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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. y'all seen the alien from the movie predator... well thats it in its larval form. you dont want it in the tank!
  2. try dionne warwicks pshycic friends network!!!🙈
  3. for bn, if they can somewhat hide and feel protected, when ready they will breed. in my case, i do my best to move or remove anything they can use for a cave, and i keep having tiny plecos show up.🤪
  4. i have them as singles in 2 tanks. they do fine, and dont bother any of the fish, shrimp, or snails.
  5. on a budget, i like hygger lights.
  6. if you can get them pushed down a bit further, they tend to stay in the substrate.
  7. did you put root tabs in the substrate? if yes , its just the capsule floating up.
  8. im pretty happy with my first gen ACO pump with battery backup in it, also have had good experience with tetra whisper air pumps. both quiet, and reliable. the battery backup in the pump makes the ACO pump the winner, though id not hesitate to buy another whisper if i needed one faster than i could get one shipped in.
  9. sounds like if they arent there yet, they are almost ready.
  10. but does it sing when you walk past it?🤪
  11. im a bit dyslexic, and thats what i saw the first time i read it.😜
  12. my plecos wont stop, in community tank with cory's and everything else, and i move/remove anything that can work as a breeding cave, yet new tiny pleco's keep showing up.
  13. if its in an aquarium full of water, they can and will get nutrients from the water column. its not like its dry in the substrate of an aquarium. if its in the water, its in the substrate.
  14. id not overly worry about it, unless it appears to spread.
  15. over feeding a tank will definately help to increase the snail population.
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