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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @jwcarlson the hobbit was pretty good,the ending was similar to the ending of the phantom tolbooth. im in the beginning of the 2nd lord of the rings book now, i think its called 2towers or something like that.
  2. @Biotope Biologist@The endler guy@Fish Folk with my adventures in platy keeping and breeding, i have probably been following a wrong concept. In my head a+b=ab when it comes to platy colors, but this doesnt explain something like my all black platy,as neither of its parents had this trait, and neither did THEIR parents. so is a+b=ab true and i just have a recessive case? someone please help me. ( i cannot get a picture of this fish, he is busy being the dominant male and chasing the others around, so i try to get a picture, its instantly somewhere else)
  3. this is a thread for people to post pictures, and maybe talk about DIY things they made for their aquariums. Here is my root tab betta tunnel: i made it by cutting holes in an old root tab container, and my betta loves it. ( can see his tail in the second picture). So what DIY stuff have you done?
  4. my betta doesnt catch them, he has gotten very intelligent in getting food. here is his process: 1.food is dropped in 2. other fish swarm the food 3.wait a minute or two till some of the other fish are breaking off 4.find a pellet on the ground 5.pick it up and eat it, (he grabs it with his mouth and eats it)
  5. i always scatter pellets along the bottom, the platies and cories and panda garra will feeding frenzy, and my betta will find an untouched pellet on the side and eat that.
  6. @TheSwissAquaristwinter break? thats livebearers for you when i first got platies, i didnt realize i bought i pregnant fish, 3days later, completely out of the blue i had fry. if you had the space/time it would be awesome if you could experiment with this. Take each female, isolate it for a few months, introduce it to one male, check the offspring, repeat for every female, crossing every female with every male, as i said tim consuming and space needing. lucky! i did "life science" last year, and am doing Biology next year, but this year im on chemistry 😒
  7. ive killed these before, pretty cool fish though. yes CPDs count, but i dont want them
  8. @jwcarlsonwe need a caption contest here is my submission: Free rides! he cant eat us when we're up here!
  9. unfortunately it looks like my female tuxedo platy might have Culimanaris, i dont have any good meds for it, but ive moved her to the 2gallon tank, and have doesed small amounts of salt, and will does maracyn. im hoping its not culimanaris and just a bump, and that my treatments help with the fish,i have no other tuxedo platies. however i haved moved back in my other female with some very intereseting colors on it, it almost has a turqoise sheen? crazy, i cant wait to see what that fish gives birth to, and what colors she ends up with, so far she is just grey with a black stripe and small amounts of sheen, but no major coloration yet. .
  10. @Scapexghosti can expand the rules to accompany rasboras.
  11. this reminds me of a superhero movie where the heroes are fighting a giant, and climbing all over it. that poor assassin snail is probably SO confused. Food is here,but food is here, but food is on me, i cant reach food, am i food?
  12. I will be looking for some new inhabitants for my tank. My mind first goes to the classic fish, tetras. So any suggestions? I am looking for something active,midwater shoaling, with interesting group behaviours, and before someone mentions them I DONT WANT RUMMYNOSE! Ive concluded silver tips are too agressive for my betta, this list would have to be betta compatible, and not extremely easy to breed, i would want to breed them as a challenge for myself. Also nothing over 2in, and it should be compatible for a 20high. Here are my current considerations: Lemon Tetras Black Neon Tetras X-ray tetras (possibly with 1 glofish, but probably not as at my LFS the glofish version is tripple the price). if you have experience with any of the above fish, or have a different idea please tell me.
  13. so the endler must shoot water out of its mouth like an archerfish to type...
  14. I think next time i go to my LFS i will ask them if they've ever seen this fish on their wholesale list, if they find it, they probably wont special order it for me, but it will give me conformation that what im looking for exists. (the guys at my LFS know me pretty well, they probably wont mind checking/making a note if they see it).
  15. @nabokovfan87 do you spend all of your time coming up with these questions?
  16. @Lennie sometimes albinos have genetic defects, however something like an albino platy, or bristlenose pleco that has been perfected doesnt have vision issues.
  17. @TheSwissAquarist keep us update on the growth of this fish, id like to see what it looks like as it grows up.
  18. Im wondering if anyone here has seen Albino Platies. Q: Why? dont you like the colors in platies A: i love colorful platies, but i would want albinos for breeding purposes. I have multiple color varieties in my platies i like, but only have males, or only females, and with the albino gene being rececive, it would help with some out breeding of strains.
  19. ive had platies for a little over a year now, but im obsessed and really observe them
  20. oh, well, i jumped to assumptions with your name, i just assumed you had a lot of experience with them.
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