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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. i want to know how you count them??? i have a hard enough time with a couple dozen guppies.
  2. nerite herpes. that is the work of a female nerite snail.
  3. im not an angelfish person myself, but because of their finnage i would suggest a 29 as a minimum as it gives them some height for their fins.
  4. absolutely, they dont exist in the wild in what fish keepers consider the environment they should be in.
  5. living in a glass box isnt ideal either.
  6. carbon will likely help reduce it, or a few water changes.
  7. actually, cory's really do fine on gravel. only concern would be if it had sharp edges, which most aquarium gravel doesnt.
  8. hot water, and some vinegar. scrub it out good, rinse a couple times, and should be good.
  9. if they are out, they are fine on their own. as for the lfs, call and ask them how big they like them.
  10. if its the clown pleco eating on it, he's really hungry. clown's like to eat wood, they not to not be big eaters of algae, and plants.
  11. without seeing it, staghorn would also be my first guess.
  12. 3", no way. even if you could manage, you would be hating it very fast.
  13. welcome to the forum. good place to learn things.
  14. just as a baseline for any shrimp, (im no expert either) get the tank up and running, add some plants, and toss in a snail or three, and let it run for a few months.
  15. thats about what my tanks run. i currently keep guppies, neon tetras, cpd's, harlequin rasboras, bristlenose pleco's, pygmy cory's, bronze cory's, strawberry rasbora's. probably a couple other im not thinking of.
  16. over time a clown loach will get too big for a 20. if you desire a loach, id pick one that doesnt get so large.
  17. super glue gel has to be the easiest way to anchor rhizome plants. put a dab or three where you want the plants, and press the roots into the glue, then stick it back in the tank. alternatively one can use thread and tie it to an object.
  18. well planted 10 gallon, id go for a bunch of ember tetra's. can have a decent quantity of them in a 10, and they really look good with plants.
  19. i dont feed it often, but my pleco's go nuts for repashy community.
  20. there's a whole lot of 'em out there.😲
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