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Do you name your fish | poll


Do you name your fish??  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. So, do you??

    • Yeah, some of them.
    • No, never. Fish don't need names.
    • Yes, All fish need names

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We also only name the ones with big personalities. Our new world cichlids all have names as well as our solid black Betta (Batman). We don't name the danios' and cory cats in our community tank. My wife names them she is much better at finding a name that suits the individual fish.

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I don't name my fish, but I do name some of my honey bees. For example. The queen in the lower right was only know by her tag 'Green 71', but her daughter, the much larger queen in the upper left was called 'the wolf spider' because of her size and attitude.


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58 minutes ago, Daniel said:

I don't name my fish, but I do name some of my honey bees. For example. The queen in the lower right was only know by her tag 'Green 71', but her daughter, the much larger queen in the upper left was called 'the wolf spider' because of her size and attitude.


who would have known you could tell bees apart, thats really cool. Is their a bee communtiy online?

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I named my otos even tho I can't tell them apart REALLY. And sometimes names just happen, like the male pea puffer who just became "Puff Daddy" spontaneously the other day. Mostly my fish get nicknames related to atributes, which sometimes stick. Like I intended to name my red betta something demon related, but he became "Piglet".

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1 hour ago, Brandy said:

sometimes names just happen

This. My balloon pearl gourami is named Biped, kinda deservingly. My rosy bitterlings are Thugs, which is completely undeserved. One tiny longfin angel is Little Troll because that's what he does to his tankmates. And the biggest oranda goldfish is "3D (impolite-synonym-of-behind)" because it's basically what (s)he consists of. 

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I keep a female betta sorority tank with various types of tetras, ghost shrimp, and a bristlenose pleco. I’ve named the bettas (Elektra, Rose Dawson, Amphytrite, Hestia, and Ms. Betta), one ember tetra (Edward), and the spirit of a hedonistic ghost shrimp that likes to swim about the tank and flaunt himself in front of the bettas routinely (Sir Skrimpington the 3rd). 

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I have angelfish that I've named, Little timothy (he was really small when I first got him, and one of his pectoral fins was smaller then the other) and Bruce. But in total I have 3 angels and together their group name is "angel gang", not really sure how this name came about it just did i guess.

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I let a friend of mine name my first 3 fish since getting back into the hobby. Pastrami, Salami and Tsunami the Dwarf Gouramis! Since then, I either let others name my fish if they think of a decent name or I'll name one myself if I think of one.

Here's a pic of Salami telling Pastrami to get out of his claimed territory. They'll find a reason to bicker, regardless of what I do. I've learned to accept it as no harm seems to come from it.


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I don't generally name my fish, but I have a serpae tetra with only one eye who's named Jack (as in one-eyed Jacks in a deck of cards).

And my wife named my koi angelfish Pinto.  That's pretty much the end of her interest or involvement in my tanks.

Edited by JettsPapa
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14 hours ago, Daniel said:

I don't name my fish, but I do name some of my honey bees. For example. The queen in the lower right was only know by her tag 'Green 71', but her daughter, the much larger queen in the upper left was called 'the wolf spider' because of her size and attitude.


I'm surprised you have two queens in a hive.  It's been 20 years since I've worked with bees, but I thought the only time there would be two queens was if the hive was very crowded and about to swarm.

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My "wet pets" get names; bettas, my pea puffer, my catfish, my ctenopoma and my bichirs. They're big and/or have the most personality.

I'll name the little ones if they have any sort of noticeable trait that makes them stand out. Like I have a platy with a bent spine named Ziggy, and a large female molly named The Unsinkable Molly Brown. 

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My first hitchhiker snail was Igor.  When  Bob, Carol, Ted, and Alice et al. showed up, The novelty was gone as were the names.  Now I call them fish food.

The Barbs: 3,5,6,7,8,9, resulted from being asked to name my pets on a feelgood questionnaire from a business partner.  


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My big personalities are my 2 dojo loaches. Ones name is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and the other is Bob. For the sake of my 4 year old daughter whom i share this hobby with, all my schooling nano fish use the nato phonetic alphabet ( i.e. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Foxtrot, etc...) the names no doubt get switched around, but we have fun arguing which one is Echo, and which one is Romeo. Fyi Oscar is the official one for the letter O. Kinda cool to have a tiny rasbora named Oscar

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My betta who’s since passed away was named Doomslug the Destroyer after a pet in a novel I like. His nickname was Doomi. But after that, any fish I’ve named get really practical names. Mom Fish, Dad Fish, Big Loach, Little Loach. Like my chickens Fluffy, Puffy, Goldie, Sister, Pretty Girl, and Toothless. 

The creative names all come from the hubby. It turns out I’m terrrible at naming pets. 😄

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I have mostly named my aquarium inhabitants for the sake of discussing them with other people. At one point I had three bettas and when I would talk about them with friends that don't keep fish, I found that referring to Elvis instead of my king betta or Priscilla my platinum dumbo ear female was easier for them to relate to. Or even simply calling my colonies of shrimp "the shrimp nation" and breaking them up into the red nation and green nation made other people more interested in them. Sometimes I'm not the one to give them names, my brother calls my Bristlenose "the hellraiser fish."

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