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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. its like choosing candy, ooh i like that, ooh i like that. write them down on pieces of paper, put them in a hat and draw one. panda's get my vote.
  2. good to hear things are going better. every now and then things can just go sideways on you with an aquarium. its a bummer, but just keep on keeping on.
  3. i would likely start with the tetras.
  4. a 240 gal tank with sump, you can go a long time between water changes if the tank is running well. the bigger the tank, if things are good, the longer you can go between maintenances. the daily and weekly water changers would lose their minds if i told how long my 120 typically goes between changes, and it doesnt have a sump, just 2 ancient HOB's.
  5. it will probably handle any low, and medium light plants.
  6. plenty of places sell breeder guppies, no reason you cant breed your own for a food source. if i were to breed guppies for food, i would go buy some plain jane feeder guppies, and let them breed. no point in paying for nice ones for food.
  7. keep doing water changes. the color is coming from the wood. it will lessen in time.
  8. ive heard guppy's do well in a zero gravity environment!
  9. at least you solved the mystery instead of wondering if it was a space alien guppy abduction.😲
  10. beneficial bacteria multiply very quickly. my own thoughts are in as little as 24hours it is probably very well seeded, but i go with 3 days to ensure it is well seeded with BB. i know lots of folks say 2 or 3 weeks, but imo that is some serious overkill. if you are in no hurry, longer wont hurt, but its really not needed.
  11. my plants seem to do okay in gravel, and on average i have 2.5-3". some places a bit more, some places less.
  12. 3 or 4 days will get it sufficiently seeded with bacteria.
  13. some sort of alien fungus. i honestly have never seen that one before.
  14. when they are mature, they will breed. about the only thing needed is you have to provide a cave, tube, or even a decoration they can hide in.
  15. guppies, any number of tetras, and rasboras. lots of great bright choices with just those 3.
  16. my pleco's like it, but the rest of the fish are indifferent to it. they may peck at it once or twice, but its not a big hit.
  17. reduce feeding, remove some, and you can also add a couple of assassin snails to help keep the numbers in check.
  18. if there is food for them, they are breeding.
  19. it figures, you got it, but not where you wanted.😜
  20. specifically java ferns, a totally dead brown leaf, i will remove. a leaf with small holes or brown spots, i leave, as these tend to be prime leaves for growing baby java ferns. most other plants, its good advice to remove damaged/dead leaves.
  21. ive not been a long time sponge user, but i do prefer the coarse as im not a weekly tank cleaner, so they sometimes go a while without being cleaned.
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