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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2023 in all areas

  1. Hi @PBA, Thank you for the 'shout out' @Rube_Goldfish. The photos certainly help when trying to diagnose a nutrient related issue. Yellowing (chlorosis) on plant leaves are most often caused by insufficient available nitrogen (NO3), magnesium (Mg), or iron (Fe). First I check my nitrate level (NO3) and verify it is in the range of 10 ppm to 30 ppm. If it is in range then I look more closely at the leaves of the plants. I took one of your pictures @PBA and cropped and enlarged it. Then I added an arrow. (See pic) If you look at the leaf the arrow is pointing to you will see darker leaf veins with yellowing (chlorosis) of the leaf material in-between the veins. This condition is called interveinal chlorosis and caused by one of two conditions: 1) insufficient available magnesium (Mg) or 2) insufficient available iron (Fe). But which one is it you ask? If the condition shows up on older leaves but new leaves look 'normal' then the likely issue is magnesium (Mg) related. When the condition shows up on newer leaves then insufficient available iron(Fe) is the likely cause. It is difficult to tell from photos but in the photos that were provided it looks like it is the newer leaves that are being affected so if it were my tank I would look first at insufficient available iron (Fe) as the likely cause. Please note I am saying 'insufficient available iron' and not saying 'not enough iron being dosed' - what is the difference? Although the most common reason for a nutrient deficiency is not dosing enough however sometimes an excess of other nutrients effect the uptake of a nutrients making it unavailable to the plant. Also sometimes it is the water parameters that effect the availability of a nutrients. This is the case with iron (Fe) especially. There are several types of iron the most common and least expensive is EDTA chelated iron and it is the one most commonly used in fertilizers. However EDTA chelated iron has one shortfall, it's availability is very sensitive to the pH of a tank. (See chart below). As you can see the EDTA chelated iron is 100% available at a pH of 6.0 however it drops off sharply as the pH of a tank increase above pH@6.2 to the point that less than 10% of the iron is available when the pH is above 7.0 (neutral). I see shrimp in your tank so I am guessing your pH is above 7.0 to avoid issues with the shrimp. If this is the case then to provide the iron the plants require I suggest dosing an iron supplement that is more readily available to plants when the pH is alkaline. In conjunction with the Easy Green dosing you are doing now I suggest using Seachem Iron to provide addition iron in your tank. Seachem Iron is made using Ferrous Gluconate which plants readily uptake even at higher pH levels. I recommend dosing per the instructions on the bottle one a week which will provide about 0.26 ppm of available iron to your tank. Now the hard part...........waiting. Dose the Seachem Iron for at least a month and watch the new leaves that emerge after you starting dosing the additional iron. DO NOT WATCH THE EXISTING LEAVES THEY WILL NOT IMPROVE AND MAY DECLINE FURTHER. After a month or so look closely at the new leaves of the plants. Do they look greener; more healthy? If so you are on the right path. You may also notice an increase of the growth rate of all the plants in your tank since insufficient available iron prevents the production of chlorophyll which gives plants the green color and allows the plant to make the glucose (sugar) that it needs for growth. Hope this helps! -Roy
    4 points
  2. Why would it stop if it gets food when she splashes? 😄 Many years ago I had a big oscar that at some point "learned" to jump out of the water and eat pellets out of my hand. I don't remember how it started, but I typically would not encourage it, just a trick every once in a while. I learned that when I went to college, my dad have him do it a lot and would show guests. haha I've got to stop thinking about oscars or I'm going to end up with them again. Such great fish, but what a shame that they're so freaking big.
    4 points
  3. When I am hatching eggs, I will put a single neocaridina shrimp in the container with the eggs, I don't know if it helps much, but I do see them picking stuff off the eggs from time to time. Once the eggs hatch and are free swimming, and I put the fry either into a hang on breeder box or a small tank, I have pick a ramshorn snail or two out of a tank and put in to help with uneaten food.
    4 points
  4. 🤩🤩🤩🥳 @Chick-In-Of-TheSea sent me an Aquashella T shirt. I love it 😻 Kats Aquatic sticker included. To match my Boo cat inspection.
    3 points
  5. Probably! On a long ago backpacking trip, I was on the other side of that bush. I'm shy, so I will go the extra quarter mile to find the perfect spot for doing what bears do in the woods. While there, I heard noises which I assumed to be the bear. I froze. Somehow I was more alarmed to see another hiker/hunter stumble down the hillside and stop within 10 feet of me. He looked around a bit, took a drink of water and casually wandered off. To this day, I still wonder: did he really not see me sitting there, or was he an exceptionally good actor?
    3 points
  6. Be prepared to be extremely frustrated because they have not shipped well in my experience. I tried for well over a year to get a colony established and finally gave up. I spent well over $500.00 buying from various vendors, trying to get a higher survival rate. I was ordering 10-20 at a time only to have as much as half or more dead by the time they got to me and more died in quarantine with more of the males dying than females. They almost all came in with some of them having spots of fin rot that needed treatment. With only about 10 tiny fish at a time in a 10 gallon that has massive biofiltration (that same quarantine tank is currently supporting about 30 young bristlenose fry, about 10 otocinclus, and 2 subadult Rio Paraguay plecos) but has no excessive current, fairly dim lighting with frogbit for cover - should have been an ideal quarantine tank but still had substantial losses during QT. I never got more than 15 at a time into the display tank and they would slowly pass, always the males first. It was very hard to find any in between orders. I would get as many as I could afford as soon as anybody had them in stock (they’re pricy when you can find them), then couldn’t get more for weeks to months at a time. Someone (I don’t remember who) posted that they got in a bunch when they worked at an LFS and they did well, but I could never get anybody local to order them for me except the guy that handed me a bag of dying fish. They were literally going sideways in the bag over the course of 3-4 minutes as we spoke about what to do about them. He didn’t charge me for them, none survived past an hour. I would LOVE to see if you can get a group established as I had zero good luck with them and believe me, I tried very hard! If you have good luck and yours do well, PLEASE post up your water parameters and how you did it.
    3 points
  7. @Fish Folk It's been awhile, but this thread needs a well-deserved bump. Also I wanted to add I found a nifty thingy (haven't tried it yet). It's a 2 stage brine shrimp net and you use both nets at the same time. The first (top) net catches egg shells but allows the shrimp to fall through. The second net will hold the shrimps and then you can use the medicine syringe/airline hose dealio on the shrimps that are sitting in that net. Or what I do is turn the net inside out and lower it into a cup of tank water. So you can harvest the hatch, and then when you are ready to dump out your hatchery, you can use the net system to organize the harvest and then transfer to your freezing trays. Prevents some of the harvest from going down the drain (I only usually harvest at 48 and 72 hours, then I start to see die-off so I freeze the rest.)
    3 points
  8. I don’t have my Clown Loaches anymore, but sometimes I’d swear they were dead! Being upside down in the tank not moving just to wake them up and they’d go swimming off. God, I miss my Clown Loaches! My 2nd most annoying thing is not directly fish related, but my cat likes to drink out of the top of my open lid 40 breeder. She will stick her arms deep in the tank and lick the water off her arms while propped up on the rim. She drips water everywhere and she will toss floating plants onto the floor!
    3 points
  9. I have 2 things. 1. When my big boy bristlenose pleco decides he has to use the smallest possible cave he can squeeze his body inside. To the point where he refused to use the larger cave and the female had to fight to try to get in the cave with him despite her trying to entice him into the larger cave. 2. When my female festivum has gotten all kinds of sassy! She has now started deliberately splashing me when I lift the lid to feed! I have to keep any open containers well away from the tank as I open the lid or she will launch water into the container. I’ve been lucky so far and am now warned. 😆 I’m sure she’ll be even worse later this week when I do the next water change. 🙄 🥜 🌰 She bullies the male, acts like she doesn’t even like him, but she’s protecting him for all she’s worth! Crazy thing!
    3 points
  10. I have probably added pao abei to the fishroom. I have not kept the species before this but may have a few different species to identify. I may have an idea on most but id like any suggestions and guidance as applicable on confirming my initial identifications: Group #1. Sold while fairly small Pao abei from a farm in SE asia they are much more patterened over tan gravel than the black sand it covers. What is your guess for this group's species? Looks to be a male based of belly patterns and behaviors Look to be females in back corner Same puffers over the black sand Group #2. Also sold as Pao abei from a different source. What is your guess for this group's species? Wildcard #1. Came In with group 2 above. the cheek pattern and the diamond marking on the forhead are not quite the same as the group. The mouth to me is a little more ambush puffer than the group looks. This puffer was also sold as P.abei. What is your guess for this puffer's species? Wildcard #2 has the look and feel of a young P.suvattii (arrowhead) to me ...also sold as an ....abei. the forhead arrow marking, the cheek line markings, along with a more upturned mouth brought me to arrowhead. What is your guess for this puffer'd species? No id needed F1 congo fry and whiteworms And for fun Pao leiurus courtship T.Pustulatus going full camera pose
    2 points
  11. Hi everyone new to here can’t wait to learn some new stuff
    2 points
  12. It was clear and clean tonight. This happens fairly frequently, usually to a lessor extent and not yellow. I didn't feel comfortable pumping it into tanks is all. The tanks seem to be OK using unaged and cooler water. These 4 got changes. 10 gallon CPD jungle 10 qt (currently apisto jail cell) 55 semi qt with new pencil fish and batatta cories 40 breeder community jungle (where plants go to die). What's crazy is I saw my only kuhli loach for the first time in like 8 months. I had 7 of them, but actually had 8. I was just not "vibing" with them so I gave them away. Finished tearing down the tank and found one. Plopped him in the 40 and never saw him again until tonight. He's grown a bit and is plump. You can see him front left. These sterbai seem primed to spawn, been seeing a few eggs this cold water change might jar them into dropping.
    2 points
  13. Again trying to get Spike to eat is a struggle. He did eat a small flake or two, then for some reason ignored the rest. I tried some vibra bites again but no go. He will sift sand around food but not actually taste the food. I thought, maybe he needs really soft food? I put a Snello pellet in there. A Snello pellet will expand and then fall apart into a little pile of dust. So, he cruised past it like 8 times, but kept stopping to look at it. Each time it would be a little fluffier. Then, he tasted it. And then he would do a lap around the tank and sift sand here and there. Then return and have another taste of the Snello. And again. Progress!!! And then a tetra came to investigate and Spike defended the food and ran the tetra off. Awesome. That’s just what Snoopy would do. Also tonight I noticed he swam mid level in the tank a few times, which is nice. He’s becoming more comfortable. He does accept white light more now but swims more dart-y and his breathing quickens when that is on. So I only do that briefly to check coloration and health of the fish. Spike (right) with green Snello dust pile (left). He’s now staying closer to it.
    2 points
  14. Ah ok. I rinse cleaned mine instead of replacing (cleaned it kind of like cleaning an aquarium filter), let it dry, then put back in. (I didn't have an extra on hand). I also took a look to see what the pressure was like with no filter pad installed-- almost the same, maybe a little more pressure to the sponge filters, but nothing night and day. Like I said, I am above 40+ air drops and the filters that struggle are the lowest ones in the racks, so I'm thinking I just need a larger pump or a second one. I'm leaning towards a second one so I have redundancy. Even if running on one in the event of a failure means it will run weakly, some air flow is better than none.
    2 points
  15. I assume it's due to cleaning the pipes and things being in the water or being released from said pipes. CC @Bentley Pascoe has some experience with this and @modified lung may be able to shed some light for us as well given their experience!
    2 points
  16. I usually feed a small amount once a day during quarantine that's a small quarantine tank so I would feed a small amount every other day just remember with salt it's only removed though water changes if you were doing 1 table spoon for 2 gallons if you do a 2 gallon water change add 1 table spoon of salt back in @Joan Brugaland add an extra air stone during treatment
    2 points
  17. Just a heads up to everyone that ACO just became an affiliate for Dan’s Fish. Use promo code “AquariumCoop” for 5% off. This is a literal dream team for the hobby.
    2 points
  18. The new ram has been named. He is Spike! In the cartoon, Spike is one (of 3) brothers of Snoopy’s. Andy, Spike, and Olaf Here’s a little clip from I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown. Spike brings his BFF to visit Snoopy. More than one person suggested Woodstock, but we already have a Woodstock! Here is Snoopy and Woodstock: Also, here’s a favorite clip of a sound effects artist, kickin it old school. ☺️ https://youtube.com/shorts/-UJQXqlVvrA?si=0x7hcZ7_hTLpXQdb
    2 points
  19. Male mystery snails live to have snex. Sounds like mating Make sure you have a tight fitting lid and lower the water level a bit
    2 points
  20. Just do your normal water change. I have a tank the wood I used is still leeching dark tannins. By weeks end I have a black water tank. Solid 50% wc and I’m almost clear. Rinse and repeat. Purigen will help keep the tannins down while you wait for the wood to stop leeching.
    2 points
  21. Rams are doing great in the grow out New Corydora hastatus are awesome The 3 Bolivian rams I got are doing great. I got 3 more from the same guy. That was aggression is spread while I grow them out. I’m switching them to a 15 gallon tank so they each have some personal space.
    2 points
  22. Test fit time. I will have the air inlet and bleed off facing out. I used 45 on the corners to try and ease the corners
    2 points
  23. They really need to make a facepalm 🤦‍♂️ react for the forum. 🤯
    2 points
  24. From what I can tell from the pictures, they look good, I would not worry. As long as you see them scooting around the tank and nose down checking out the substrate, they are good. It sounds like you feed them enough. the only thing I would suggest if you aren't doing it already, put some sinking food in the tank after the lights go out for the night. that way, the upper level swimming fish are not in feed mode and the food will sink down to the bottom and the sterbai will be hunting and find it. The smaller ones most likely are males, I have a group of sterbai in my discus tank that spawn for me regularly, and a few of the males are quite a bit smaller than the females, and they were all bought around the same time and size.
    2 points
  25. Thanks for sharing Rube. I watched this one and many others on yt actually. But as I mentioned I cannot let water flow in my container but manually do the water changes as I cant keep them in the parents tank. Because the parameters of the tank I keep them are set for the red lizard breeding and does not match the parameters they hatched in ( I hatched them in their parents tank and moved before they start to freeswim) Mine can..... I bought opaque ones this time on purpose but still failed to prevent this issue sadly. This is what I have, One small, one medium size and one big size. Maybe not opaque enough?
    2 points
  26. Might be a good time to ask, do you have a spare diaphragm? You can add a secondary one if you need to, but I would definitely lean towards a bleed valve type of setup if you do anything like that. We have to figure out how to engineer some sort of pressure sensor or something where it ticks on an LED. Not all that complex and just runs off one sensor, but say the pressure drops below X, then the light changes. Can connect that to some sort of audio thing or wifi alert even if you really wanted to. Might not be useful, but one of those "affordable" features I can see companies making one day. Here's a real world example, fits on a tire stem.
    2 points
  27. 1. My BN Pleco digging non stop 2. Ramshorn snails going in and getting stuck in the uplift tubes
    2 points
  28. That is HITH. Lots of clean water and metro! I wouldn't worry about him eating at this particular moment. He will let you know when he is ready. Keep us posted,I have a soft spot for oscars and lost one when my care slipped when I left for college. He quit eating for a VERY long time and when he died he still weighed 2.5 pounds. Fish can go a long time without food. Clean water is far more important right now.
    2 points
  29. Nevermind, figured it out. I had airlines running open, hanging outside tanks, hidden from view. However, this seems to suggest to me that I'm reaching the limit in terms of how many air drops I can do with my air pump.
    2 points
  30. I have a few pictures of frys here and there but one i keep handy is this one of angelfishes; And i found this one of kribs: and this one of cockatoo: And this one of a. pucallpaensis.
    2 points
  31. I have around 20 sterbai; the males do stay fairly small - around 2 inches but the females can get massive - quite wide and approach 3+ inches. I two that are just monsters that all the little males constantly follow around. My newer ones are only a year old but the old ones are 5+ years. I had a bunch scattered across different aquariums and when i moved i collected them all and put them in the 450 together.
    2 points
  32. Get all snooty about food - "Oh, these uber fresh flakes just aren't what I'm in the mood for this morning, bleh (spits out)"
    2 points
  33. My first are Giant Otocinclus catfish - great coloration, they’ve been visible unlike some loricariads you’ll actually see them, and as omnivores they’re a great cleanup crew. Of course the “giant” Here is not that big, <3”. Loaches, I love them. The more exposure I have to them the more I’ve fallen in love with this group of fishes. The diversity and personality are amazing. Dwarf chain loaches, best small fish and if you have a snail problem they’ll single handedly solve it. Panda loaches 🐼 are incredible. Love them, very social amongst their group, and although the stark black and white becomes a little more of a muddy charcoal grey the patterns are still sensational. Have fun!
    2 points
  34. hi, i have seen in some videos on youtube that you can treat all deseases of fish by adding some salt to the fish and reducing feeding of the sick fish. so i started researching and found out that there are some products from API that adds salt to freshwater fish. Can i treat sick fish by moving the fish to another tank and treating it with low feeding and salt?
    1 point
  35. I got the go-ahead from my mum to allow daphnia and paramecium into the house, so I’ll give it a shot with the latter. Small side note: the hobby has to get better at marketing - “water fleas” don’t sound like a nice thing to have in your home! I saw the snails pin up pics of your profile on the side of the tank. Watch out!
    1 point
  36. How are the embers surviving QT?
    1 point
  37. I definitely recommend this for Killifish eggs. Neocaridina eat infertile eggs, limiting the growth of fungus. I have never tried it with Ram eggs.
    1 point
  38. Can you show some photos of the group? Smaller could very likely just be a male, but I do have a similar thing in my tank where there are what seem to be "runts." I would think of them as corydoras that are last to get the meal or just slightly more timid than others. Having more cover might make them comfortable, but you could just as easy spread found around and try to target feed the smaller ones. Everything you're doing seems to be right, the fish looks fine, but if you're concerned just increase feeding. Feed 6 days a week with every other day having a night meal. (doesn't have to be heavy, but that gives the more timid ones a chance to feed while others sleep)
    1 point
  39. So awesome to see fish enjoying that much flow and just going to town floating around.
    1 point
  40. Mine decided to baby sit the container. Not peck at it but guard it like they are supposed to guard the eggs and fry they eat. They laid eggs while these fry were in the box and took turns going back and forth. Until they ate the new eggs they laid 🤪
    1 point
  41. As a sidenote, garlic guard may have some added vitamin C. Edit: yep! "Also contains Vitamin C, a strong anti-oxidant"
    1 point
  42. I swear my guppies life purpose is to swim directly into my siphon whenever I do water changes. Ive had to save like 20 or more that have gotten sucked up and ended up in my sink.
    1 point
  43. Pretend like they are starving to death and desperate for food during all waking hours (even when they were just fed).
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Hallo, ja das mache ich auch. In großen mengen sogar. Aber was ich bis jetzt feststellen konnte ist, das die Fische erst nach frühestens 15-20 Tagen Artemien fressen. Ich habe das Problem davor, das mit in dieser Zeit die meisten versterben.
    1 point
  46. Easy Green fertilizer is incredible!! Not only does it promote amazing growth in my Vallisneria and Tiger lillys, but it really brings on the reds in my fake plants! Just look at those colors pop!!..... ah ha ha ha. 🤣
    1 point
  47. Currently budgetary constraints. Also can’t find a stand I like. I’m not buying fiberboard 👎🏻
    1 point
  48. Nerm glitter on a whole new level
    1 point
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