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  1. @JE47 and @Justnotrook, is there something to do if it becomes an infestation? Thanks for your responses.
  2. Hi! I was wondering if any of you may be able to ID this teeny snail - 2 mm in length perhaps. I think it came with some Aquarium Coop plants. Seems to be multiplying. Thanks!
  3. @apleiadean42, I hope you are recovering well from your surgery. Not the most fun road. have frogbit in an aquarium as well as an outside fountain. If you have an outdoor water feature, you could consider relocating some of the frogbit there. I live in Los Angeles so the temperatures in the Winter should be tolerable.
  4. @knee, that is great! It is a sweet little flower. Enjoy!
  5. It is a sweet sight to see a bunch of colorful guppies mobbing an algae wafer to some Repashy!
  6. I have been a cichlid person for many years but am now trying my hand at guppies. They have personality and color and react well to what is happening in my tank and outside. I also appreciate the vacation from the aggression I have experienced with cichlids. .
  7. @lefty o, perhaps this tank has reached the "seasoned" phase Cory talks about. I think use of Easy Potassium has helped a lot with my Anubias and Java Fern.
  8. I am sure this is not unusual others, but I just had my 1st underwater flower. It made me happy so I thought I would share. 🙂 for
  9. @Mmiller2001, thanks! Those words are very welcome. I set up one tank with plants planted in pots with root tabs in the rock wool so that the plants could have a good start while I waited for the substrate to be enriched by fish poop (image below - tank is about 7 weeks old now). I have 2 more tanks I want to set up with under gravel filters and am contemplating a light bioload for a while. I was concerned they would not get the necessary nutrients from fish waste. Therefore, it is good to know the Easy Green will reach the plant roots. All the tanks will have CO2.
  10. @Pepere, I hope the Easy Green fertilizer has some ability to fertilize at the root level since it is being pulled through the substrate. Do you have any thoughts about that? I appreciate your sharing your knowledge and thoughts.
  11. Welcome! Good to have you here. Nice looking crypts!!
  12. Welome. I hope you have a rich and fun experience with your aquarium.
  13. Do you know if Easy Root Tabs can be used with an undergravel filter? I have 3 inches of gravel. Gravel is 3 to 9 mm in size. Thanks!
  14. @Retrophyllum_minus, welcome to the forum! I appreciated your photos!
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