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  1. Since it’s about two years later, if they hatched, how are they doing? I would love to see an update.
  2. No way to avoid it. I once ruined a whole new shirt with some.
  3. Yes. I use it all the time and I never had any issues.
  4. Sounds good to me. There are always types of freshwater eels, too. But since it’s 90 gallons, you can’t fit many well known predatory fish in there. You could maybe do some young vampire tetras, yet they will 100% outgrow the tank. All I would do is go to a local predatory/exotic freshwater fish store near you and check out their recommendations.
  5. Just aquascaped some of this 5 gallon I got on sale, I plan on it being walstad. I was originally planning to give it to a close friend, but he didn’t have room for it. So I just donated it to the library. I will be getting the hygger clip on plant light and start planting soon. I quite like the spider wood, and I will probably get another small piece to kinda make an arch-like shape. This will be a shrimp tank for some nice high grade black panda shrimp. I will also make some infographics to help people understand proper husbandry and tank setups, since I see a lot of people in the area putting bettas in goldfish in small bowls. Let’s just hope this scape turns out good.
  6. Just planted some clippings of alternanthera.
  7. Thanks for the advice! I will definitely add some cabomba and Ludwigia in as I have had a lot of luck with those. Just looked it up, looks like I can grab some alternanthera from the 5.5 gallon and plant it in the biotope, since it is in the area.
  8. I have my 5.5 gallon that I absolutely love, but I’m wondering what your favorite fish tank you own is?
  9. I use mystery snails to usually get rid of hydra, but some can be slackers. One mystery snail I’ve grown so attached to, I named it Larry, is always the lazy one of the batch. He did crawl out of his tank once, and since the tank is right next to my bed, he decided to go towards my face. Before I knew it, I woke up to discover I had a mystery snail in my face. But yeah, mystery snails can definitely get the job done.
  10. Just looking for some nice aquarium plants in the Amazon, I already have a huge Amazon sword in the tank, and I will probably put some water lettuce in, but are there any aquatic plants from the Amazon you know of? (By the Amazon I mean Amazon basins, but anything within the area of that.)
  11. I was wondering if there are any good replacement plant lights for the Marineland 5 gallon? I’m getting one Friday, and I’m looking at replacing its normal light with a hygger 24/7 clip on light, since I use their 24/7 plant lights a lot. But I’m not sure if the light might be too powerful for the tank.
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