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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @TheSwissAquarist while trading and/or giving away is a good option for most people- I'm not that kind when I've taken on an animal. The Bettas and babies (like the Otos) are an exception as I would have given them away- they were not part of my resident fish plan. Now that they are (no takers for White - shockingly and Red is still handicapped so not likely to have any takers on him just based on that and the fact that he is a common full red crowntail) I will just have to consider how the plan fits now. What I am currently pondering is moving my Endlers and Guppies in the Flex 9 into the 12G bookshelf along with whoever survives of my white Guppy trio. Then moving the CPD into the Flex9 which is unheated but sometimes gets as high as 82 (this is only in the summer and I put a fan on the tank so it doesn't often get that high) but is usually in the 70s. GloBetta Serket is in there so theoretically that tank should be heated but it can't be because of some other residents (mostly the Hillstream).
  2. Sadly, this morning I lost another white Guppy. I'm starting to lose hope that I'll have any to put in this tank when it's ready. The 4 I had left were fine before I left for a 4 day road trip- came back to one of them having what I could only possibly diagnose as a bad case of cotton wool disease on his tail which then in a matter of a day or 2 spread to his head. The QT is medicated with Maracyn 2 (I gave my Maracyn to a friend who needed to treat a Molly and my Maracyn is currently on the way to be delivered today). I was able to dose the tank upon discovery with the last of what I did have of Maracyn but it was clearly too late. This is a bummer. Hoping someone in the local fish club has bred them. The plants in the tank even with my absence are doing well. The Java is semi-questionable on the spiderwood only because it wasn't waterlogged. I did put extra plastic wrap on it after spraying it down the day I left. It's all still green so maybe some of you with experience can chime in about it. The Repens and Monte Carlo are doing well and growing roots. I really like how the Repens looks - I hope I can maintain it when I fill the tank. I may have to change some of my usual thinking and consider root tabs in the future. Shocking I know (at least to me it is). Oh and I did find and order a moss shelf for the Subwassertang. It's, I think, even better than what I was looking at before. In this tank it will be a full corner shelf as it is 8" on either side- the tank is 8.25" deep. I think it will look super cool!
  3. Hello all! No pictures today though I've been meaning to. Recently got back from a road trip and the boys were left to their own devices for 4 days. They made it through just fine. I think Red is steadily improving day by day. I've still yet to see him swimming mid-water or down at the bottom of his tank but he is routinely away from the sides and just below the water surface - not at the very top as he has been in the beginning of this saga. White is just fine as he has been. While I'm steadily moving towards the big migration I ran into a thought snag today. I will NOT be able to move the CPDs to the 12 gallon bookshelf project- why? Temperature conflict. I was planning on keeping the tank from 79-80 and most of my reasearch is saying 80 degrees isn't great for them. @Guppysnail do you have any insight? I might have to get another tank- which is something I've tried to avoid but seems inevitable. I'd considered adding the CPD to another one of my tanks but because they are egg eaters I certainly will NOT put them in with my Otos and I'm not sure how Punk, The Bolivian would take to them hanging out in the Angry Man. My other 2 tanks aren't an option either (too hot, or already stocked to limit).
  4. @fish.addiction it should theoretically be ok to use the Kanaplex after the other meds. Maracyn should have helped but I've had better luck with Kanaplex. Because @BCGirl is in Canada, medication is hard to come by- often salt and Catappa are one of the few options. You can use the Epsom baths for your Betta's issue- just make sure it's not stressing him out too much, just 10-15 mins daily for 5-7 days as long as you see improvement. Sometimes it takes 2-3 rounds of Kanaplex but the popeye may not be gone, you should see reduction in the area- after that aquarium salt and lots of clean, clean water should help them heal the rest of the way.
  5. It's ok @fish.addiction this is actually one of the only forums I've come across you can ask a question without people getting bent out of shape over it. IAL is Indian Allmond Leaf or Catappa leaf. Welcome to the forum btw.
  6. Yes, this is what makes most of us so attached to the little Bettas, and why when they get sick (as they sadly often do) it's a bit more traumatic for us because of their very individual personalities. This is why before I swore them off but we know the end to that story. - But yes I think they very much want to get our attention and are very observant. This is why some people do Betta agility- they are trainable.
  7. @BCGirl sorry for the delay in reply, I was out of town. I'm very glad to see he got better in your last update- I've had a lot of good experiences with Kanaplex- and hopefully the 2nd round helps! Let us know how they are doing! 🙂
  8. @Patrick_G definitely a bio something going on! 😄 The peroxide worked well enough, I think I'll just keep doing it.
  9. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Parent Tank You know, you could look at the Parent Tank and see not one Otocinclus. There's a few places I look for them and usually do see a couple- mostly the pre-filter sponge and the regular sponge filter. There are a couple more. However I know what I'm looking for- most people walking by think it's the most boring tank I have. But that's because they don't have the opportunity to see them in the evening and early morning hours when they move the most. Short google video, the "moonlight" function is on, so there is some glare from ambient light, my apologies: https://photos.app.goo.gl/c1WAqTegbZLQRVkc9
  10. @Theplatymaster yes especially when you're dealing with a Nano variety and you have a good plant stock. My other 20 has all of my Otos in it (60+). People say smaller tanks are harder to keep, all of mine are 20 and under and I don't find that to be true at all. The only way they're harder is that I could put a WHOLE lot more species and numbers in a 125 so that's tempting lol
  11. @Theplatymaster I like the talls, I think it leaves quite a few options for top/middle/bottom dwelling fish without being too tight. The viewing space is satisfactory from the outside and you can put some tall plants in them.
  12. @Odd Duck complete experiment won't be done until I fill this tank but I did use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide on the mold today. It of course instantly fizzed and the mold is currently gone, for how long is of course yet to be seen- I will reapply as needed.
  13. Well and @sairvingand @Chick-In-Of-TheSea I'm wondering how much of a degree of difference it makes in the end. Would be an interesting experiment. I have some padded cushion envelopes my groceries get delivered in--they are silver, possibly mylar on the outside of them (they put ice packs inside). Maybe some day when I get the gumption I'll try it. In the end when it comes to these 2 Betta what I'm more unhappy about is that their tank isn't 79-80 degrees. As long as they stay in the 70s they'll live but probably not super happy about the conditions. Don't worry, just a bit longer. Hopefully now less than a month!
  14. Nah @Chick-In-Of-TheSea, I've got my IAL tea- but because I've got 3x QT running and 1 needs daily water changes and the other two every other day I run out of my gallons. I've added 3 more bottles today so I'll have more for next time. He doesn't really NEED a water change because all of the tanks are good. I just like to do weekly small ones. I look at it like changing sheets- is it needed? Not really, but it sure does feel good to get into them!
  15. Ouch! That really sucks! If I were in your shoes I'd treat this like a never cycled tank and look at it like a fish-in cycle. So, I would be doing more than 20% water changes every day until my numbers were stable again. With 1ppm Ammonia I'd probably do 50% as that goes down, at least 30-40% until it is back to zero. It's gonna be work but you shouldn't lose any stock. And the chemicals @Chick-In-Of-TheSea suggests are helpful, but if I remember correctly you have another tank? If you have a sponge or other filter from that tank you can use on this one, I'd do that.
  16. Welcome to the forum Trent, this is IMHO the best place to share in the hobby. We share knowledge, help and share journeys here. We also love pictures! 🙂
  17. @sairving they are a bit under 3 gallons. I am aware of the small heaters but I sadly have a couple of issues: 1. I've "cooked" fish with those before in my small QT so I'd rather them be a little cold- thankfully here it will only be temporary. but most importantly: 2. I have no more outlets! (I live in a small house with very few.) I have considered them, but logistically my house isn't capable- I'm already running power strips. I do appreciate the suggestion though!
  18. After the round just keep his water pristine and the salt/IAL coming. I've seen miracles just with that. Good luck @BCGirl
  19. Ok friend I would try a round or 2 of Kanaplex. Continue the IAL and Salt from this point forward. Personally I would never use the last 3. I've had experience with all 3 (paraguard seemed to do a little but ultimately there were better things, anything with "fix" hasn't fixed ANYTHING in my experience) and they did nothing- maybe even make things worse. Per my research since I wouldn't recommend them at all.
  20. Maintenance day so we say hello to our resident fishes... Today Koianu might have been upset about just getting a spot cleaning in his tank and not a full on water change, sorry buddy we're running low on water change water, next time. He flared for the camera, or at it anyway... He did seem to be presenting Sergeant (the Striped Nerite) to me. Is he blaming the snail for something? They say Tigers can't change their stripes...Sergeant seems to be doing just that with their new growth: Serket the GloBetta in the Flex is always front and center. Today along with my other Betta and Punk the Bolivian Ram got bloodworms today. She patiently waits at the top of the water for them when I'm there but absolutely PACES with madness when I'm feeding the others just next door. It's adorable. She's not afraid of my fingers at all. She's a very graceful and beautiful girl. This is after her tank got a water change: Punk the Bolivian Ram was brooding in his corner today. Waiting for me to finish tank maintenance. He's actually seemingly not a fan so he just mopes under the coconut house until it's over. I'm sorry Punk. OR MAYYYBBEEEE he was a bit mad about having new roommates? While messing around with the filter I saw some quick movements.....at least TWO MORE!! Can you all please stop breeding??! (2 short google videos below, the are the size of a Bacopa Leaf) https://photos.app.goo.gl/4aK5Pg7caobpkj1w8 https://photos.app.goo.gl/v1JLypTYYdRf154e7
  21. Small update. As we are in a holding pattern for the 12G bookshelf tank to be built my 2 Betta boys are doing pretty well. White Twintail Halfmoon is just living life in his tank. He's got nothing going on that I'm concerned about but for I'm not happy about having to leave him in a cooler tank for now. The weather has been especially cold and they room they are in can be one of the colder rooms in the house in the Winter (as it is the hottest in the Summer). It's been as cool ast 70 in the mornings- climbing to just over 75 at the best of times. I have a space heater on but it can only do so much- namely keeping the room from going below 70. He's a trooper though: Then we have Red Crowntail- same issue- tank isn't as warm as I'd like and maybe the cooler water can prevent further healing- the benefit is bacteria would have a harder time invading. Gotta look on the brightside- speaking of which he seems to be improving in small bits- I find him less and less up at the very very top of the water. He seems to be fairly routinely at least a quarter below surface. He also seems to be getting more coloring- INCLUDING some streaks of possible blue on his lower Crowntail fins- not able to capture that on film: @Minanora (saw you hit like but I'd hit submit too soon, there's more! 😄)
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