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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. as long as you can maintain good water quality, you can add fish.
  2. imo 2 main things are, it introduces some oxygen, and it helps to circulate the water in the tank a bit. the negative as you noted is the bubbles splashing on the lid.
  3. cleats are a nice idea. i myself would stay with smaller ones, as you dont want the end of the cleat intruding into your body when you are close to the tank doing maintenance. sometimes even going without can get a nice look. not fish related, but i just built a cabinet to house guitar amps bought a handle for opening the door, and when i got the cabinet finished, decided it looked decent( i say decent as im more of a crapenter than carpenter LOL) without a knob or handle. you have to go with what looks good to you, but like i said, dont want something poking you when cleaning the tanks.
  4. welcome to the herd. nice tank, ive always like the rainbow slate.
  5. if you have fish that require 80+ degr temps, then you probably want to keep a heater. most other fish can handle not having a heater, and it is perfectly natural to have water temp that goes up and down a few degrees. sudden temp changes are bad, a few degrees over the course of the day are not to be worried about. you will find even without a heater a tank will generally be a few degrees over room temp as the air pump, filter, lights, etc put heat in the water. in my 25+ years of fish keeping you can probably add up all the time ive had a heater in a tank, and be at less than a year.
  6. welcome to the herd. 120's are pretty much my favorite sized tank. looks good.
  7. they are easy, dont breed fast, and are just big enough to easily be taken out of a tank if you no longer want them. assassins are the snail to have if you dont like pest snails.
  8. no idea for sure. i did salt, and actually got it back to normal size once for a few days, then it ballooned back up, and i mean ballooned. lasted maybe a week after it blew up the 2nd time.
  9. have no fear, everyone has some mishaps at the beginning. welcome to the herd.
  10. just went through this with a neon. managed to keep it alive like that for a couple of months, but it eventually died.
  11. id probably drop in 2, and see how long it takes for them to eat them. if they seem like they eat them reasonably quickly, up it to 3, etc, etc. it is easier to add more, than to remove too much.
  12. power strip mounted somewhere that if there is a leak, water wont track down the cord into the strip itself.
  13. if it were me, id maybe trim the floaters a bit, but other than that it looks pretty good.
  14. twin cities guppys has nice fish, and they are in country.
  15. lefty o


    shrimp will nibble at it. in a few weeks, or at worst maybe 2 months, it will go away on its own.
  16. i used to move the net around after water changes to get some of the floating debris, then as the toilet was closest shake it out over the toilet. one time i got a smaller guppy in there. fished him back out of the toilet, and he lived a nice long life. a quick dip into a cup aint nothing. it'll be fine.
  17. they typically only eat plants when they arent getting enough food. about any plant is good with them, but my experience says they like a broadleaf plant best.
  18. just seen Mickey passed away. i always loved his version of this song.
  19. you really dont want the husks in your tank, but the brine shrimp and water are okay. with that hatchery, you can get 90% of the brine shrimp out without getting much of the husks.
  20. i have no idea with the soil. im a gravel user.
  21. morning, and night. if there is fry ill add a couple light feedings during the day, but generally twice a day.
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