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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Often snail breeders describe clutches as having a moldy look when they are about ready to hatch. Keep a close eye on it! 🙂
  2. I like to offer calcium that the snails can eat such as nano blocks or crab cuisine. I allow them access to the cuttlebone so they can graze on it.
  3. I agree ☝️ Your snail babies in the breeder box look great! Based on the looks of your clutch on the glass, don’t gravel vac. Looks like some already chewed out and are likely in your tank, but they will be hard to see at first.
  4. Here’s a more lighthearted post. Look at the harmony! And despite the lameness of the temporary artificial plants, they are finding comfort from them and weaving in and out of them.
  5. Early on I thought I saw a worm so they got paracleanse. Then later I “thought” I saw these patches but then I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me, like I was seeing what I expected to see, having just dealt with columnaris for months with Pippin. But just in case, I did level 2 salt. They looked good before I moved them but seeing them now through glass instead of plastic has made it clear two do have it. I’m having bad luck. But hey, could be worse- I haven’t lost anybody. I have the meds on hand already and know the process.
  6. In my signature line columnaris (resolved) that is what I did (and what I’m doing now for these 2 patients). There are photos in that thread if you want to compare. Full recovery last time I treated that way. I also used salt as well for electrolytes and slime coat.
  7. For the first time I saw 2 mystery snails conducting “adult behavior”. The 2 large magentas were oblivious to me netting fish and were having “relations”. After my first fish was netted, I stopped to observe because it was just something out of the norm. And also because netting fish around plants and decor is annoying, and I took a break. Lol
  8. Oh man, not fun. I just had to do the same thing today with black neons. And this was after a month qt. But looking at them with a good light and through glass made it apparent 2 are ill. How is your hand doing? What type of illness are you treating on the danios?
  9. My gut is telling me columnaris which I’ve dealt with before, same species of fish at that time as well. @Colu do you think so? Kanaplex and jungle fungus time?
  10. Today I transferred 10 fish from a one month quarantine tote to the display tank but upon viewing them through glass, 2 are clearly sick. Does this look like fungus or something else? One fish is affected on the body and another has a spot on the head. During quarantine they had paracleanse followed by Level 2 salt.
  11. Well, got home and turned the light on and found 2 fishies are sick. Frustrating. It was NOT fun catching them amongst all the plants and decor. But I managed and they are acclimating back to quarantine tank.
  12. I lost power for a day and a half and then I was without internet & cable for another day & a half but otherwise ok 👍
  13. Why after all this time do you not have a simple folding chair?
  14. Wow, so cool! I’ve seen the embrace you are talking about. I think I may have shared it with you in EJ’s video. The things on the leaf look like the little scrape marks that nerites make on the glass.
  15. They will burrow @TeeJay They are the masters of stealth. He’s so handsome. He stands out well in the tank.
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