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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @ScandiDefense he laughed at my previous use of a mirror, he definitely isn’t a parrot. Best technique I’ve found so far is a large net blocking half the aquarium and then switching sides with him. If there is no barrier, he will get to you.
  2. The most annoying thing my fish do is managing my Flowerhorns aggression while doing water changes/maintenance. I’ve been bitten and he has drawn blood. This was when he was only 4” or so, now he’s creeping up on 7” and it’s becoming increasingly more difficult. Still my favorite fish and wouldn’t trade him for the world, but it’s irritating to say the least.
  3. Should be fine. Congrats and enjoy the new home.
  4. @DansFish good to see you guys working together. Looking forward to seeing what blossoms from this collab.
  5. Just a heads up to everyone that ACO just became an affiliate for Dan’s Fish. Use promo code “AquariumCoop” for 5% off. This is a literal dream team for the hobby.
  6. @Desktop Aquatics when not trying to induce breeding, do you keep them in tap? Or do you supplement to soften your water?
  7. @Desktop Aquatics any updates on the species? How are they doing?
  8. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea It was supposed to until someone brought home Covid and now we all have it. At least the baby is ok though, so it could be worst.
  9. @Lennie Nope that was for a juvenile. Albinos are much more rare in these fish. I will say it is by far the prettiest in that aquarium.
  10. If you want to talk about expensive, I paid $50 for 1 albino Geo Pyrocephalus (actual scientific name for the red head).
  11. @svachon9 it’ll start up at whichever level of intensity you set it to. This was a huge perk for me as well.
  12. I’m in, I’m not far from Daytona. Thanks for your kindness.
  13. @Ben P. I’ve never bred them before. Some LFS may not care about collection points, but I would never frequent those places.
  14. @Ben P. personal experience. The aytinjo’s are my favorite by far.
  15. Lake aytinjo will be the deepest coloring. Very deep oranges (almost red) and blues so deep they’re black in some spots.
  16. @FLFishChik I just bought an AC 110 today from petco and if you pick up in store, it’s $72, then I had an extra $10 off so I paid $62 total.
  17. Toss them in their own 5 gallon buckets and slowly add 2 cups of the aquarium water every 10 mins or so. I’d also use an airstone. You could also float them with zip locs or fish store bags. If you have any variety of common goldfish, then you’ve got nothing to worry about, they’re as tough as nails.
  18. Collect a jar of water, sand, plants, etc from any clean waterways around you. There’s a few YouTubers that take you through the process. Seems quite interesting if you’re near water and it’s clean and not frozen. Just thinking outside the box a bit.
  19. @FLFishChik I’ve used BDBS before and although I love the looks when it’s clean, I hate it when it’s not. Unfortunately you can see all of the poop,food, mulm, etc. This didn’t really make me want to get rid of it. One day, Cory mentioned that although it could used, it could give (my goldfish) any sand sifters tiny mouth ulcers. This was the deciding factor in removing it. I did buy a small magnetic separator in order to remove anything unwanted, but it became too labor intensive, so I just use pool filter sand. I also know that the ACO trips to Peru illustrate how our substrate doesn’t need to be silky smooth. Personally, it’s more of an issue if the fish actively sifts the sand, more than anything else. Now for the record. I grew Val and dwarf sag with no issues. I popped in 2 ACO root tabs every 30-45 days and we were good to go. @nabokovfan87 I’m honestly surprised that there isn’t a go to brand for true black sand. Estes makes an excellent black sand, but it’s expensive.
  20. @Beardedbillygoat1975 would you suggest kribs with corys or just one or the other?
  21. @Beardedbillygoat1975 holy smokes thanks for the info. Would you say that other corydoras would need their eggs pulled? I’m thinking sterbai’s? I’m also heavily leaning towards some kribs. Problem is, I may need to leave the bottom of the aquarium unoccupied other than a bristlenose. This is for a 75, so Cory’s and some livebearers would work. Or kribensis and a pleco. Thoughts? Apisto’s would also be very cool, however I have hard water. I’m not sure they’ll spawn in my water. I definitely want to work with my water rather than against it.
  22. @nabokovfan87 I’m assuming that some species of corydoras eat their eggs at a slower pace than others? I’ve had panda’s breed in a community tank, but I only know that cuz 1 fry survived. Corydoras is an excellent idea! Hillstreams are a cool idea, but I believe if you are male heavy, you’re going to run into aggression issues, question is, how manageable is the aggression? I prefer a colony that doesn’t need males, eggs, or fry pulled. thanks for the input
  23. Looking forward to seeing this behemoth. @anewbie that is an excellent size, great job
  24. @Fish Folk beautiful fish, are those annuals? How do you think they’d fare in hard water?
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