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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2023 in all areas

  1. This was my first Keystone Clash. I have to say, this event was a TON of fun. Lots of wonderful folks made it out, tons of small creators (myself included!) got to spend time meeting people, meeting each other, checking out some amazing vendors and wonderful talks. I love the social side of conventions, getting to meet people, learn what fish they love, just babble a bit and nerd out was wonderful. I'm pretty sure I helped sell fish for a couple people because I wouldn't stop talking about "Did you see those Bulgarian Green Angels?!" or "Did you see the person with the Red Empresses? They have better color stressed than any other Red Empress I've seen!" or "Go see the buce booth! His prices are the best deal I've ever seen!" Events like this are what make my entire year. Seeing people I only met previously at Triple Crown, catching up since then, meeting other new people. Aquarium Domain was there, sitting with him and Jason from Prime Time to just babble fish late Friday night was perfect. I could gush more and more about this, but I suppose that would ruin a video 🤣
    5 points
  2. Day 12 Still need more plants but have added 18 coop plants plus something like 20 from other tanks to this "pond" All four cross rivers have posed tonight a bit. They ate pretty well yesterday. Their demeanor is more like fsirly interactive bull sharks in my set up. They rexognize me but when not full they are a little "sassy" and when hungry and food arrives they will chase and defend their meal. So far the plants work well and we have figured out our spots in the colony dynamic. I even caught two sleeping next to eaxh other this early am (no photo unfortunately)
    4 points
  3. @TeeJay just sent me a photo of Lemony and Luna’s baby growing big. It dawned on me Mom n Dad are now great grandparents! Angel and Lefty are Lemony and Luna’s parents. 🥰 Photo of the great grandkid
    4 points
  4. Remember that most of my huge Endler colony got killed by a bust heater (cold snap)? I spotted some new fry from the 4 that survived! 🎉🎉🎉
    4 points
  5. All but 4 juveniles and (I collected extra because I was expecting losses greater than thus even), who did not make it due to fin rot which I was unsuccessful in stopping. The vast majority made it though. Again, it probably helps that transit time for them was minimal. They never went in the tank anwayays as I noticed it early during acclimation.
    3 points
  6. Been busy busy last few weeks at work along with getting a few new tanks going. My newest and largest tank is fully cycled, everyone doing well inside and more livestock coming this week. Click on my journal below for more. Mom's 10 gal rimless in her office is cycling and she has ramshorn snails in it already...red cherry shrimp and 1 lemon bristlenose coming. Once its going well, I have a surprise for her... Blueberry Tetras, a school of ten. Costing me almost 240$ for the 10, but they are so cool and I want to get them going, maybe try to breed them, as I want more of them for my biggest tank upcoming. I know you will dig the rare tetra thing @nabokovfan87. @Fish Folk you have any experience with rarer tetras? My ideas for that tank have been ever evolving but I think I am sold on what I am doing now. 100 gal, all rare tetras and some other tetras I have wanted to keep, plus Rainbows and Corys, other kitties. Will be a majority rock and hardscape tank with plants pulling from water column, not substrate. Got the idea from a recent build MD Tanks did. Bad news, I cannot go to Aquashella anymore in November. Need to get a implant in my mouth, so that will cost me a bit over 4 grand before its said n done. Years letting my teeth go without dental insurance as a chef. Oh well...its back in Chicago next year and my daughter lives in North Harbor, so guess its in the cards for my first one to be there. All my other tanks are doing incredibly well...especially the neocaridinas. My Black Rose are exploding in their breeding lately, so now all my tanks are producing a lot. Need to get on selling them before I become overrun. LOL! More to come later on when I have a little more time. Hope all are well!!
    3 points
  7. The two clubs I belong to Cichlid Club of York and Aquarium Club of Lancaster County host the Keystone Clash so that makes it all the more fun. If you got to attend share your fun please! I went with @Elodie Rose 🤗 @tolstoy21 brought me a stunning trio of Apistogramma Trifasciata. Amazingly healthy and well conditioned. Packed expertly in the box! Thank you 🙏 Some great folks were there. I started bagging everything right after my shower at 4AM 😲 Long day. BE KIND It was a hectic morning and I did not realize I never even brushed my hair after my shower 🤣 Father fish was there. Super nice guy! He bought some of my grindal worms off Jen at Smallworld Aquatics who I wholesale all my critters to. Jason from Prime Time Aquatics was there. One of the nicest people I ever met. Very down to earth. Dan from Dans fish was there. We talked about pricing and shipping some of my critters wholesale to him. @Elodie Rose got to chat with him about some fish she had previously purchased from him. Outstanding guy. Really lives up to his reputation of promoting small hobbyists. Got to say hi to @Bentley Pascoe Super nice as always So many great YouTube folks and awesome vendors! @Odd Duck I thought of you the entire time I shopped Jens massive selection of stunning moss. Picked up a few plants from Silvermoon Aquatics Some interesting wood from Jesse at Just One More Fish m. A few other plants from some vendors I did not know I took a bunch of photos of the aquascaping competition. Very interesting ideas. There was also I stand with fantastic terrarium stuff with water falls. For some reason I can’t upload those photos. I’ll work on it.
    2 points
  8. I wouldn’t remove them, but what invasive to you may not be to me. It’s your call whether you want more snails or not.
    2 points
  9. Didn't know you were a Chef. Respect! That's real work mate. I do not have first-hand experience with rare tetras. All the ones I've kept -- Cardinals, Neons, Silvertip, Ember, Buenos Aires, Congos, Rummynose, and maybe a few others -- were all pretty common. Those Blueberry Tetras look amazing! I've always secretly wanted to to a massive school of Hummingbird Tetras in my 33 gal long over a massive bed of Java Moss and glorious lighting. Maybe someday...
    2 points
  10. Will drop some new pics and video later on, but tank is going well. Had a stinker breakout of blackbeard algae and had to scrap some plants that, due to my not researching, completely died and were taken over. I since have restocked the tank with some new plants that handle higher temps better. Tank is fine and cycled, besides the one GBR casualty for some unknown reason, everyone else is good. Even have a few surprise bladder snails from new plants I am sure. The 3 GBRs are getting on well and barely argue anymore. I call them the Three Amigos...Ned Nederlander, Lucky Day and Dusty Bottoms. Prob the most personable fish next to my Black Angel, Philip, that I keep. @Lennie 3 red whiptails arrive this week from @DansFish. Also got a small school of Kerri Blue Emperor Tetras coming with some Amano Shrimp. Will be last stock until I decide on when Discus will be added. My largest tank to date, going into the fish room, is on hold until I get my water change system installed. Have ideas jotted down and want it all installed so I can handle water changes a little easier on weekends. Kinda doing my shoulder in lifting buckets. Anyways, hope all reading are well and more to come here!
    2 points
  11. ADHESIVES ADDENDUM I'm going to add some information about adhesives here, since I have come across a couple of instances where this has been relevant. Super glue: Any cyanoacrylate glue will fall into this category and is safe for aquariums. As with all adhesives, please use in a well-ventilated area or outdoors, and use proper PPE to prevent injury and illness. Super glue cures by evaporating a solvent and hardening the dissolved polymer material, which is accelerated by chemical catalysts or water/humidity. My favorite type of super glue is BSI (Bob Smith Industries) "Insta-Cure/Maxi-Cure" CA glue. It comes in several different thicknesses that are great for different purposes and the bottles/applicators for them are excellent. You can even get precision applicators that work extremely well for putting glue in hard-to-reach areas. Please note that BSI makes lots of adhesives, and any that are not in the insta/maxi cure family have not been tested to be safe for aquariums. The thin glue is great for soaking cotton, dry sphagnum moss (orchid moss), or areas of substrate that you want to solidify without adding bulk. This will soak into things via capillary action and cure extremely quickly, but the exothermic reaction can be substantial due to the fast cure time. If you use too much glue and the heat from the reaction causes it to cure too fast, it can turn white. This can be easily covered later, but something to be aware of, less is more with thin glue. Be aware that the exothermic reaction can and will burn you if you aren't careful, and it will releases gasses that can burn your skin/eyes/lungs. If you have a vapor fan, use it. The medium glue is great for sticking hardscape together without a bonding material like cotton or sphagnum moss, but takes a bit longer to cure. You can use a catalyst if you want, but I prefer to just use clamps and let it cure over time to avoid the white cast that is common on accelerated cures. You may be tempted to spritz some water on it to cure it faster: Don't. This will cure the exterior of the glue blob, leaving the interior encapsulated, which usually takes even longer to cure because now there is a hardened shell that the solvent has to evaporate through. You are better off just leaving it alone and letting it air-cure. The thick glue is what I generally recommend for gluing rhizome plants and moss to hardscape. It takes the longest to cure of the 3 options, however the thickness of it helps grip the plant and the slower cure time helps prevent the glue from overheating and burning the plant. Go ahead and dunk this one in water to cure it, the thickness of it helps prevent the gooey center problem that the medium thickness has, and it will help prevent your plants from drying out while waiting for it to cure fully. Catalyst is also effective, although you'll want to rinse the glued item before adding it back to your tank to get any catalyst residue off if you don't want to wait for it to evaporate. Gorilla glue is terrible. This is just my opinion, but i feel like this opinion is warranted. If you're going to get any other brand of super glue, get the stuff in little metal tubes like this and stay away from Gorilla glue. In the model making community we joke that it's a rookie mistake to start with Gorilla glue because it's essentially the worst product with the most marketing hype. Epoxy Putty Please use PPE and in a well-ventilated area. Epoxy fumes are still toxic, even though the cured material is very safe. Usually the way this is sold is in a flexible rod, with one part of the putty inside the other part so that all you have to do is cut a section, fold it a bunch to mix it, and then apply it to the area. It's very user-friendly and great for reef applications where heavy chunks of reef rock need to be stacked precariously together. Safe for aquariums unless it contains metallic compounds, as mentioned above. Great for gap-filling and ensuring heavy objects stay stuck together, but is extremely expensive compared to other methods. Usually epoxy putty does not degrade or get brittle like super glue can. Silicone Use proper PPE and do not forget the gloves, this stuff is not fun to get off of your hands. Can be mixed with sand, dirt, or other substrate material to coat foam, glass, and other areas where you want to hide construction materials/processes. Can also be mixed into a putty using substrate material to fill gaps in hardscape or create support, as a cheaper alternative to Epoxy putty. Adhesion to certain materials may be limited depending on the surface and how thick the putty is mixed. See above for more info on silicone.
    2 points
  12. Cheap fish keepers are often the happiest fish keepers.
    2 points
  13. Did he have a look in fish Tinder? 😂 He looks so much better than when he had fin rot.
    2 points
  14. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe the last time I posted anything was back in march! Long story short my family life got turned upside down due to my spouse getting into an accident at the end of March. He’s all healed up though and now everything’s pretty much back to normal, so I’ll have time for my tanks again! An exciting bit of news to reboot my journal with, I think anyway, is my two hillstream loaches spawned at some point recently. I never in a million years thought any babies would survive in my 75 and I never thought my loaches would spawn at all! My intake doesn’t have any foam on it and my EBA won’t even let me have any snails, so I was quite surprised this morning when I saw the first little baby swimming on the glass and then when I found more of them in my algae balls… I found at least 3 different individuals. Hard to tell how many exactly since there are tooooons of hiding places. One baby is starting to grow out the flat fins and is a little larger and the rest are still a bit tadpole shaped. Pictures were very hard to get because of how tiny they are… the camera wanted to focus on anything else haha.
    2 points
  15. thats just 2 ramshorn snails on each other
    2 points
  16. The Keystone Clash with @Guppysnail was tons of fun! Really had a fantastic time. I’d been nervous about it, but all the vendors, guests, and really just everyone, was super kind, friendly, and approachable. @GuppySnail found me a lovely little baby GBR, Simon the Second, so that River doesn’t get lonely. He’s in a 5 gal QT tank for a bit, but to say that I am thrilled (and also somewhat terrified) to have him is an understatement! Least Killis! That was one of the fish I was specifically looking for, they’re the smallest livebearer, AND they’re native, AND I found out that @Guppysnail had had a colony and that Jen of Small Aquatics had the remainder! Six teeeeeny little least killis came home with me! Jen is such a sweetheart, and wow, did she work the heck out of that booth. I was able to help a tiny bit, and actually got to wait on Father Fish and sold him some grindal worms! Along with micro worms and banana worms. What a sweet guy! He’s lovely in person, and it was great to buy some of his supplement without paying the shipping for it. I joined the Maryland Aquatic Club!!! Suuuper happy about that! And I got some peanut beetles from them, to try out and see what I think. The neighboring booth had an aquarist from Tennessee who’d caught some critters, which of course came home with me, to get a pickle jar of their own to see just what they are and how they grow. Dan from Dansfish, who I am a huuuge fan of, was super nice and fun to talk to! I mentioned the goodeids I had, and it turns out the redtails aren’t eiseni, they’re doadroi! (Sp - I’ll check on that) So I need to correct my logs with that name, they were identified by Gary Lang. Dan is just the sweetest guy! His commitment to shipping healthy fish is fantastic, and while some heroes don’t hold up when meeting them, Dan from Dansfish really did. Delighted to have met him! (Thank you @Guppysnail, lol, I was too star-struck to approach him on my own!) Jason from Prime Time Aquatics was one of the judges for the fish show, and he was super nice as well! Didn’t see him until we were on the way out, but it was cool to meet him just the same! (But by that point it had been many hours, and I was pretty tired/overheated.) Okay the heat. Was nearly unbearable. Since it was chilly and rainy outside, I wore jeans. BIG MISTAKE. Don’t do it. Wear shorts. And sandals. So hot, omg. But that’s what the fish needed, so the people just got to sweat! Heh. It was tough to handle, but I wouldn’t have changed it. Those fish in bags needed all the help they could get! Jen from Small World Aquatics sold me a 2nd pair of the gorgeous violet mosaics she has. Violetta is growing, and becoming one of the most beautiful guppies I’ve ever seen. Victor and Victoria joined them yesterday! Ten or so blue dream shrimp joined the growing colony that I am attempting to build, from two different vendors. I didn’t know that I was joining one of the clubs that hosts the Keystone Clash!! Next year I really want to be more involved and help out more. Jen was very kind and let me keep all my stuff at her booth, and I retreated to the chair beside her booth a LOT when I was tired and overheated. She works HARD, I was glad to help out a tiny bit. Hopefully I can learn enough by next year to be a bit more useful while I enjoy the Clash! Because that was incredible, and I’m DEFINITELY going next year. Also came home with tons of plants and mosses, which I’ll have to take pictures of later. Fantastic experience. The fish community is so welcoming and wonderful! ❤️
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. Do quarantine tanks count in items 1, 2, 3? So far, my points are 29. I don't think I am a nerm.
    2 points
  19. The fun has begun. I have started with 4 wild caught cross puffers they landed late last night and were added to their tank tonight. My big puffer learning curve has begun Initial observation .... 1. need more plants and sight breaks 2.they are active hunters 3. Have bigger appetites than expected 4. they posture and display a bit more than any other species ive kept 5. This could be a short thread .....but hopefully it goes for a long time 🙂
    1 point
  20. If you want to breed fish, eventually you’ll want to hatch live baby brine shrimp (BBS). I love all of the fancy Brine Shrimp hatcheries for sale nowadays. If you’ve got one, that’s awesome! I want to just share how I do it. It’s not too expensive if you’ve got a few extra items hanging around. (1) I buy 2x 1-liter Polar Springs Seltzer water bottles. (2) After emptying out the bottles, I peel off the labels. They’re pretty glued on, so it’s usually a mess. I use a steak knife. (3) I cut off the bottom just above the ridge that runs around it. The bottom will become my top and the bottle will become my cone. (4) I take the other bottle and cut off the top just below where it bends inward. I discard the top. The bottom will be my sleeve. (5) I hand-drill 2x holes into what will be the top piece / lid. 1/4 in drill bit is about right. Airline will go through here. (6) To assemble, screw the cap onto the cone piece that is inverted into the sleeve. Push that into the bottom of the sleeve. Put the cap piece with the holes in on top. (7) To test the setup, run an airline from a pump (here I’m using an extra Co-Op USB nano air pump) through the lid to an airstone and test with water in the hatchery. (8) Now to proportion salt & BBS eggs, I use 3x rounded TSP (5 ml each) of API Aquarium Salt. And stir this into ca. 10 oz of HOT tap water until dissolved. I pour this into the hatchery and then I use COLD tap water for the remainder up to about 1-inch clearance from top. Then I add 2x rounded 1/2-TSP (2.5 ml each) — or just 1x TSP (5 ml) — of Co-Op BBS eggs. This I gently stir into the salt water, though the eggs will float eventually no matter what. (9) Then, with paper towel set underneath to catch salt drips, I set it up inside my tank stand. The air in the hatchery water should make it look like it’s “boiling.” In 36 hrs, I’ll have a nice hatch.
    1 point
  21. 236 but that’s including all the gallonage of my ponds, minus that would be 224. With my fishroom in Oregon probably would have been over 250 I imagine. I think that you’re a NERM if you know what NERM means. It’s more a state of mind then it is how many tanks or fish or setups or equipment you have. For me it’s going to a shop, a convention, a club meeting and absorbing information and good vibes of fish keepers who aren’t judging you and are accepting you for your fish crazed self.
    1 point
  22. Thank you so much for the automated quiz - I didn't think I was that much of a Nerm, but my score is 92! I actually had to call in engineers to modify my house because my 75 gallon aquarium revealed a fault. When the house was built, the plumber cut the main beam instead of putting in elbows. Here I come 20+ years later and the weight of my 75 gallon caused huge cracks to form around the door frames and such. Yeah, so that had to be fixed - at least it gave me 10 points!
    1 point
  23. I may have gone overboard with supplemental epsom salt and calcium chloride [correction: carbonate]... oops I just put tabs in yesterday. The last time was 5 weeks ago, which was after I had the plant 2 weeks.
    1 point
  24. It has been tried, but once you look towards modifying or removing the basket then you're basically looking at doing a full custom setup. Think of it more like a hang-on sump in some fashion. They make these for saltwater as well, a hang-on refugium setup. The design would be similar. Overflow in... overflow out. The issue is all of the work to get the water down to the bottom, then just simply flows up. On of the nice things about the tidal though is that you do have some pretty decent opportunity to modify the basket of make a custom baffle out of acrylic. It's a "generally rectangular" shape with curves you could sand to fit fairly easily. I would recommend using a piece of thick paper (manila folder is commonly used for templates) and then transfer that over to your flat piece of plastic. Prep the surface well with cleaners and by roughing the surface appropriately. Another method you could consider is using the tube itself as your guide. You can remove the chute piece entirely, which eliminates your flow adjustment. That leads to a simple hole which you could easily add a plug, attach it to a hose, then that directs the flow right to where you want it to be. It is definitely possible, and it's a bit of a blank canvas for you to modify if you wanted.
    1 point
  25. Thank you. I'd say I'm a beginner and probably always will be. I'm content to keep things simple with fish selection & maintenance 🙂
    1 point
  26. I think I read somewhere they use plaster of paris for dyi root tabs. I believe this is primarily calcium chloride (double check my chemistries on that) Anyhow, if that is leaching into the water colum that will affect KH, most likely causing a unstable gh Correction: calcium sulfate hemihydrate Caso4/2h2o
    1 point
  27. There's a few really amazing, high quality, dutch scapers here. I would love to see another one!
    1 point
  28. Looking good! Did everyone make the transition?
    1 point
  29. Black Rose and Green Rilis are both breeding A LOT now. So now all my tanks are really poppin off. Just hope I can figure out the selling them thing soon, as I am soon to be overrun. LOL!
    1 point
  30. 4tanks running right now:4 3prepared foods (i need to get more for better variety):3 I feed bbs when i remember: 3 Albino Cories and platies grown out to maturity: 2 2grow out tanks: 2 1 cycled sponge filter +cycled bio rings: 2 I have dragged family along on a vacation to a fish store: 1 Not collecting in the wild we get our fish, but local streams: so 10? Took this quiz: 1 so total is: 28 or 18.
    1 point
  31. Bringing this topic back to life with a thought I have been having. I use a Tidal 110 for chemical and floss so I don't have to access my FX4's on my 120. The bypass up the back is the main concern for me. So my thought is, the basket seems to be the problem, has anyone tried a Tidal without the white basket? I am considering cutting some plastic pieces to create a baffle on the intake side that would allow the water to come into the filter and run straight down like the design of the basket but allow it to be the entire smaller section and leave about a 1/2-3/4 gap at the bottom for the water to be directed to the right and them up through sponge, fine and chemical. Sort of like how the AC HOB's are designed. Grabbed @nabokovfan87's picture to draw what I was thinking. The idea is similar to what you posted on a 35 but instead of using foam actually directing the water under a baffle. Thoughts?
    1 point
  32. OMGosh, lights are on in tank and I just saw a wiggling egg! I'm a Grandcory!
    1 point
  33. I love my violet cories. Really active and out and about all the time after they get comfortable. Their blue tails and polka dot heads are super cute!
    1 point
  34. My pandas go bonkers for Xtreme nano pellets that I sprinkle in the output of the hob to sink it quickly to the bottom (coarse sand substrate)
    1 point
  35. Did the water tests and everything is fine. I used the Dennerle AquaTest GH*KH*pH that comes with an active substance. And yes the tank is not planted yet, BUT saturday i was at this new huge big box pet store to buy some maintenance stuff for the fish tank and I saw this lovely male betta, a double tail, in a small 1 liter bowl. He was completely ignoring the other bettas, but to be honest none of them were very active, maybe due to the temperature ~24C. He showed some interest when i tapped on the glass, and did follow my finger, but without flaring. So i got him for ~$15 (14 euros). Kept him in an acrilic 10 liter tank, and today I've moved him in the main tank. So far he spends his time between exploring every nook and cranny and building a bubble nest behind the heater. I named him Captain America cause in the darker areas he has intense red fins, with pearlescent white body and dark blue head, while in the well lit areas he shows gorgeous blue-green shades with traces of purple.
    1 point
  36. @tolstoy21 here is the tank the trifasciata are in. I just finished redecorating to accommodate dual territory. I was originally moving my hillstream loach group to breed. I will just redo the tank they are in to accommodate breeding. They are still juveniles.
    1 point
  37. Glad you like them! Happy to have met you in person. Next year I'm hoping to stay longer and meet more people. My kid enjoyed the Clash immensely. He now wants to go back next year, get a table and sell fish! He's so excited about the idea of that. Well that, and he wants to stay in the hotel and use the pool. (Kids always have ulterior motives!) The only thing I came home with was some tangerine tigers. Was going to buy some orange laser cories, but someone bought ALL of them right before I could get some! Very nice event. Well worth attending.
    1 point
  38. All the ones in the photos are the ones I brought home. So one of ALL of them. 🤣
    1 point
  39. Got to rub elbows with all the famous folk huh? With that was an option for me…..
    1 point
  40. 1 point for each aquarium you currently have running. 28 1/2 point for each aquarium that you have empty "just in case". About to get 11 this Saturday, but one is a plan for the future, some replacements for aging tanks with a few to be held for “just in case”. 5.5 1 point for every 40 gallons of water currently in your tanks. 13 1 point for each variety of prepared food you regularly feed. 24 (I know, excessive, some are getting dropped once the current pack is gone but I got some freebies at Aquashella.) 2 points for each variety of frozen food your regularly feed. 10 (mostly because I freeze my Repashy.) 3 points for each variety of live food you regularly feed. 27 2 points for each variety of water you regularly use in your aquariums/fish room that require some kind of preparation other than dechlorination (e.g., RODI, brackish, salt, hard water for African cichlids) 6 1 point for each tank with CO2. Zero 1 additional point for each tank where CO2 is regulated (i.e., not yeast-based or chemical generator) zero 1 point for each species of fish you have raised to maturity. (By this you mean bred and raised to maturity, or just bred and sold fry, or got when young and raised to adults?). Successfully bred - I can’t even remember all of them over the years but I’ve bred more species deliberately more recently than in the past. Around 15-ish, most recently, only a few others in the past. 1 point for each "grow out tank" you keep 12 1 point for each species-only tank you keep. 11 1 point for each 100 comments posted on this Aquarium Coop Forum. 48 1 point for each cycled filter you have on hand, just in case. Does it count that I have mature sponge filters as “back up” in nearly every single tank? Only a couple tanks have primary sponges as sole filters, most have HOB’S double standard size for the tanks, some have matten substrate over UGF’s plus a backup ACO sponge. Plus I have a tank that has matten, an HOB plus 2 sponges running. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I guess that makes it about 19 extra sponges ready to transfer at any moment. 1 point for each aquarium you have built yourself. Zero 1 point for each aquarium stand you have built. 3 5 points if you have a multi-tank auto-water change system. Not yet, but soon, so zero. 5 points if you have a air supply "loop" for many tanks. Not yet, but soon, so zero. 10 points if you have structurally modified your home to accommodate your fish tanks. 10 10 points if you been collecting in the wild. 10 if you count plants. 1 point for each city you've been to and visited the LFS as a tourist activity. 12 Award yourself one point for taking this quiz. 1 Grand total of 254.5 I think I have a problem.
    1 point
  41. If you have an appreciation for the aquarium hobby and keep an aquatic critter …you are a nerm. I think this is more about how insanely over the top are we 🤣
    1 point
  42. Much depends on how much time you want to spend, and what your goals are. If you want an absolutely pristine tank after feeding artemia nauplii, it is understandable why you might be eager to work with a sieve. The company provides som videos to diagnose various issues. Here's one. Honestly, though, I dislike this approach. Instead, I prefer to take air out of hatchery, allow hatched artemia to fall below and shells to rise up. Then I draw out Artemis with a baster, moving over to a specimen container with clean water in. This dilutes the salt content, and allows another stage of separation to occur. Live baby brine shrimp will remain suspended in the water column while unwanted shells and cysts either float or sink to the bottom. I then harvest with a syringe and feed. Very little undesired material pollutes my tanks this way. However, the process is not perfect. If you want perfection . . . I'd suggest trying something besides artemia.
    1 point
  43. And this is my setup, because I dont need many of the bss in volume, I have nano fish and not too many of them - given my house is hot now, I dont need to put it in the fishtank water for a stable temp, I left it on top of the glass Hatch rate is low, ofcourse, like 60% in 24 hours but zero bubbling, zero lamps that have to be on all the time, zero chance of a spill and zero work, so for me, that is a good tradeoff
    1 point
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