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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Bottom 3 pictures are juvenile Cory's breed in his tank from his adult Cory I think they look similar to bronze Cory's
  2. With the symptoms your describing it could be a viral or bacterial infection what I would do is a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan it more effective treatment for more severe bacterial infection
  3. You can add a pump to the tubing and place it in a tub with hydrogen peroxide solution leave it running over night to sterilize your python hose that what I do with my tubing
  4. It sound like you have cyclops their nothing to worry about here's a picture to compare them to the ones in your tank @Any Huit
  5. As they don't have Ich I still think it would would be worth while treating all your fish with paracleanse in food I would also treat the sick fish in quarantine with a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex it treats gram negative and some gram positive bacteria you can treat the tank with kanaplex while using paracleanse in food @Tonyp814
  6. Looks like their might be two things going on it looks like your fish has ich some external parasites can cause over production of the slime coat first I would deal with ich and treat with ick x daily and do daily water changes and up the salt to 1 table for 3 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte Loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes remember to treat for three days after you see the last spots you could also do a course of paracleanse in food to cover all bases feeding a small amount twice a day for up to 21 days @Tonyp814
  7. the fact it's not eating and hiding I think it would be worth treating for internal parasites I would treat with a combination of Expel p and paracleanse week 1 Expel p water change then do a course of paracleanse week 2 Expel p water change week 3 Expel p water change paracleanse week 4 Expel p week 5 paracleanse the combination of Expel p and paracleanse will treat most types of commonly encountered parasites @TonyRs5
  8. The a couple of things that could be going on high levels of ammonia can damage fish's central nervous system causing uncoordinated swimming or swim bladder that can be caused bacterial infection of the swim bladder or by your fish over eating and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder or an injury to the swim bladder I would test your ammonia just in case something off you can try Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to relieve pressure on the swim bladder if it's injured it's swim bladder it's a case of wait and see sometimes they will improve over time or progressively get worse if it were a bacterial infection of the swim bladder it would have killed your fish by now so I think you can rule that one out more than likely injured swim bladder from what your describing @AnsleyBleu
  9. If it were parasites that could have been from adding new fish a couple of months ago not necessarily in last two weeks
  10. Melafix is just a mild antiseptic treatment I wouldn't recommend it a little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc have you added anything new to the tank recently any spitting food out flashing listlessness hanging near the surface and can you post a picture of the sick fish it will help with a diagnosis
  11. I little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc when did the the symptoms start have you added anything new to the tank recently @AnsleyBleu
  12. Bolivian rams are a very underrated Dwarf cichlid really colourful
  13. what I would do is daily 30-50% water changes till your ammonia and nitrites constantly stay at zero stress caused by the ammonia and nitrite even in small amount will affect your fish immune response during treatment it could be ich what I would do is monitor for a day or two if you see more spots on any of your fish then I would treat with ick x and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes @Minh
  14. As you have fake plants I would up the level of salt to one tablespoon for 3 gallons
  15. If you have live plants you want nitrates around 20 ppm as your plants will adsorb them test strips are ok they are less accurate I would always double check with a liquid test kit for ammonia you could add a Small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants and will add essential electrolytes and aid Gill function the color change on his back can be caused by ammonia burn or just natural color change he could have had ammonia burn at the shop you got him from water quality can causes erratic swimming pattern or behavior that why I recommended getting a liquid test kit for ammonia
  16. Is this what your seeing with your fish that looks more like fish waste to me in your picture
  17. Maracyn2 active ingredient is minocycline it treats gram negative and some gram positive bacteria metroplex active ingredient is metronidazole treats gram negative aeromonas bacteria and Hexamita the parasites linked to hole in the head disease it can be used to treat velvet it's less effective then copper based medication it's say you can use metronidazole to treat ich from what I have read it isn't a good medication for ich I wouldn't recommend using maracyn2 if your fish have pineconing that can be a sign of polycystic kidney disease or a kidney infection maracyn2 can impact the kidney when their not working at a 100% with dropsy link symptoms I usually recommend treating with kanaplex in food its a good antibiotic treatment for kidney infection that can cause fluid buildup aquarium salt added to the tank or Epsom salt baths to reduce the fluid buildup and metroplex to treat the tank as it treats aeromonas bacteria that can causes some of the symptoms associated with dropsy @FyaNyan
  18. When you say ammonia under 0.5 if theirs any ammonia even 0.2 it what could be irritating him causing erratic swimming pattern if your using test strips and they only test to 0.5 I would get an API liquid test kit for ammonia you want ammonia nitrite to be zero and nitrate be around 20 ppm
  19. Also you have to take into account whether your stand is rated to take the extra weight
  20. What is your nitrite and pH when you say your water is warm what is the exact temperature as to low a temperature can effect Betta's immune systems and leave them susceptible to secondary infection is he eating ok any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness spitting food out @Millie
  21. I wouldn't recommend using the med trio with levamisole just in case you get a negative interaction between the medication if you want to add levamisole to quarantine treatment than I would use it after you have done the med trio @Kelly S
  22. Colu

    Pleco scrape?

    Your water parameters and diet are fine With the symptoms your describing and damage to the fin I think it would be worth while doing a course of kanaplex with the weight loss I would follow up with a course of paracleanse repeat ever two weeks for a total of three course of paracleanse to treat any possible parasitic infection that could be causing the weight loss @Hally M.
  23. I haven't had any impact on my benefial bacteria when using levamisole praziquantel or metronidazole I can't give a 100% guarantee that it won't harm your benefial bacteria also if you notice your fish developing other symptoms such as sunken belly listlessness hanging near the surface rapid breathing alongside spitting food out than would start treatment @knittysmalls
  24. Sorry to hear he didn't make it
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