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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. I keep an outdoor stock tank with 11 wakin goldfish that are very similar to comets. I’ve never had 1 jump out. I did find one on the floor once but that was my neighbors cat being a cat. Luckily I caught it in time and tossed it back in. The goldie lived and she never let her cat back out so win win. Indoors, evaporation will be your biggest issue.
  2. @Tony s i forgot axolotl, I’m in the same boat with a 3 year old. At that point, if I do take this plunge, it’ll be an expensive one cuz I’m in Florida and it’s freakin hot down here.
  3. @Pepere On second thought, cold states like Maine may make sense, but is it worth it for the limited amount of heat you guys get? Also the species will still be fine without it though. You almost can’t lose no matter what you choose.
  4. Unless it’s goldfish, koi, or saltwater, I’d never invest in a chiller. Doesn’t seem beneficial especially for the species listed above.
  5. I definitely would go shrimp. If you go with fish, be sure they are super nano, a white cloud would be really inhibited due to the lack of swimming room. I’d stay far away from them unless you had a regular 10 gallon. Those column tanks aren’t very popular for a reason, they’re limited in what you can stock it with.
  6. Do you have meds on hand? That is most definitely a parasite.
  7. Personally, I’d spring for another $10 or so and have a battery backup. It’s the one thing you’ll wish you had when you need it.
  8. I absolutely have to agree with @anewbie. Aqadvisor will give a very general idea of bioload which isn’t accurate, but what about space. A cluttered tank is just as stressful as a highly aggresive tank, imo. Also unless those are all male endlers then you’re going to have more fish than you’re going to know what to do with.
  9. There are far too many factors to place a number on it.
  10. Exactly that or some people will fill the tank with plants for immediate satisfaction. My vote is for what is stated above by @AllFishNoBrakes
  11. @Lonkley everyone’s different, I go through a gallon of water conditioner per year.
  12. Personally, I’d toss those cartridges and invest in either modifying the hob you have or just toss a sponge filter in there. With the money you’re spending on Dr Tim’s, you could have invested in a permanent solution. Those cartridges are the biggest scam in the industry. Well, betta water is up there too.
  13. No need for a wave maker, set your hob to high flow if it has that option. Other than that, anything extra is unnecessary and probably detrimental in the long run.
  14. @Airborne 82nd none taken as I don’t believe there is anything that you can do. I am in no way an authority, but I’ve seen enough live streams for the past 6 or so years to have heard this come up a bunch to no definitive answer.
  15. Your best bet is have a friend in the US mail some over. Other than that, I highly doubt any reputable business is going to break any laws.
  16. Inverts don’t react to fish meds as a traditional fish quarantine does. To my knowledge, best you can do is isolate it.
  17. @ohwhen I didn’t say you shouldn’t document it. I did say it was common.
  18. This is fairly common in the saltwater hobby.
  19. I’ve always like them but have never kept them. I’d imagine they’d do best with fast moving fish. They will probably be too much for more sedate species. A 75 with a school of 6-8 would look incredible and you’d get the most natural behaviors.
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