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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. lots of good bacteria in that substrate. have no fear swapping filters out. best to give it a couple days running both, but with substrate holding all that good bacteria, it will be fine even if you just pulled one and put on the other with no over lap.
  2. you have a good plan. some plants might melt back on you, but they should not die.
  3. any substrate or hardscape in the tank? if so, you can probably just do a swap. take one off, put one on. if it were mine, id add the canister, and let them both run for a few days. 3 days will give the bacteria more than enough time to colonize the canister.
  4. they might pick at it.
  5. a good blob of silicone would probably work fairly well. ive always just used slate with a drywall screw myself.
  6. egg yolk and brine shrimp are great, but theyll eat anything you can crush up into powder.
  7. some pieces just dont like to sink, no matter how long they soak. best bet is to screw it to a piece of slate, hold it down with a rock, etc. ive never noticed boiling to make a chunk of wood sink faster. it just takes time for the water to penetrate the wood, and water log it. .
  8. they can be, however it is crucial you only bury the roots, and not the rhizome. easiest way if they are small, is to glue them to a small rock that wont protrude up too much from the substrate, but will keep the rhizome above the substrate. over time the anubia's will spread out on their own along the substrate. close to 40% of my 120 is covered in anubia on the substrate
  9. i like a natural river run gravel, maybe a tad darker than yours. it still shows the mess but not as bad as lighter. conversely many years ago i did a tank with all black gravel, that shows everything bad, so i learned with colored gravels i tend to mix 2 colors. dark and darker. for me thats usually a dark blue, with 25-30% black mixed in. the mixed colors hides issues much better than single solid colors.
  10. using it frozen without vac sealing, just use it up in a week or two. i dont know if its better or worse than any other food, but it is another option. if you already have a couple of types, when you use one up and its time to buy more , then maybe try repashy, or else you run the risk of going down the rabbit hole like most of us have, and have dozens of different fish foods. a little variety is good, but too many becomes an expensive collection.
  11. i dont think you need a net for each tank, but you should have several, and allow them to completely dry between uses. a hot water rinse now and then is good too, but them drying out completely will kill off about any aquatic parasite.
  12. im sure you lost a small percentage of BB, but with the old substrate, and filter, no problems. i myself would have the fish back in same day. as long as you dont add a bunch of new fish, it'll be fine.
  13. you can use any of the options. this whole water softener thing is so way over blown its rediculous. you get trace amounts of salt in the water from a water softener. it wont harm the fish , or the plants. the real question that should be considered is, do your fish prefer hard or soft water. if the fish you have/choose prefer hard water, hit the bypass on the softener, and let the tap run for a minute to clear the line. if soft water, use it how it comes out of the tap.
  14. you could go with a larger one, and that would probably work. my take on filters is that i personally prefer to have a filter (of any type) in each or corner , or each half of the tank. that way i get better circulation. my method may or may not filter better, but it does get better circulation in the tank which i believe helps the filters do their job.
  15. amano shrimp dont really need heat, so id not worry there. in a heavily planted tank it is very likely they are getting a good amount of their food off the surfaces of the tank, and along that line you are probably correct in assuming they like to eat biofilm off the heater. if these amano's are fairly young yet, they might be a little timid, but once they get some age on them, they will become bolder and more readily go after food.
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