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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. As mentioned, you have super hard water. Personally I’d use that to my advantage and load up on hard water species. Lake Tangyanika has some incredible species. Although, you could keep basically anything in there. As @Tony s mentioned, acquire locally for best results.
  2. @lefty o that’s insane. Gars do not play. This may be the best thing I’ve heard all week. Respect
  3. @AtomicSunfish Cichlids will definitely cichlid.
  4. I also will sometimes brush up against my flower horn, but for the most part, there is no benefit to the fish. If you are compelled to pet something, you may want to try a different pet.
  5. Those cod’s are not going to eat with Kali Tawa’s and rummynose tetras in there. These are not shy fish, unlike the cpd’s and possibly even the gourami.
  6. Impossible, those angels will snipe any food that hits that water. They’ll toss those guppies out of the way in no time.
  7. If money is no object, get an fx6, you won’t regret it. There are ways to minimize flow. Especially with an Oscar and a pleco, you should be fine. I would use the spray bar as a must.
  8. Personally, I think there’s too many factors that can go wrong and be discouraging to the vast majority of begginers. If you like then do it because at the very least it’s an experiment that you can learn from.
  9. @beastie my guess is that the golds have been highly overbred. I’ve seen the same thing with my golds, some I call strawberries. However, my guess on this other line is like comparing apples to oranges. Also, looks good enough is very subjective.
  10. When you say nitrifying bacteria, I’m assuming you’re talking about bacteria in a bottle? If so, do you add it every time you do a water change? In a heavily planted tank, I don’t understand the logic.
  11. I run a large uv sterilizer on my goldfish pond and only have positive things to say about it. I think it’s probably something else.
  12. @Tony s Neolamprologus sexfasciatus, the spelling may be off. I also second the rare kribensis colony.
  13. Sounds good, be sure to have a ton of rock work from them to call home. If you more than a pair, I’d make very specific rock work territories. Super cool species and do your research because some stay smaller and are a bit calmer, while others are larger and can go looney.
  14. @Ryan1988 I have 5 geophagus Sveni, they get large and aren’t as docile as most think a geophagus can be. If you end up with 2 males, you’ll have issues. If they end up being male/female then your acara will have issues. They obtain length of 10” so I’d probably leave them out of this tank. They also do best in groups.
  15. @Mikon77 Dans fish shipping is usually $40, not sure why it would say $60 for you. If you stick around in the hobby long enough, you’ll learn that you get what you pay for.
  16. Brichardi are known as the brichardi death squad because a pair will form and they systematically murder everything else in the tank. I have a 75 gallon filled with daffodil and it they were all spawned from a pair.
  17. @PluckyD I’ve wondered the same thing. I’ve been tempted to buy them simply because they come from aquarium glaser, but never pulled the trigger.
  18. Ron’s insect mix is far superior to any insect chow on the market. It utilizes 5 different insects rather than 1-2. My fish go bananas for it.
  19. You can do whatever you like, but as far as stocking goes, your hang on back is plenty. Personally I would move my filters and wave makers around the minimize dead spots. You can also add some corydoras or plecos that will kick up any detritus in their area making it easier for the filter to pick up. I’d also make a quick gravel vac part of my weekly routine. This seems like the path of least resistance. Also not sure of the direction of the water, but that large driftwood can and will slow down flow dramatically.
  20. @bryanisag I would think more along the lines of giving them away to a good home. If you try selling it, you’ll most likely just end up with a pet convict.
  21. If I was a betting man, I’d go with genetics being the biggest factor. Your best bet for quality livebearers is dans fish. It’s not the only place, but it’s a good start.
  22. @oogabooga it doesn’t really matter the time, you will consistently have issues with any fish you keep if they don’t feel safe. Please remember stress leads to sick fish.
  23. I’m pretty sure they’re looking into the Kali Tawa’s, although Odessa’s with them would be super cool. Personally, I prefer species only, but that would make a cool combo.
  24. @knee if it solves the illness issues, then it’s worth the wait. Not ideal being you just escaped, but we live and learn.
  25. @Sartor I can give you a few places if you’d like. Pm me
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