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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. I don't know how I do it either
  2. Well fish friends, so far so good!!! After spending the night in a breeder box in the Angry Man, new female Bolivian was released! She was NOT happy about having spent the night there but after she was let loose she colored back up quickly. She went right up to Punk and cornered him by the Angry Man. I've seen zero signs of aggression so far (of course it's still too early to tell), they are both picking up bits of food and spitting them out so they're comfortable enough to do that. Occassionally I'm seeing behavior I've never seen out of Punk, almost like a dance/swaying in the water. He'll sidled up to her. Neither of them have pecked at each other s far. As I type this little girl went middle water and up into plants, he shortly followed as if looking for her and found her and she went up to him. So far so good! It's been less than an hour I know so I'll be sitting here a while and when I can't occassionally stopping to check on them. Here is the video of her release, sorry it's dark: https://photos.app.goo.gl/m76UUS6ew6BshGZM9 Here are some lovely pictures of them together so far: Everybody, meet INDUSTRY! Hopefully she'll be Punk's lifelong mate! Cross your fingers for us!
  3. Punk was halfway up the tank being a middle-dweller this morning, which is what I hope to see him doing when I get his girlfriend this afternoon pretty shortly here since I still plan to put her in a floating breeder. It's always fun to see him in different, unexpected places: In preparation I have put in some black sand on the right side of the tank for Punk to play with. Always felt a little bad I didn't have any in there and hoping this positive addition will help with indroducing his new friend. I also flipped his food bowl upside down (would make a perfect place to put eggs if they ever feel so inclinded 😗☺️). Today was the day the Kuhlis got added to the Medieval Tank. Probably never to be seen again (as evidenced by their release) but that's ok, I know they are there. Here is a Google vid of their release: https://photos.app.goo.gl/AyGEK2euWx4vqKvG7 Valere was VERY curious about the newbies. Here is a screen shot of the only 1 of the 3 that stuck around in the open for just a few moments before also disappearing. Wondering if I should do something more for my Mystery snails. 2 of them look fantastic- shells perfectly smooth, the blue one which was not available for pictures looks a lot like his tankmate as far as shell health goes: The Gold Mystery not so much. Wondering if it's damage from falling/squeezing through or mating OR something that they are missing in nutrition. It has been the biggest and was rather large when I got them. There is crushed coral in the substrate now and even added a Wondershell and Cuttle bone. Little one was eating Repashy there. I'm keeping a close eye on them. Serket was caught eating and caught me watching her in the granite feeding "bowl": She has such a face for expression, like a tiny tank Pit Bull. Longfinned Pleco was front and center today: Invictus was looking mighty pretty this morning at feeding time: Annnd Punk. Awaiting the arrival of his girlfriend. We hope you like her Punk!
  4. Yes, I've done it when I added Serket to the Flex just to see how she'd react to others. Did it with Zaggi (Purple) too.
  5. Thank you very much, yes I'm aware that there are possibilities that this won't work out at all and I have contingency plans. Even if they won't co-habitate in the 20 now, the tank in the future is in the range of 180-190 gallons and there were already plans to have more Bolivians. I am also painfully aware that Bolivians like to pick their own partners (that's what "they" say), however, in my research so far there's still a good chance this will work as well. I watched this video today which was very helpful: I plan on putting her in a floating breeder possibly up to overnight when I get her tomorrow afternoon and observe for a while. See if Punk even notices. Just to see if that's a good way of introducing them even though I know he's more a bottom level dweller I've seen him come up when he is curious. My own experiment. (I'm like the guy in the video, I love being told I can't do something.) @nabokovfan87 thanks for that share! I think I've seen them before but forgot how awesome they are. Wouldn't that be a cool fish to have!
  6. I personally can't direct you as I am not in your position. Being able to see what's going on with the fish and your gut feelings has a lot to do with this decision. You have 10 days before you leave. If you personally feel he might have a chance, move him and treat with the meds. Continue trying to feed him. I have a feeling you will know quickly what direction you'd need to continue with. I'm very sorry for your predicament. ☹️
  7. Meh, don't beat yourself up, part of this hobby is learning ALL. THE. TIME. And your experience helps others learn good or bad. I'm not sure about covering the silicone myself, haven't tried so far. I'll tag some of our old schoolers and see if they have advice, @JettsPapa @Pepere @lefty o Others will hopefully help us out here!
  8. Hi @Ricky, welcome to the forum! Totally safe place to ask questions like this for sure. Hopefully others will pipe in. (as there are many ways to approach this) How old is the tank did you find that out? If you've done the water test and it seems fine, this is only what *I* would feel comfortable doing. I've only ever taken a VERY sharp razor blade and trimmed a minimal amount of silicone for cosmetic purposes. This is normally on a new Aqueon tank. Most of this could be covered by plants and other things (especially if you paint or cover the back in black) so you may not need to do anything at all!
  9. @redfish I totally agree, it's funny how "it depends" is just a thing in this hobby on EVERYTHING. I will definitely start small. Honestly I'd be happy with just a small trim to make it look a little neater- but if it is going to break the plant (which I don't really think it will, but again, "it depends") then I'd probably just pull it and plant it in a pot!
  10. I'm all for it. Eventually I want a scuba diver in my tank!
  11. @redfish totally good to know! I'm going to be doing some trimming this weekend for sure!
  12. Ok, I'm nerming out people. On a total whim I put it out to my local fish club that I was looking for a girl. Didn't think anything would come of it....this weekend, PUNK is getting a girlfriend!!! Here she is!: So, on the subject of sexing Bolivians. There has been discussion on the forum about fins and coloring and even face shape helping to determine sex. I am still standing on the information on this video, based entirely on vent size and shape: They are not easy animals to sex that is for sure. So in going on the above information I would like to say I'm 99% sure that Punk is a boy going JUST on the sex parts seen. Now if I were to go on his fins I'd probably say I had a girl. But, I don't think so- about to put my money where my mouth is. So based on info in the above video, small pointed vents are boys. This is what I see on Punk, it is always small, and always poiinted: THEN the forum member who is graciously selling me his female sent pics (they also said they were 90% sure they had a female, because again, it's really hard to sex them). According to the video the vent on the female is prominent and blunt. Well, not the best pic but clearly bigger than Punk's (sorry Punk! 😄): Forum member says it is very obvious in person. Girl or Boy, pretty sure I have the opposite of whatever Punk is! So hopefully soon we can see if they like each other and make pretty babies! Whatcha think Punk:
  13. Hmmm, probably still something they are eating but I'll tag @Colu and @Odd Duck
  14. @Pepere I think @Ronnie is avoiding moving the fish until the tank is cycled because the fish has already been through treatments/not done well and so avoiding stress. I agree fish in cycling doesn't have to be stressful if you're diligent but I understand why the fish hasn't been moved too- been through a lot already.
  15. Hi, the last picture seems like normal shaped poop to me. What are you feeding them? Red foods like blood worms, krill flakes and etc can produce poop that is also red or orange. If more than one guppy is doiing it then high likelyhood is it's coming from something you're feeding especially if they are all acting/eating normally.
  16. Aww I'm so sorry. That's either some sort of injury or a tumor I think. If it's an injury he may have an infection causing swelling and due to where it is probably causing him issues with eating. If it's a tumor there really is no helping him. Ragged fins could be an indication of a bacterial infection which could be what's causing swelling. AND/OR he's tail biting due to stress. I might dose his tank with a med that has anti-bacterial properties or in the abscense of that dosing his tank with aquarium salt to help. I would try to get him to eat ANYTHING. When a Betta of mine won't take a bloodworm then I know there is an issue. When Betta stops eating this is definitely cause for concern. Tagging others for help @Odd Duck @Colu
  17. Oh gads! NEVER leave the food where toddler can reach then! If she can get a siphon to work they can definitely "feed" the fish with the whole can! Did you put the fish in yet? Just checking that after you filled the tank it's still at 1ppm Nitrite (I'm assuming yes). If it were me- if the fish is in there definitely dose with something like Prime. If not, maybe add more cycled material if you can, maybe sprinkle some fish food for some ammonia to get that to go away.
  18. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea I have, twice. One time it got better and I did nothing. The other time the fish bloated (cannot confirm if same fish or not) and lost color so I QT and treated with Kanaplex and Epsom soaks. It passed. Never figured out why unfortunately. I left the one alone because it still ate despite having some issues moving around. It also retained color showing me it wasn't too stressed. I removed the other one because it was showing stress and struggling to eat.
  19. Wow! Awesome tanks! Great fish! Welcome to the forum! 🙂
  20. Everyone in QT in the Flex still doing good. I am kind of biting my nails about a couple of posts I've seen that Julii Cory tend to hide...that sucks because they are intended for the Parent Tank that I had hoped to liven up more with Corycat antics since my Otos and even new Pleco tend to just hide in. (I will mention that I haven't seen the 2nd Pleco in almost 2 weeks sadly I think it passed away somewhere in the tank- the other one is alive and well and getting bigger.) So far though the 3 Julii are super active in the Flex, constantly moving around. Granted they don't have a lot of places to hide in the Flex and that will not be true in the Parent Tank. Anyhow, saw the new Hillstream Loach along with the rest of the QT fish- this one's name we've decided is Dyson (to go along with Kirby): Speaking of Kirby, little one was out exploring the new tank this morning: Hopefully Kirby will like their new friend when they are added! My little Betta Invictus is always amazing me. He's so pretty and he's always excited to see me in the morning (I mean, food right?) He got 3 bloodworms today. And of course, Punk:
  21. @Odd Duck thanks for that. I'm going to try and trim so that at least the roots aren't touching the substrate and maybe a couple inches above and more manageable. That's approximately 1/4.
  22. Hi there @OrangeBlossom, welcome to the forum! We love stories and pictures here- we also enjoy to helping each other!
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