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  1. @Mmiller2001, I watched a BRS video (below) about their heater elements. Interestingly, they recommend replacing the Inkbird controllers as well as the heating elements, while also mentioning the 3 year warranty on the elements.
  2. @Mmiller2001, I posted a question to Cory two livestreams ago about how much wattage I should have for my tank - 76 degrees, hundred gallons, house gets into the high 50 degree range in the winter. He said 100 watts should do it with the tank covered. I am interested in the heater you recommended, with the Inkbird controller. I think I will start with a single 100 watt heater and see how the tank does - I can have another 100 watt heater on hand and can add it in the winter if the tank is not maintaining temperature. Since the controller is external to the heating element, do you think flow around the heater is an issue? My tank will be what I will call low to medium flow. By the way, I looked at your journal - beautiful tanks! Love the planting!
  3. @Mmiller2001, with this heater would you get two 100 watt heaters or a single 200 watt heater? I guess I am asking how much you trust the heater since I would prefer a single heating element but would do two for safety sake. @doktor zhivago, really good point that reviews of products are not balanced, since those of us that are unhappy are more motivated to make a report.
  4. I feel discouraged by the state of aquarium heaters. Even the Inkbird controllers get panned by a number of owners. Oh well. This is the world we live in.
  5. Thanks, @T. Payne - great suggestion. I had looked at the Helio PTC heaters - they use a different heating source and apparently are safer and come with a built-in controller and temp probe - they are also very expensive (e.g., $160 for a 200 watt heater). The heating element is titanium and I don't love the look of a metal tube in the tank.
  6. I need to get a 200 watt heater for a 100 gallon tank I will be setting up. I would have gotten the ACO heater but sadly .... Do any of you have recommendations of heaters you trust?
  7. Thank you, all, for your suggestions! I have a wealth of options thanks to you.
  8. @Galabar, thanks for the suggestion!
  9. @nabokovfan87, thank you! I appreciate your help (again!)!
  10. Hi - I have plastic uptake tubes from Lees Premium https://leesaqpet.com/index.php/shop/aquatic/under-gravel-filters-ugf/premium-ugfs/under-gravel-filter,-premium,-70-90-gallon-detail - I want to shorten these and am wondering how to cut the tubes - Have any of you done this? I would appreciate guidance. Thank you in advance.
  11. Thank you, both @GoofyGarra and @lefty o for your very helpful words!
  12. Does anyone have experience with panda garras kept with guppies or platies? Do the garras go after the babies? Can the panda garra be successfully kept with amano shrimp? Thanks!
  13. I have a medium sponge filter I have been running for several months. My water is GH is off the chart when using the ACO test strips. My buffer is 120. I am running a very strong air pump that pushes a fair amount of water and air through the uplift tube even when 4 to 6 inches of tube is above the water surface during water changes. I wonder if the strength of the air flow makes any difference on keeping the air flow collar on the Easy Flow uplift tube working?
  14. @Pepere, thanks for this information and for letting me know about your encouraging experience!
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