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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @werd339 if I were you, I’d send that guy back to the LFS and get yourself a bristlenose pleco. The pleco you currently have literally can get up to the size of a 10 gallon tank. If you’d want to keep it healthy and happy, I’d say a 125 gallon would be the lowest I’d go. Once you see the driftwood mess that they make besides the constant poop, a 125 will seem too small maintenance wise. It is a beautiful pleco, but if 30 gallons is your max then this species may not be in your future. Don’t be discouraged though, it’s happened to all of us.
  2. Ok perfect, so that is either a royal/watermelon/broken line pleco. Any of these will be primarily carnivores and they will munch away on any driftwood to the point that filtration will be of utmost importance. I had one for a couple of years and it looked like a sawdust factory most of the time. As far as bullying snails, I’ve personally have never seen it, but it doesn’t surprise me. If its diet isn’t met then it will do what it has to do in order to get a meal. PS that thing will get huge. Personally, I’d never shop at a store that points you in the wrong direction like this. What size aquarium is he in?
  3. Proper ID would greatly help your cause
  4. What are you feeding and how often?
  5. Personally I haven’t had any livebearer stabalize. I’ve had multies balance themselves out after a few years, but that’s about it.
  6. Endlers are great, but if you add a pair to a 10 gallon, it’ll be rather full in a couple of months tops. If that is something you don’t want to deal with, then I’d go all male endlers.
  7. You should be much more concerned with the footprint of the aquarium for that size pleco which will basically double or triple in size. I wouldn’t worry about growing algae because no amount of algae grown will suffice its feeding regimen. Also, if the tank is only a couple of weeks old then that may be why there’s no algae. I’d get it a much larger tank with a ton of hiding spots.
  8. This would assume that the food would know the size and species you are feeding. As someone that has been doing this for quite a while, you’ll learn to feed appropriately. You will mess up and overfeed and this will all be part of the lesson. I’ve learned you’re better off feeding too little than too much. Also are you feeding the fish or are you feeding the aquarium? All of this will factor in to the quantity of food fed.
  9. I’d bet the lack of dechlorinator was the root cause.
  10. @Mattyd123 they’re available on eBay under the same name. I was going to purchase those exact ones but didn’t know anyone that has had success until now. I’ll probably be ordering them next week. Thanks Personally, I’d keep the name as authentic as possible, but that’s just me.
  11. As large as you can, tractor supply sells stock tanks that are 110 and 300 gallon. 110 is adequate for your trio. Edit: I’m a dumb dumb, just realized you’re in Canada.
  12. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea there’s also a sea life aquarium in St Pete, I wonder if it’s the same people? I’ve been there a few times, nice little layout.
  13. @knee Did you ever receive the fish? If I were in your shoes, from this point forward, I’d schedule every delivery for pickup at the post office. It stinks that you’d have to do that, but it’s better than the stress of the worry.
  14. You should definitely buy it some buddies and start digging. Beautiful fish.
  15. I had them in a 40 breeder. I started with 2 males and 6 females, filtered by an aqua clear 70. Obviously they’d appreciate the larger footprint of a 55 or 75, but 40 is adequate. As long as you keep an eye out on your water parameters and the hierarchy, you’ll be ok.
  16. As a follow up, I tried all the suggestions and as it turns out, the dual outlet pump crapped out on 1 outlet. It seemed to be only have 1 functioning outlet. I contacted the coop and they have made it all better as they always do. Temporarily I have the new lift tube connected to another air pump and it’s rocking and rolling. Super impressive.
  17. Brichardi are some of my favorite fish, elegance with a touch of violence. You’ll have colony going in no time. Great fish, I used to have colony of Daffodil’s from Germany. Beauty of a fish and great personality.
  18. When dealing with male livebearers, keep in mind that the only things on their mind is food, poop, and reproduction. If you don’t get it some companions, it will deal with its needs how it sees fit. Welcome to livebearers.
  19. @GoofyGarra @Guppysnail I will be checking in on those small details when I get home from work and if it doesn’t work then I’ll post a video to YouTube and paste the link here. Thanks again
  20. Hello everyone, I just installed my first easy flow on a large ACO sponge in a 29. It’s being run by an ACO dual outlet pump. I’m not seeing much of a flow and I’m definitely not getting what I saw Cory get in his 40’s. I’m pretty sure I’m doing something wrong. I’m getting more of a dribble. Oh and I did remove the airstone. Any ideas? I would post a photo but I have no idea why it keeps showing up as a black photo. I have it hooked up with the curve at the top just slightly above the waterline. Thank you
  21. That seems like a ton of work for a less than practical daily maintenance style tank. Personally I’d buy a new one without hesitation. But if you’re going to go with a new 55 then why not go for a 75?
  22. @Mattlikesfish36 In my experience, you should always get the largest you can afford/have the space for. 99.9999% of the time you won’t regret going larger, but most regret going too small. I’ve kept shellies in a species only 75 gallon for quite a while and it works really well. However, recently I’ve moved a few things around and they’ve found themselves in a 40 breeder with some Staeck endless up top. This is by far my favorite set up for them. First then footprint of the tank is quite perfect having multiple territories. Secondly, keeping them with livebearers has felt like keeping a complete new species. They are always out of their shells, the babies rarely dart back into their shells, it feels like the busiest little village. I snapped this photo 30 seconds after lights came on, so the activity hasn’t yet begun, but within 5 mins, it is a very active tank. Edit: photo won’t post for some reason
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