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Everything posted by Colu

  1. He's not got a lot of the symptoms I described other than being lethargic that could be caused by a bacterial infection parasitic infection is unlikely
  2. I would quarantine and treat with maracyn2 he's how you dose smaller tanks with maracyn2 @saminator0107
  3. The black marks are caused by ammonia looks like he has some pineconing with the lump and abscesses its had I would say it has an internal bacterial infections or it had an abscess that caused a secondary bacterial infection its possible two thing are going such as bacterial and parasitic infection clear poop can just mean it's not been eating and it's passing mucus lining any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly
  4. As long as you have no nitrite low nitrate good KH your water parameters are fine. i wouldn't add any new fish till the sick one fully recovered. what I would do is a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which every is more readily available. they are both broad spectrum antibiotic treatments. and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants and will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes. i would add an extra air stone during treatment as the medication will lower levels of desloved oxygen in the tank.
  5. With Redding to the edge that looks like an injury with possible secondary bacterial infections can you try and get a better picture and what's your nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature @saminator0107
  6. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH temperature
  7. Angelfish are fine at 77°F the temperature dropping to 68°F could be the cause
  8. First I would do epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder high levels of nitrates can effect the swim bladder I would aim to keep them below 40ppm @Jawjagrrl
  9. I wouldn't treat with kanaplex unless you see an active infection they could have been under fed or become weak to due to stress what I would do first is feed them twice a day with a mixture of live or frozen and pellets for a week to see if they put on weight if your not seeing any weight gain or they lose more weight then I would treat with levamisole once a week for 4 weeks @lmhicks101
  10. Nothing standing out what medication have treated the fish with to answer your original question as we don't no the cause what I would do is leave the tank with no fish for a minimum of 1 month and ghost feed the tank to keep your benefial bacteria going as most pathogens and parasites can't survive longer than 4 weeks without a host some parasites can remain dormant for long periods of time in the substrate I think that unlikely in your case
  11. You can't get antibiotic medications unless you see a vet anti-parasitic medication such as praziquantel levamisole and fenbendazole and flubendazole are readily available at LFS
  12. Am in the UK and get my medication off of eBay from the usa I have never had any issues
  13. Is these anything Sharpe in tank that could have cut his fins any Redding to the edges of the fins is he eating ok @AvoidablePie6778
  14. The reason I asked these questions is because multiple fish suffering from pineconing can have an environmental cause your water parameters are fine filtration fine substrate shouldn't cause any issues parasitic infections can cause pineconing in multiple fish when they have a heavy parasite burden if you haven't added anything in last couple of months that could have bought in parasites could be another factor such as stress did you notice any aggression from your female Bettas
  15. Do a large water change before starting the 5 day course of maracyn2 then on day six do another large water to remove the medication
  16. Over the last 20+ years have had a few diseases. ich bacterial infection secondary fungal infection on an injury and dropsy. with appropriate treatment I kept my loses to a minimum prevention better than cure a good well balanced diet stable water parameters plenty of live plants keeping your fish in an appropriate sized tank will lower stress and will help to keep disease outbreaks to a minimum. worse disease I had was a bacterial disease that only affected my tetras didn't respond to any medication I used had a high mortality rate killing 8 out of 12 of my tetras I think my other 4 develope some level of immunity to the disease which means they could be carries if I introduced new fish to there tank they could develop the disease and my other fish wouldn't be affected so they will live the rest of there lives in the same tank With no new fish added
  17. Betta do best with temperature of 80-82°f Herbal treatments act as a mild antiseptic treatment not effective at treating more serious bacterial infections I would do a course of maracyn active ingredient is erythromycin as you have it to hand and give an update after 7 days if your seeing no improvement i wouldn't use methylene blue in your main tank that will kill your benefial bacteria leading to ammonia and nitrite spikes I would only use methylene blue in a bath I would test more often during treatment
  18. Have you tested for ammonia and what's the temperature of your tank what's the active ingredient in the liquid bacterial remedy you treated with I wouldn't use pH up messing with pH can be stressful I would add some crushed coral to the substrate in his tank that will help to increase your KH and GH to help prevent swing in your pH @VioletT
  19. If your still seeing no signs of improvement and he's getting worse even after another course of maracyn you could try and get holed of one of the other antibiotic medication I mentioned if it gets to the point were you think he's suffering I would humanely euthanize with clove oil
  20. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature what filtration are you using what substrate is in the tank do you add water dechlorinator when doing @memorywrangler water changes
  21. If you have an active infection you what to dose following instructions on the box the co-op med trio is a preventive treatment
  22. What I would do is treat with Fritz expel p active ingredient is levamisole once a week for 4 weeks you could add a small amount of seachems garlic guard to his food to try and simulate his appetite
  23. Has it lossed weight
  24. With Popeye that can be caused by a number of things if it's only effecting one eye it more likely to be caused by an injury I couldn't rule out a bacterial component as you have done a course of maracyn2 and salt what I would do is a keep the aquarium salt at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for another week that will help to reduce fluid buildup in the eye you could also add some Indian almond along side Fritz betta water I would increase water changes and add some active carbon in case something leeching into the water from your substrate give an update in a week @Olivenewhope
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