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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Salt is only removed by water changes so I would leave at 1 table spoon for 5 gallons for a week so if you do a 5 gallons water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in @BabyOB
  2. Welcome to the forum it looks like your Oscar could be stressed you could add some fake plants or live plants using the co-op easy planter to protect them to provide more cover
  3. Welcome to the forum sparkling gouramis are stunning in the right light
  4. Colu

    Bump on chin?

    If she eating ok and lump isn't growing I would just monitor till your finished treating columnaris if the lump starts to get bigger or get a redden appearance then give use an update I can't see anything to be overly concerned about @Jabberjaw
  5. Colu

    Fin rot?? help

    Looks like saproleniasis a type of fungal infection you can use methylene blue and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons start at 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and gradually increase it to 1 table spoon for 3 gallons or you can treat with ick X and aquarium salt both are effective treatment for this type of fungal infection @Mengo
  6. You a can do a dip 1g/liter for 10-40 second's or 2-10mg /liter bath for 30-60 minutes or 2mg/liter as an indefinite bath use once a week as over use can burn Gill tissue
  7. You could try Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to relieve pressure on the swim bladder
  8. @OnlyGenusCaps can you post a picture of the sick fish what symptoms are your fish displaying how long between first symptoms to your fish dieing what medication have you used and did you see any improvement with any of the medication you have treated with
  9. I agree with @OnlyGenusCaps that's a root that doesn't preclude a parasitic infections have you seen any these symptoms rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing spitting food out sunken belly @Cinnebuns
  10. Colu

    Med Trio

    Med trio is a preventive treatment to use during quarantine period if your fish have ich or bacterial infections treat following instructions on the box I wouldn't recommend using kanaplex with the med trio @CJs Aquatics
  11. I would work with what you already have and add a power head to your matten filter you can get UV under water lights you could place behind your matten filter I don't no how effective they are versus a build in UV steriliser @Beardedbillygoat1975
  12. Possible damage swim bladder that would explain the irregular swimming pattern as it's been going on for a month the damage might permanent @tetra
  13. It difficult to tell whether the spots are raised or flat he how you tell the difference between ich and epistylis if it's epistylis you want to treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as maracyn2 in food as kanaplex is poorly absorbed by the intestinal tract and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons if your not sure whether it's ich or epistylis you can do a combined treatment of maracyn2 in food and ick X and salt to cover all bases @Tonyp814
  14. I have seen these type of lumps before and they responded well when treated with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and Indian almond leaves @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  15. With the higher KH and GH I think nerite snails or Ramshorn snails would be a good choice over Otto's
  16. I Use Manzanita and bogwood with my bristlenose plecos and have used mopani in the past they seem like it all
  17. You want maracyn not maracyn oxy or maracyn2 if you have some aquarium salt to hand add 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and ick X and follow up with maracyn when it arrives
  18. I would definitely start treating with ick X straight away I have used it to treat a fungal infection and it didn't stain anything in my tank @Xr4tiCrew
  19. It's still could be a coincidence that this one has developed the same thing have you checked your tank to see if their is anything that could be injuring their noses causing these secondary fungal infections I would treat with maracyn and Ick X @Cinnebuns
  20. If it were nematode worms I would treat with Expel p once a week for 4 weeks you need to black out the tank for 24 HR during treatment as levamisole is a light sensitive medication I would also fast him it for a couple of days and add a small amount of Epsom salt to his quarantine tank 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help with possible intestinal obstruction Epsom will raise you GH @BabyOB
  21. Because of the amount of waste my adult bristlenose plecos and fry produce and the amount of food they consume that's why I do two 50% water changes a week to make sure I don't get any ammonia or nitrite spikes
  22. You can get nodules or masses present in the skin or muscle like this with encapsulated nematodes or it could be benign internal growth or suffering from an intestinal obstruction @BabyOB
  23. It a 50 gallon tank 15 x-ray and Columbian blue Tetra's and a couple of adult bristlenose plecos and lots of fry I do 50% water changes twice a week at the moment I add 5 ml of tropica premium liquid fertilizer after each water change and my nitrates get to 15-20 ppm before water change
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