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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. Well I didnt have any high expectations so I just did one squirt (recommended for 10 gallons) into a spray bottle that holds 33oz of water. So over dosing the bottle by a lot but it worked.
  2. Do you know what this art piece is called? I like it and I kind of want to get a print of it
  3. Unfortunately we cannot consume it. My snails won't even eat it, they'll use it for eggs tho.
  4. I would also like to add that good job to everyone who witnessed the multiple conversations and did not stoop down the that level. It shows how great of a community this is
  5. I want to grow some edible aquarium plants because why not. And ive found that duck weed, bacopa, and pennywort are the main ones. But bacopa seems like its the only one with flavor. Can anybody confirm its flavor of slight lemon? Does anybody know of any other truly aquatic and edible plants? I kind of want to grow strawberries emersed as a cool little farm for the fish but that's a whole different story.
  6. I havent done it to large pots but a few small ones. Its like those super satisfying toys that are like rocks in the sand that you "mine" out. I bet theres a bunch of YouTube videos on it too.
  7. Soak it with water and it should be easy to cut with a saw after that. Then smoothing edges with rough grit sand paper. Never heard of breaking it before.
  8. Yep, but hey snails and duck weed can also be pests. I think they look pretty cool in my opinion.
  9. Ive had them long before the mussel outbreak. I kinda wish I had some zebra muscles in a tank though, freshwater reef vibes
  10. I have no idea, im hoping theyre seeds. Im going to a lab with a few samples to see if I can use a microscope and a professor's help
  11. I looked in my tank to see some floating black pods hanging from some duck weed, after removing them, I see that theres hundred more at the bottom. I have no idea what these are. Tank info: parameters: 0 Ammonia, 0 nitrite, nitrate 10, dont know gh and kh, 5.5 gallons aquarium masters with bubble filter, receives 6 hours of light from finnex 16inch stingray inhabitants: 1 baby Senegal bichir (2 inches if being generous), 1 young female powder blue gourami, 1 2week old guppy (food for bichir but he won't hunt lol, 1 rams horn snail plants: pogostemon stellatus octopus, marimo moss ball, anubias nana, anubias nana petite, anubias congensis, rotalia indica, pearlweed, amazon sword, and flame moss. I dont know what they are nor where they're from. I did try (nothing attempted to eat it) to feed a (dead) crane fly and (mostly dead) mosquito today though, I dont know if that'll help Also half seem like they want to float while the other half are sunk. And they're super tiny and kind of sticky, when I used tweezers, they stuck to them and I had to scrape them off An identification would be great! And if these are harmful or harmless to fish, regardless, I will be removing them with a strong siphon. Edit: They're super sticky and I can't remove them using a siphon Another edit: they pop! Loudly too! yellow white liquid is inside.
  12. What would you recommend for a 3 inch piece of anubias? And do you think it would be able to be persuaded to grow in a circular manner using fishing line?
  13. Im going off to college in a few days and I am those types of people who doesnt do fake and plastic decorations. The only plastic decor I have is a vase made out of reused plastic. I want to have a little patch of anubias grown out of water as more of a house plant. Does anybody know a good method of doing this? Like is gravel better, or sand, or ceramic balls? Does it need a drainage hole? Should I mist it daily or just keep the roots in water? Etc. Etc. Any help would be appreciated! Something kind of like the photo but I want to grow in glass.
  14. First time I had this issue on the forum, but have had issues with it multiple times over email and other social media platforms. pronouns under the profile picture. With a lot of people using fish as a profile picture, it is impossible to tell what pronouns they use. Personally, I find it would be super helpful when referring other people.
  15. I wish I could like but im all out of reactions today 🙄 Have you had coco banana peanutbutter? Its like a small scoop of chocolate milk powder, a banana, milk for liquid consistency, ice(or freeze banana), and around a tablespoon of peanut butter. This my favorite as its more savory than sweet.
  16. Easy Green is a life saver. I got this Chinese tea tree for Christmas and it put out a bunch of flowers during the spring and then during the summer it went completely dormant and lost a good amount of leaves. That is until I started dosing my watering spray bottle with easy green. After two weeks, ive gotten tons of new growth, including 3 new flowers. I was worried I was going to kill this little tree, but easy green really saved my butt. 10/10 would recommend for house plants. 10/10 way better than the fertilizer that was included with the tree.
  17. I personally love it when my puffer flares his tail at me, its just a majestic sight with the bright yellow. One of the best feelings was having one of my anubias flower for me it stuck it out of the water and had such a bright white that I had to turn off the lights to see it close. One final thing would be the final dance between bettas right before they begin to embrace. With a male and female swimming in harmony and dancing with each other when normally they would be attacking each other is just bizarre and a wonderful experience I hope everyone experiences.
  18. To be completely honest, this sounds like a terrible idea. The goldfish would 100% get attacked in time, plus goldfish like the lower end of 70s but the puffer will like the higher end. Plus goldfish do wayyy better in an open space tank because of how clumsy they are, the puffer needs lots of sight breaks and hiding places in order to truly thrive. If you dont have the space and or time for a puffer tank, dont get one. Ive found them to need lots of attention and when they get frustrated, they take it out on the inhabitants and plants. And I wouldn't be concerned of the goldfish chocking on snails, I would be concerned of them eating sharp snail shell bits that the puffer would make from eating the snails.
  19. It depends on the female like what @Tihshho said. Ive had guppies that could only give birth and then die, other plop out dozens of batches, ranging from taking an hour to a couple days.
  20. We have a black berry problems and they've completely ridden their area of any plant life 😂
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