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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. i dont see why it wont work. id think it would take one heck of a lot of shrimp to use more O2 than the plants produce.
  2. im not touching this one!!!😈 i smell a trap 😜
  3. anubia's. easy, and low maintenance.
  4. hard to say, but i think when folks look at that type of fish it is between the emeralds, and CPD's, and well the CPD's are just stunning (at least in my opinion). when i got my CPD's it was almost a toss up between them and the emeralds, but the celestials just look so much like a brook trout, i had to go with them.
  5. i agree, low levels of ammonia are fine for plants.
  6. i would not try it on a tank without a rim. for sure not with an acrylic tank.
  7. they will adapt, juts like guppy's will. if the adults are doing well enough to be breeding, id not be overly concerned.
  8. cherry shrimp, chili rasbora's... lots of nice small fish to choose from.
  9. ember tetras look great in plants. 6-8 would be nice.
  10. the most important thing about a scape is... it has to look good to you. if it looks pleasing to your eye, its good.
  11. a few guppy's will go nicely, but you will end up with more than 6, many, many, many more.
  12. it does. is it the sole cause, no but it is one of the big ones.
  13. agree, the problem is the people. even domesticated cattle will take on people when the mood strikes 'em.
  14. i would kill the blue light also. blue seems to make all algaes grow.
  15. i would treat them all together, no real worries there. those big fancy tails will likely remain mostly tattered even after treatment, but they seem to do just fine with their tails torn up.
  16. as someone with issues, arthritis has eaten all the cartilidge out of my wrists, i have learned what i can and cant do is a matter of experimenting to see what works, and what doesnt. some things dont bother me much , other things i can only do in short duration before it becomes too painful. one size doesnt fit all when it comes to physical limitations. always great to see new ideas, because it may be something that works for me, or can be modified to work better than what i currently do.
  17. i do up to 4 now and then depending on mood, but im quite happy with 2 large tanks. right now 120, and 55gal is enough.
  18. Alligator Gar, but im not putting in an olympic sized pool, so im sticking with guppy's for now.
  19. The Storm of Steel, Ernst Junger (original 1929 translation). a personal account of WW1 trench warfare. some things are lost in the translation, but fairly good read.
  20. a tank is over stocked when the amount of maintenance required to keep up water quality exceeds the amount of work you want to put in. it is really that simple. if you can maintain good water quality, and the fish can move around, it is not over stocked. with that in mind, i caution not to go crazy, as if something goes wrong, the more heavily stocked the faster things become bad. use your judgement on stocking. maintain the water quality, and ask yourself, does the tank look crowded??
  21. chicken wire clamped on top or screwed on. coons are smart, and will figure out anything that is not truly secure. they are also excellent fishermen.
  22. i used to be pretty much cash only, but have switched to credit cards mostly. the key thing with a card is to treat it like cash. if you cant pay it off every month, dont use it. zero point in paying interest on something you dont really need.
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