will work though)
  9. Welcome to the forum @Birdsnstuff! Post pics when you can we enjoy those. Birds too?
  10. @TheSwissAquarist, I don't breed ANYTHING on purpose Yes they are pretty, they're actually more hot pink. This might be why he's pouting.
  11. @GisheryGoodness 😞 so very sorry Gabriel is sick. I really hope you can help him- Dropsy is extremely hard to "cure". I don't want to be too negative but because the symptoms start rather late in the disease it is often too late for a full recovery- that is NOT to say it hasn't happened, just be prepared for some hard days ahead. Make him comfortable and give him all his favorite foods. I would hold off on the Garlic guard if he's eating -mix the meds with bloodworms and Focus (to bind the med). You can slightly thaw a block, mix then quicklly refreeze in a convenient container (I put it back in the mold it came out of cut out from the main case) then you can cut off and thaw medicated bits to feed him and save both food and meds. Though fish are attracted to garlic it might have some influence on organ failure which in this case a Dropsy patient may already have.
  12. Awesome! thanks I have read a few blogs and videos. about it. I am just anxious to see it back to clear. Have a great day! new at this didnt know if I replyed the right way. Thanks and have a awesome day! (replying to above) You can post on the thread in reply and to get someone's specific attention, like saying what you said (you are welcome) you just type the @ sign and start typing out the person's handle and it should pop up so you can select it then type what you want like: @Hawyun good luck! Hope it clears up soon! 😁
  13. Oh @Emily M so very sorry, what a bummer. I hope you do have it figured out- there is usually a solution that can prevent it in the future. I haven't had this particular thing happen to me *yet* but I've had plenty of my own issues- it never gets easy- but what it does do is give you valuable experience in how to treat, prevent and prepare for things like this in the future. You can help yourself and others with the experience.
  14. Hi there! Welcome to the forum! You could have a bacterial bloom. In which case changing water only prolongs it or makes it worse. This happens in newer tanks but not also unheard of in older ones. If this is the case the best thing to do is wait it out as long as you can (maybe not feed for a few days)- but watch ammonia and other levels carefully as they can spike them- and sometimes you don't have a choice but to change water for your fish. Other things that can do it is overfeeding.
  15. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Parent Tank Today did a headcount of all the Oto babies- I've not recently found any deceased which honestly I'm surprised just based on the sheer number of baby Otos in this floating breeder. All 20 are accounted for. The one that I couldn't sell and is in a floating breeder by themseslves seems a lot better. At least I haven't found them on their topside or swimming funny lately so hopefully they are over whatever was going on with them. They will go in with the 20 when they are all big enough to go into the Accidental Oto tank. There are some good diatoms forming in that tank since I still have it divided. Here were the babies today after a box cleaning and food dump:
  16. Tank maintenance day. Baby Black Neon is finding its place more and more in the school and less time hiding away from the group: Meanwhile Punk continues to perfect his pout:
  17. Today I got my shipment of Java Moss- I was actually quite impressed by how much I got and wasn't sure if I was going to use it all- but of course I did. It was nicely packed in there though so that was a good surprise: So after my tanks got done today I set about chopping up the Java and then actually instead of using any sort of paint brush I just used my fingers and tweezers to apply it mostly to the "tree" then the rest to some rocks and the archway. We'll see what actually makes it through! If it doesn't grow on the tree (or elsewhere) I have other ideas of what to do with the tree- but I think it looks good... Sadly all we can do now is wait....and wait.....and wait....and wait......
  18. Welcome to the forum @Atgaric! Nice to see more high-tech people on the forum (I'm low tech so it's fun to live vicariously through others here). You should post pics!
  19. Hey @Stephan1973, I have 10 Harlequins, don't know how old yours are but I've had mine oh a bit over 2 years, they are large. I have them in a 20 tall with 10 Black Neons. I probably would say with the stocking you have already in the 10 gallon that might be too tight a fit for 8 Harlequins. Bioload could be fine but I don't think it's enough room for fully fleshed out Harlequins to move around.
  20. Welcome to the forum! We love pics here! 😁
  21. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! The initial build for the Medieval tank is done! I am stil waiting for delivery of the Java Moss to paint the surfaces of hardscape and the Spiderwood. I don't show it below but I did a makeshift thing to tie down the Spiderwood because it is going to want to float- It probably won't work but we'll deal with the issue when we get to it. Hoping over the weeks being in water and getting sprayed it will cooperate but I won't count on it. For your visual pleasure not a lot of text in this post, just pictures with small captions! Enjoy, and welcome to the Medieval tank!: Here is a short Google Video, sparing you the sound of my Harry Connick Jr album playing at the time... https://photos.app.goo.gl/HNcPJ5c3fRMN7yRo8 I'm already loving it!
  22. Saw Mum's tank today picking up the new 12G Aquatop Bookshelf tank and light that got delivered....tank is doing good, so is Zaggi....
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