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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Sounds like a cool setup. I would advice against the CPD’s, only because the swords are very boisterous and the CPD’s are the literal opposite so you will probably never see them or any of the shrimp.
  2. Anything under 10 gallons and I strictly stick to shrimp/betta/paradise fish. Too many factors can go wrong when heavily stocking a tiny aquarium.
  3. I’d say smell it, but repashy smells awful so that probably won’t tell you much. I wouldn’t risk it. I used to breed roaches as feeders for my tarantulas and it was super convenient to feed them anything that went bad for anyone else. Convenient little critters.
  4. You could have a glass shop custom make it for you, but for what they’d charge, I 100% agree with @nabokovfan87
  5. @quikv6 honestly, I would never have put that much mental effort into this. If you’re willing to pay for actual shipping which costs more then why not just order more goods to meet the $19.99 minimum, it just seems like a “6 in one hand, half dozen in the other” scenario. Obviously you can do whatever makes you happy, just remember this really gross inflation impacts everything. Good luck to you
  6. @badpotato39 5 star generals would be a really cool breeding pair for a 40. They’re predatory so you won’t be able to keep anything else in the tank with them, but they are super cool.
  7. @quikv6 personally, I’ve learned that after over 5 years shopping at the coop, everything happens for a reason. I trust that Cory is not here to rip anyone off. As a customer, I flow with their business model because every so often new products get released. Everything isn’t perfect, but I appreciate the testing that goes into each product from a hobbyists perspective. IMO, there is no better place for supplies and plants. I am also aware that we pay much less for shipping than the coop does. We aren’t charged full price so requesting a minimum purchase is logical. Personally, I’d much rather make a $20 purchase and pay $8.99 for shipping than make a $5.99 purchase and pay more for shipping than said product, it just doesn’t compute. Also, if you’d like to skip the shipping all together, you also have the retail partner option.
  8. @Mr Gumby seems like you have a cool experiment on your hands.
  9. It just doesn’t get more canary yellow than this. The photo is courtesy of Dans fish.
  10. @janicetan it’s so ironic, you buy your flowerhorn food from the US and I buy mine from Singapore.
  11. Give it time, it’ll get more obvious as time goes on. Males really color up when it’s time.
  12. @Corey Sharp personally, I always try to control the controllable, so I’d do the following if I were in your shoes. I’d skip the leak test completely and jump right into the reseal. I’d move it into the basement and reseal down there. Since it’s unfinished, I’m assuming it’ll be out of your way. Depending on temps down there, I’d let it sit for 30 days. This gives you time to research, acquire hard scape, blah blah. As far as suction cups, I know they definitely make the job easier, but if you can get 4 dudes to lift then you won’t need the suction cups. I resealed and lifted my 180 with my wife and 14 year old about a year ago. It wasn’t pleasant but you guys should be able to manange it if you wanted to save a few bucks. Good luck.
  13. @ArmandoNvs you can, but I wouldn’t. They zip around a ton so a 4’ tank would be fully used and appreciated. If you want to stick with rainbow fish, you can comfortably add Pseudomugil’s. They’re all pretty and their sparring dances are incredible. Pseudomugil mellis is pretty rare and expensive, but is gorgeous.
  14. 12 Melanotaenia ‘Kali Tawa’ 8 Chilatherina alleni ‘Wapoga’
  15. @ScandiDefense he laughed at my previous use of a mirror, he definitely isn’t a parrot. Best technique I’ve found so far is a large net blocking half the aquarium and then switching sides with him. If there is no barrier, he will get to you.
  16. The most annoying thing my fish do is managing my Flowerhorns aggression while doing water changes/maintenance. I’ve been bitten and he has drawn blood. This was when he was only 4” or so, now he’s creeping up on 7” and it’s becoming increasingly more difficult. Still my favorite fish and wouldn’t trade him for the world, but it’s irritating to say the least.
  17. Should be fine. Congrats and enjoy the new home.
  18. @DansFish good to see you guys working together. Looking forward to seeing what blossoms from this collab.
  19. Just a heads up to everyone that ACO just became an affiliate for Dan’s Fish. Use promo code “AquariumCoop” for 5% off. This is a literal dream team for the hobby.
  20. @Desktop Aquatics when not trying to induce breeding, do you keep them in tap? Or do you supplement to soften your water?
  21. @Desktop Aquatics any updates on the species? How are they doing?
  22. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea It was supposed to until someone brought home Covid and now we all have it. At least the baby is ok though, so it could be worst.
  23. @Lennie Nope that was for a juvenile. Albinos are much more rare in these fish. I will say it is by far the prettiest in that aquarium.
  24. If you want to talk about expensive, I paid $50 for 1 albino Geo Pyrocephalus (actual scientific name for the red head).
  25. @svachon9 it’ll start up at whichever level of intensity you set it to. This was a huge perk for me as well.
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