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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. thats a fact, they can go, and go, and go like the energizer bunny. ive got a pair of 350's on my 120 that are over 25 yrs old. still chugging along.
  2. and thats why i love my 120. the extra depth is a game changer.
  3. id trade my 55 for a 75 in an instant. bigger is always better if you have the room.
  4. i currently have 1 nicrew, and a couple hygger's. i prefer the hygger as they adjust. i would fill your tank up, and run the light it has for a while, then decide if you need something different.
  5. ive had numerous different marineland filters. i dont make it a habit to take the impellers out to clean them, but they all come out. pull up and wiggle if needed. generally pull out the intake tube, and the impeller assembly will be right under that. grab hold with your fingers and jiggle it out/up.
  6. the hybrids are neat looking.
  7. nice. it going to need bigger wood!
  8. salt. modest amount of salt wont kill the plants.
  9. about half way into the substrate is a decent depth. gets it in far enough it is less likely it will float away/move, yet wont bury it.
  10. plants do all kinds of good things for a tank, put them in as soon as possible. biggest change in tap water in most places over the last 40yrs or so have been the change from chlorine to chloramine. chlorine will off gas, chloramine will not. so if you have it in your tap water you will want to use a water treatment.
  11. my dog would not put up with the fish coming along on walks.
  12. what is the alternative water softener? is it putting something in the water?
  13. sneaking up on memorial day, good time for this one.
  14. clown plecos dont touch plants, strictly a wood eater. on the flipside they hide like no other so are rarely seen. also not good for algae control.
  15. shouldnt be an issue then, thats a bunch of water being changed.
  16. i myself wouldnt bother in a single species tank. even in my community tank, if i let them have a place to breed, i get over run with baby pleco's in a hurry.
  17. 6 pygmy's wouldnt. six pandas may push up the amount of maintenance. stocked/overstocked=how much maintenance do you want to do.
  18. if solid wood with good bracing, it will likely be fine. the cheaper particle board furniture will sag over time, and not make you happy, but with solid wood much better chances of long term success.
  19. probably enjoying the current. when i pour in water to top off my 120, the guppy's go nuts in the water as its pouring in.
  20. i kept all sorts of game fish years ago. you will probably be okay for quite some time with 2 in a 40B, even with a bristlenose. cory's might get pecked at or killed when the bluegills get larger. as someone else mentioned, game fish tend to be poop monsters when compared to most tropicals kept in the hobby.
  21. welcome aboard. sounds like you have some good choices picked out.
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