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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @Little Guys that is too broad a statement. Some species will get best results over dark substrate while others do best over light substrate. For example, melanotaenia look best over dark substrate. If they live over light substrate, they wash out. However, neolamprologus multifasciatus look best over light substrate. When placed over dark substrate, they will begin to look more like neolamprologus similis. To the untrained eye that doesn’t know about the collar stripe, it most certainly would not be in its best dress. Cater to the species, simple.
  2. You’re playing with fire putting any livebearers other than endlers in anything less than 10 gallons. IMO, this is for the very experienced.
  3. Continue feeding, just feed less. Less food sitting around means less food for snails.
  4. Silicone will need time to cure. I wouldn’t add it to water unless it’s cured out of water for at least 24 hours.
  5. You’re overthinking the food aspect. Fish can go weeks without food.
  6. If you’ve seen baby snails, I’d assume there are definitely eggs in there somewhere, feed less and it’ll fix itself.
  7. Not sure if you can create your own strain of neon tetra although anything is possible. Neon tetras have had the quality be out of them it seems. If I were to buy neons or cardinals, I’d only buy them at Dans fish. He has the best quality fish especially neons, cardinals, and livebearers.
  8. Is it in water? If so, then it’s probably preggo.
  9. I would discontinue feeding while you’re away. 5 days is no big deal without being fed. They’ll still eat stuff in the aquariums so I wouldn’t even think about it for 5 days. If the raspboras look healthy, I’d add them to the main tank. With that said, I have the patience of a monument with everything except quarantine. I’m always an itch away from tossing them in their new home. This has gone great and it also has gone terrible. What we do know is that your main aquarium is much more stable than the quarantine so I would add them a couple of days before you leave, so you can monitor them. Good luck
  10. @ktk4beees I hope you’re feeling better physically. Cool thing about this scenario is that we have another day to figure it out. Keeps it interesting. Also I don’t think it’s fair to you to negotiate your pain for water changes. Take care of yourself and definitely don’t be so hard on yourself. Somehow, metaphorically I think your fish understand and love you.
  11. @Chad that’s just smart. No one likes to go home to a raw omelet in a bag.
  12. @Chad I was in the supermarket today and a lady in front of me told me she had decision paralysis over egg shopping. I was so confused. I say this, to say, every consumer is different and being the wise consumer you are, you can get perplexed at some of the reviews and purchases. Please whatever you do, don’t get decision paralysis when egg shopping because secretly everyone behind you is judging you. 😎
  13. Sounds like the Molly is being romantic, I’d either get it some friends or rehome. If yo do get some Molly friends, just be aware that you can be overrun with fry although angels are truly snipers when it comes to picking off fry.
  14. @Chad totally agreed, however when customers don’t reach out when there’s an issue and just leave a review, there’s really nothing that can be done. There is no appropriate asterisk you can place near reviews that the business owner finds unfair or unsavory. It’s just part of business.
  15. Im sure not every 1 star review is because of owner error. Products can be faulty, sent wrong, etc. Most people will only report negative reviews and never positive ones, however this is just human nature and no different than any other company on the planet.
  16. I have a 300 gallon stock tank with 10 wakin goldies, assorted platies, and some endlers that somehow got in there. As for tank mates, personally I’d stick with smaller livebearers. The Goldie’s can pick off fry or even give chase for some mental stimulation. Now as for a 55, I would be a bit cautious because it is quite narrow. With that said, if I absolutely had to, I’d put 2 in there but it’s pushing it. They get large and the filtration requirement can get intense if you skip a water change or 2. Good luck, school aquariums are amazing.
  17. @NOLANANO this may be the most regulated forum I’ve ever been a part of.
  18. @quikv6 good thing you walked away, the amount of glass bashing those guys do in small quarters will be an eventual tank buster.
  19. Are you really surprised that the internet has a bunch of false info? Go look up anything long enough and you’ll find nonsense. Stick to the sites listed above and you’ll scratch your head much less.
  20. @Schuyler agreed, however there’s nothing like real world experience from a fellow hobbyist.
  21. @JosiahBass AI is just an accumulation of all the info that’s out there. My more you search the more you’ll find horrid care sheets. I would steer clear completely. I’d become a member of monster fish keepers, those guys will definitely be able to help you out.
  22. @johnnyxxl you are correct, however you can buy from dans fish and get the very best quality. In the end, it’s all preference.
  23. Because everyone has their own preference.
  24. Agreed with everything @Tony s is saying. ps I wanted that free shipping so bad, but I ended up falling asleep 5 minutes before he announced the winner.
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