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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. by the way, reusable zip ties are a game changer for cords. You can press the tab and get them off when you want to.
  2. What type of adhesive or hardware are you using to attach your power strip to the wall?
  3. Some of the hygrophila show promise. Others do not. Flint was nibbling at those earlier so I think he knows they are on the way out. And here’s Button just sunning herself. I did some “dumpster diving” this morning on my way home from the gym. Noticed a 29 gal on someone’s curb and I looted it for the lid, light, and filter. Was a small cheap Nicrew. I found a power cord for it, but it didn’t work. I tried 3 different power cords, actually. Ah well. The HOB is a Fluval, suitable for a 10-15 gallon tank, I’d say. It made a loud buzzing noise when I tested it, so I cleaned the pump and impeller and had to monkey around with reseating everything. It works. I just need to sanitize it, just in case. I used peroxide on the lid, and when it got wet it smelled like dust. I guess the hobbyist retired the tank awhile ago. The tank itself looked pretty new! But I don’t do preowned tanks if I can help it. I don’t know why it was at the curb. Could be hobbyist quit, or could be tank failed. So I left it there. Besides, no room for another tank right now. Now I have 2 lid options for the 20L though: the hood or the glass lid. I will start with the hood because I really despise this brand glass lid. Lately what I’ve been using on most tanks are the lifewithpets lids. I like them. The only thing is they don’t accommodate HOBs but for the tanks I’m using them on, I just run sponge filters. When I woke up this morning, I looked up at the window and saw this little guy. A baby anole. Anoles are everywhere down here. I budgeted for my new tank project and ordered my ACO light. I’m curious about it! Looking forward to trying it out. I’ve seen nothing but good things about it so far.
  4. Look at that pout! ORD! Have fun with that. Ew. I did some earlier and was hating life.
  5. This is the Walstad jar after the massive haircut. The cuttings went to the ember tank. The emerged stems in the jar already have new leaves forming. I also did a few water changes and removed a lot of mulm. The water looks so much nicer/clearer now.
  6. Hope so. The fish really likes it too.
  7. Thanks. I will try feeding them some Prazi flake food. Very weird.
  8. Hi guys, I need a bit of help. I’ve been monitoring this ember tetra, and I have no idea what is ailing it. It has lost pigment and developed a black stripe. Now it is swimming funny and it also seems skinny. Its tankmates do not present any symptoms. Fish is on the left in this photo. Any idea? ammonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-10 temp-78
  9. Well folks, mission accomplished and tank acquired. But, um, it’s a 20L. Here’s why: 1. I chickened out. Large water volume makes me picture a big flood in my head. 2. I couldn’t fathom breaking down the 13 year old 29 gallon. The ecosystem in there is so tricked out, I can massively overfeed and the tank can handle it. Not that I’m going to, but I have, and it does. (More likely, forgetting to remove food😬, and the tank remains stable. I do like to let food sit a while to give the snail and pleco a chance to access it.) 3. The space. I think I would have been ok with a 3’ long tank. This is 30” and will still fit on the wall with my other tanks. I also decided the 29g will remain my display tank and I didn’t want to go same size or larger with the new tank. 4. The 20L stand will match these other stands. Everything coordinates. 5. I can move the 20L around easily myself without need for assistance from non-hobbyist. 6. It resolves the problem I was really trying to solve: get everyone out of 5 gallon tanks. I bought embers intending them to live with shrimps, but once I saw how greedily they eat, I knew shrimplets would not be able to coexist with them. I bought head-and-taillights so my one lone head-and-taillight in the 29 gal would have a school. Only, there was a little bit of sickness in the 29 gal recently, and I realize I cannot add more bioload to that tank and still maintain good water quality. Also the head-and-taillights are getting restless and nippy in the 5g. I don’t want to keep them there much longer. 7. Part of dollar per gallon sale, as well as freebies and rebates. I had a $25 gift card to use as well, so the tank ended up costing me $4.99. I picked up a filter as well strictly because of the rebate and my loyalty points or whatnot from the big box store. Using the money saved, I can grab another ink bird as well as a nice substrate, light, lid, hardscape, and plants. I already have a heater. I am leak testing today. Also I watched it fill for awhile and when I walked away, after a few minutes, the garden hose whipped out of the tank and sprayed down my tanks, walls, and I had a nice little flood on the floor. 🙄 Fortunately I have little blocks of 2X4 under my power strips so no electrical sat in the water. Some air pumps did but only briefly. These are the 2 tanks I plan to decommission. One may stay up as a qt but I do not plan to adopt any other fish, except for 2 or 3 male guppies from my friend. I will just call them “fireball guppies” because their tails are red, orange, and yellow. It will be nice to have those flashes of color.
  10. Oh wow, so glad he’s ok. This is quite the project now that you have to remove substrate! What a pain! I guess just do a few per day.
  11. 25!!!!! 🐌 Do you remove all substrate for each one?
  12. It’s a good day for a spirulina stick! I was experimenting with my water change yesterday. I did age the water because it comes out of the tap 10 degrees hotter in summer. But this time I used a larger diameter tubing for the drip. The shrimps became active, but nobody was jumping or jerking. Also, let me tell you (!) it cut my water replacement time from 1.25 hrs to .25 hr (15 min). Wow! Why didn’t I try this sooner?! Also I did change a little bit more water this time as well. The new and previous tubing. Newly implemented tubing came from a gravel siphon. Previous tubing was airline tubing.
  13. Same here. I want to get a 40gal and combine 3 other aquariums into it so I have less tanks to take care of. However my 29gal has been going for 12 years and I do hesitate to take down such a well established system..
  14. That was smart thinking! So exciting! I can’t believe how big they are. Couldn’t a breeder box work?
  15. I’m glad the snail made it. It is welcome here. Oh, maybe you can update OP, @dasaltemelosguy?
  16. Seems in my area, stores only have one plain seltzer/seltzer water. Everything else is flavored. Might try club soda.
  17. Hello all, Wanted to report that a Malaysian trumpet snail made it through a 12 hour RR. Great Value Seltzer Water Plants weighed down with silverware and kept in darkness At 12 hour mark I lifted the plants out of the seltzer and placed them in dechlorinated water. This was in the middle of the night, so I went back to bed and I planted them 6 hours later, at which point I discovered the snail shell at the bottom of the dechlorinated water container. It must have had a grip on the plant to make it to that second container? I put the snail shell in the condiment cup of tank water then and just watched it (and recorded it). Here’s the uncut footage. I left it there in the condiment cup all day (12 hr), kinda forgot to check on it. I figured it would either be weak and pass on, or it would live. Checked on it; it was cruising around the cup. It has been welcomed into the shrimp tank by the MTS family that lives there.
  18. @clownbaby welcome! Your post was a joy to read. Unlike other platforms, I’ve found this forum full of like-minded fish nerd humans to be a positive teaching/learning/sharing environment, for new and experienced aquarists alike. Some humans are difficult, but there are plenty that do have good intentions. Walk into a church for example, you’ll find a bunch of good humans: humans that are trying to improve themselves and the lives of others; to be less selfish, more generous, and more kind. Similarly, the folks at aquarium events like Aquashella have also been pretty darn cool. Like you, I’m a snail lover. Land snail or aquatic snail, I think they are adorable and mesmerizing. I have had a number of mystery snails, having raised about 45 from a clutch. I do believe they have feelings. Why else would they repeatedly ride the bubbles up or jump to the bottom of the aquarium from the top? I can tell it’s for no other reason than they think it’s fun. @Guppysnail had one that would come up to the top of the tank to spend time with her during every tank maintenance. He would climb on her hand as well.
  19. LOL! Bypass in an hour! Floss wasn’t even dirty. But, typical.. heh. Anyway, whenever I have bypass, I rotate the square of floss 90 degrees. Floss & coarse get swished in tank water during weekly maintenance. I think I will take the HOB off today and give the box and tubes a good cleaning as well. Also I planted the hygrophila. Here is before and after. The new plants are pretty small and unspectacular right now, but I think they will fill in. before after - not very different, lol When I googled hygrophila I got a number of results for “how to get rid of hygrophila” so that’s promising. Maybe it will be prolific. Also fun fact: the common name is swamp weed. I believe my water cloudiness is caused by 2 things: 1) recent calcium food offered in tank but was not consumed and 2) some of the root tabs I placed over the weekend popped up. I had a nitrate spike, hence the daily water changes, and I knew I had to test nitrates because of this: Multiple plants have the issue, as well as the heater, driftwood, and walls. I am hoping daily water changes, new floss, and new plants will contribute to the solution. I did trim the worst leaves, including the one pictured here.
  20. I have water quality woes! 12 hrs AFTER using clarifier; it is worse! Also the last 2 days the tank had water changes. The clarifier was added right after the 2nd one. Trying new floss. LFS stuff (new; white) vs Amazon stuff (previous; green). LFS stuff: First impression is good. No bypass. Now we wait. Will water change anyway around lunchtime just to collect whatever stuff the clarifier took down to the substrate.
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