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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Sponge filters in opposite corners because it’s a wide tank.
  2. Let me pose a question, do you want to see multie fry? Or you just want to keep the individuals you have happy? Danios could work but they are so zippy you’ll probably see a lot of dashing into shells. I wouldn’t add Tiger barbs to anything but a species only. It seems cruel to house a nippy fish basically hovering on top of each of their homes, jmo.
  3. You could have dithers, endlers, guppies, platies, in a taller tank. In something that shallow, anything else you put in will get abused.
  4. I have hardwood floors and I can be a bit messy so I always keep a towel on the ground near the tank I’m working on. Other than that, you’re overthinking it. PS congrats on your new home.
  5. If the sponge you’re squeezing isn’t cycled then you’re just making a mess. You need a seeded sponge to do this with.
  6. I would stick to what you have. A Nicrew light would be a severe downgrade from what you already have. You may want to try either reducing the amount of time your light is on or you can experiment with floating plants. I would also toss some pothos hanging out of the top of the tank. This will also help with excess nutrients.
  7. The only way to seed a filter in 5 days is to squeeze a dirty sponge in that tank. There are no miracles in a bottle. The bottles may or may not help, a dirty sponge will work 100% of the time. Seems like an easy choice.
  8. Very true, I don’t see anything that really needs upgrading. Especially if it’s going to cost more.
  9. Same with pine tar soap, it’s all natural and will definitely work. Or you can complicate this and bring gloves into it.
  10. Did you add fish food or some sort of ammonia source to the bucket for the filter to process? If you didn’t then your filter is most likely not seeded any longer. As for what I would do, you don’t really have that much time to do all the necessary steps. A more experienced keeper may get by, but this isn’t your scenario. I would see if my LFS can watch the little guy while you’re gone, possibly have them medicate it as well. I’d ask and bring the meds you want dosed. Or you can purchase seeded sponges from the LFS or a hobbyist and then you will have a cycled tank. I’d go for option 2, but that’s up to you.
  11. These are all great ideas if you have a willing person to commit to maintenance. Or else, you’ll be in the same boat with same or various other issues.
  12. Lampeye kilifish would be awesome. Killifish jump, but I believe these do not. You can probably do 6 in there. I wouldn’t add much else though.
  13. I would add plants on Day 1, I’d also stay away from bacteria in a bottle. If you’re going to add snails or small fish, then skip the ammonia bottle as well. These just help complicate things.
  14. If there is no one willing to commit then you’re fighting a loosing battle. There is no quick fix. Either they commit or they have to deal with an eye sore.
  15. Buy the filter you’re going to use. A sponge filter never hurt nobody so I’d add one regardless.
  16. @Whitecloud09 is not wrong, it is almost impossible for this to happen. However, if you’ve ever felt the stem of a Java fern, it’s hard and to scale could be just hard enough that it almost acts as decor if swam into. I guess we all learned something today. 😎
  17. 100% agreed with the above, I thought we we talking a minimum 40 gallon.
  18. Agreed with @Jovius Do you want to pull it out in 1 piece or is breaking it an option? If salvaging is required, then patiently prying and a super long handle razor blade holder will do the trick. If breaking it is acceptable, then be less patient. Either way, keep the blade at least 4” from your seams, this way you have some leeway if you slip. Good luck
  19. You’re going to have to post a photo, it’s a literal guessing game as to what you’re trying to do.
  20. 8 hours is a very long time for a light to be on a newly planted aquarium. The plants you have are all slow growers so you’re going to see an excess of nutrients pop up. I usually start my lights at (2) 4 hour siesta light periods. However, I have built it up to that. I’d imagine you’re going to see a ton of algae. The brown moss is basically dead moss via light burns most likely.
  21. Personally I’d replace the aquarium. If it’s that old then you got your moneys worth and not worth the extra hassle for a brand new $150 75 gallon. Although, I purchased a new 75 last week and with the 50% off I paid $73, which is less than I’ve ever paid for a 75. Not sure if it was a glitch, but even at the $150 I still value in purchasing new. Either way you can’t go wrong.
  22. That Java fern should be dubbed the samurai.
  23. @Tony s that’s what I did and my hobby has improved dramatically.
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