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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Hi! You have 3 Nerites and at least one of them is female. Those are Nerite eggs. Totally harmless, won't hatch. Hard to get off surfaces but eventually fade. Just call it tank glitter and a happy Nerite.
  2. Totally viable plan. I use pots and they work great. I don't grow a lot of red plants as they generally do better in high tech tanks, but you're going to do CO2 and I think the advantage to pots with the reds- they'll be closer to the light, which they also LOVE. Several of us use pots. Happens a lot in bare bottom tanks but also in tanks with substrate. I have a few in one of my tanks now, above gravel with eco complete and the plants are doing well. I totally encourage you to try it. @Guppysnail and @Odd Duck have this look in bare bottom tanks. Advantage: you can move the plants around easier too.
  3. Actually I think a few more of those sharks will be appropriate They'll finish off the extras in the tank anyway!
  4. @Guppysnail a quick google search says tap the share button at bottom of page then "add bookmark" to create a bookmark in iphone's safari browser. Further: If you save a bookmark to the favorites folder or choose the "add to favorites" option it'll appear in the favorites list when you open a new tab in safari. (I essentially just copied the first search result) I am iphone illiterate however great at GTS :-)
  5. @Flipper I'm using Android products (tablet and phone) so your mileage may vary
  6. Hi @Flipper so I can answer a couple of these. For the go to top, when you start to scroll you should see a symbol with an arrow head and line above it, hit that while you're scrolling and it will take you to the top of the page. It disappears when you are idle for a few seconds. (unfortunately there is no scroll to bottom!) To bookmark a page, probably best to just save it to your browser, when you are on the page you should have a star or bookmark type symbol (looks like a ribbon you'd get as an award in school), if you hit that it should save to your favorites and you click on the same symbol to the side of your browser search and will come up with the list. This is how I save the forum's main page if I close the browser but you can favorite any page. NOW as far as on the forum itself saving a specific page isn't something I think you can do (like page 4 of a 15 page journal) however you can of course follow that thread by clicking follow on the main page of the journal. I often find things I need by clicking forum activity and "my activity" and selecting from that menu.
  7. Hi, lighting kind of bad on the video, however looks like a "mustard" Betta of some sort (not as bright as typical) and the tail appears to be what they call a half moon Could be a chocolate Betta if the fish is as brown as it appears in the video. Really hard to tell. She's super pretty!
  8. Chickens eat chickens, pigs eat pigs, turkeys eat turkeys, it's how I justify eating them myself....
  9. The quick answer is yes you can. Betta are all very individual animals- each as if they are their own fish species. One that gets along with everyone could be one that harasses and/or eats a shrimp population OR doesn't even care. You have to be ok to try it and see. As you said babies could likely be eaten but given enough hiding spaces that fish can't get to, you never know!
  10. I did/do have issues with the Hygger 24/7 and believe it just runs for too long- though really lovely honestly- however I can think of very few situations where having this light on for so long wouldn't cause issues. The tank I run mine on is shallow and long- so this could easily cause a problem. I got rid of the version that sits right over the lid and got 2 bracket/rim lights from Hygger which sit up above higher. I tried the 24/7 on those too but have decided using the timer instead is better and cause less problems. I have the same rim light on a 7 gallon cube- also put on a timer function not the 24/7 mode. Bummer because on timer mode it ramps up and down but not in the same way as the dawn to dusk mode. For what it's worth they are still cool lights.
  11. @sankaz with my Betta I don't tend to have any or very, very little floating plants. They are surface breathers and well, they will fight with floating plants to get to the top to do this- this can cause damage.
  12. Well, I'm pretty amazed, I was able to spot all FIVE of the shrimp in the Medieval tank this last week at the same time! So Batman and Bruce Wayne are 2 different people! 🙃 3 smalls and 2 large. I'm assuming the 2 larger ones are females and the others males from what little I know of shrimp. Hoping that's the case because that seems like it might be a decent ratio for potential babies. I still have more work to do on the tank since removing the Subwassertang shelf. I put a little bit of the Subwassertang in the tank for the shrimp to play in. There has been some speculation about Wondershell so the experiment continues. When I added the shrimp there was one in there. It has disappeared/been used by the tank. So this last week I put in a new one. It at least so far doesn't seem to bother the shrimp thus far, and one of them was crawling all over it later. Time will tell I guess. Not seeing any signs of molting. Here I caught 3 in the frame. P.S. I have also spotted a couple in the Parent Tank!
  13. OTOCINCLUS VITATTUS: The Parent Tank Holding at 2 juvenile Otos in the tank. They are getting bigger, just under half the size of the young adults in the tank. They've got good round bellies. Not sure how much more spawning I will see in this tank since the addition of the Longfin Pleco, 7 Julii Cory and the 5 shrimp. Not sure they pose a threat to eggs laid on undersides of leaves but you never know. Here are a few pics of the 2 juvies:
  14. Welcome to the forum and back to the hobby!
  15. Variety. Dried daphnia, Hikari Betta, Xtreme Betta, Xtreme Krill, Fluval Bug Bits, ACO fry food. Also hand feed a few frozen bloodworms 1x a week.
  16. This weekend after some thought I decided to bulk up the Ember Tetra population in the Medieval Tank. There are 5 who came from the now decommissioned Flex9 and they seem much happier in the Medieval. I would like them to be even happier and I think with a boost to their numbers this could be achieved. So I got 4 more over the weekend and they are currently in QT, very pale but seem to be pretty healthy and coloring up slowly over the last few days: One big change in the Medieval: I removed the Subwassertang shelf. Since Valere is no longer there and it was for him I felt it would be ok to remove it. If there were no problems I would have left it however I've been having big hair algae issues with the Subwassertang and it looked terrible. Plus some of the floaters would get caught up in it. I may still use some in the Archway area but for now it's been pulled. It looks very sparse. I'm thinking of leaving plants out of that area because anything over there is getting a heavy infestation of algae- so maybe some hardscape like rock or wood. I don't know. Any ideas? Also the Monte Carlo- not really working out. It's also getting strangled by the hair algae. In the end it's the light mostly. I've been fertilizing and ACO liquid carbon'ing it and no good results (I've also used Reverse Respiration on a couple of plants but of course algae comes back because clearly I haven't solved the problem), I'm going to see if a dimmer switch I have will work but it's usually to the detriment of the light. The 2nd option may be getting something to partially cover the lid but it's going to look crappy. I want the full light on the left side- no issues there since the floaters cover, but I wasn't planning on letting the whole tank be covered by floaters. Maybe I should just give that a try and see if I hate it. Like I said, ideas are welcome! Here's what it looks like at the moment: Speaking of which I have 3 shrimp for sure that I've seen in the Medieval as well. Usually only seeing a couple at a time, today I saw 3 at one time! Whoohoo! I also finally saw 1 shrimp in the 20 gallon Parent tank! Here is my lovely shrimp collage the Parent tank Shrimp in the top left corner: Then this cute little guy or gal on the Arch: The 4 Nerites in the Accidental Foo Dog tank (yeah still haven't decided on the name) are doing well. Lost one of my Endlers sadly but 5 still chasing each other like there is no tomorrow- while Serket just kicks back. Pictured you'll see Little Red, and then BFG who moved in from the Flex9 along with a photo bomb here and there: Invictus doing well. Have some Red Root Floaters doing ok in the tank right now and slowwwwwly multiplying. Took a lot of his Dwarf Water Lettuce out this weekend so he can get to the surface in other places in the tank besides near his tunnel and feeding ring. Those often end up in the Angry Man where surface aggitation and humidity typically strangle them. LOL. I added a piece of Crypt Wendtii to his tank, it doesn't really stand out. I also added 2 pieces to the Medieval tank, same issue. Those were given to me by the keeper I traded the Flex9 to. They appear really healthy though- we'll see if they grow. My AR though, is not doing too bad for a low tech tank. It gets a little leggy but manages to keep its lower leaves and the top leaves are a pretty pink. This is the biggest I've ever seen it at about 3". I didn't think to take a pic. Lastly the inhabitants in the Angry Man doing well, the baby Black Neon growing nicely, it's so funny they are just little mini-me fish with the adults. Got a pic of them in the same position as the adult nearby, both jerking with their movements to stay in one place. It's comical. Punk is doing fine with Industry. She seems totally unbothered by him still and he still chases her but he's much more social and moves all over the tank now. Hopefully that means he's happy. He's very interactive with me. She doesn't care to interact with me at the glass- too busy finding food or things to chew and spit out. I do enjoy that behavior.
  17. Yes high probability, but I do really think it might be the Subbwassertang as the Neons occassionally suspiciously hang out in the dark corners with it. It's very well known for being good for fry and shrimp to hide from predators. The smallest of the ones I've discovered are always near it. Of course some of them may have been hatched in the marbles, they probably get picked off rather quick, Punk tends to hang out there during the day. It's his space. Yes, it's cool how nature takes care of the little ones. I occassionally feed all my tanks Cory's fry food, everyone seems to like it so I thought what could it hurt. I usually crush a lot of the flake I feed too. My fish are small so little mouths I'm sure appreciate smaller foods. Clearly I haven't a clue either, it just happens.....🤪
  18. So in all the hubub of Shrimp and trades with other fish keepers I was remiss in mentioning that I found yet another baby Black Neon Tetra. How does this even keep happening, lol. I imagine there were probably more but likely got eaten by the Bolivians or the Harlequins or their very parents. This little one is hanging out mostly at the top 1/4 of the water now as he's big enough not to be too harrassed. Here is a short google video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Gy7jaZck2pdJWj7E6 Here is the little one: So that's pretty cool. They are stupid cute. I've only see 2 shrimp still. Both in the Medieval Tank. No sign of them in the 20 gallong Parent Tank but that doesn't shock me. My long finned Albino Pleco is getting big and so stinking beautiful. Totally in love with it, thanks to @Guppysnail for making me like the long fins so much. I keep wanting to get a pic but they are good at hiding from the camera. Anyway here are the 2 shrimp I see.
  19. I have one and Hardness has always been on the harder side even before wondershell. But I admit to not using the liquid tests in many months. So long that I would just buy a new kit at this point
  20. I think high. The ACO aquarium strips don't have a color for whatever mine is 😬 Both tanks have plenty of oxygenation, the Parent tank has 1 HOB and 2 sponges. The Medieval has a sponge and airstone
  21. Oh yes, I always do this as I tend to find bladders that I throw back in the tank. I won't water change around shrimp if I can see them in the vicinity. I don't do large water changes but they aren't by any means "slow". I'll do a 1-2 gallon water change in the Medieval which is 13 gallons (not counting displacement with hardscape) and 2-3 gallons in the Parent tank which is 20 gallons (not counting displacement here either). Shrimp, as cool as they are, seem very sensitive.
  22. Doubtful. But I think in this case it's best not to expect anything based on my prior experience- if they survive I'll be pleased of course. It's usually after the 1st molt I lose them. I told the keeper my parameters, food and that there's wondershell in there- he didn't say anything- even after I told him all of that and that the shrimp are just going to die in my tanks 😞/😆 He seemed to think I could keep them alive this time. We'll see who is wrong, probably shortly. Not that I'll find the bodies!
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