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On 3/15/2023 at 9:39 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

My dilemma: 

Being tired of my tight-wad sisters nagging at me for spending too much cash on fish, I’m implementing a save half/spend half strategy on my monthly allowance. I’m well stocked on fish food etc and still have enough for one of the following: 

2 ADFs

2 Stick insects.

Help! 😂

I personally would like to see some stick insects in the journal. I think that would be cool.

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On 3/16/2023 at 11:03 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

@Schuyler has kindly alerted me to the fact that AquaBid also works in Switzerland!

These killis are sooo tempting! And they're in France too!

I'm sorry and you're welcome

There are so many cool fish on there now and are this rate in guessing there will just be more an more as spring starts 

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The mystery of the golden Endler deepens! 
One of the gold Endlers (normally Xanthic) is a couple of shades whiter than his/her siblings. I’ve established a color grade system:

Low Grade : Exhibiting small patches of gold, nothing special. image.jpg.b4dfd39678faeb0ad3966144383c85ae.jpg

Medium grade: Uniform gold all over the body, Xanthism, and the color become more intense while they develop.


High Grade: A couple of shades whiter than the Gold ones, bordering on leucism. Retain a small patch of gold around the head. 905DC180-A611-4F51-9E6E-A4EF3266F4F1.jpeg.5294a6bc2654da38724326f174d5de35.jpeg

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Got hit by another French analysis. 🧐 😑

Went down the mountain today to a new LFS (aka my version of Home Depot has opened a fish section) 😂. I got 10 tiny neons and 5 zebra Danios. Their prices are rock-bottom, which kind of scares me because people kinda undervalue the fish, and don’t put much effort into keeping it alive …anyway.6DF8D29C-53E5-4A27-B26F-4FA0F9495B52.jpeg.e5daca78e885619b39dd32ca5373c003.jpegCCBD973D-EC72-4DD6-AE3D-DA5B8B2E241E.jpeg.2f4b70e0254ce832ff49e17e8ca5dbff.jpeg

I’m so proud of my pink Ludwigia 💕 😍3A3A9D62-4943-4AA5-8211-9FD814A30E12.jpeg.763f636724a64823c7c25ccfa0ae07dd.jpeg

Have any of you got some fun looking plants? 

Apart from that, my stick insects have arrived! I picked them up from a guy who had 100s in a 12” (30cm)  cube terrarium (correct me if I’m wrong with conversions! ). He now has 2998 left. 😜 These ones get around that 17 cm mark, so they make for a great show. New party trick? 😂9C64A2F4-1FE7-4ED6-917D-A3C7FAF587D9.jpeg.8ca2a0d3c9e99aa6f47ae765dbc0ebaf.jpeg3D72C1C5-4688-49C3-AD60-4AFF645371FF.jpeg.4d5c78f1b952f72ec123cb4896adecd1.jpeg

Added moss to terrarium- is it safe to collect moss in the woods if you give it the Reverse Respiration treatment @Guppysnail? Did you test the method on non-aquarium pathogens? Reverse Respiration has probably helped me so much over the previous months, so thanks!😁

On another note, I’ve become an Uncle.🥳

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On 3/22/2023 at 10:21 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Added moss to terrarium- is it safe to collect moss in the woods if you give it the Reverse Respiration treatment @Guppysnail? Did you test the method on non-aquarium pathogens? Reverse Respiration has probably helped me so much over the previous months, so thanks!😁

i dont for the stuff i convert. my idea is that the moss survives the submerging process, and everything else doesnt. Ive had no issues doing it this way.

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Your new stick friends are crazy cool. Nothing (organism wise) that requires oxygen to survive can survive RR. We did not test terrestrial plants so I’m uncertain how they would handle being submerged in seltzer. I’d love to know the outcome if you try. Terrestrial green houses to bomb with carbon dioxide gas as an insecticide. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 3/22/2023 at 10:21 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:


Added moss to terrarium- is it safe to collect moss in the woods if you give it the Reverse Respiration treatment @Guppysnail? Did you test the method on non-aquarium pathogens? Reverse Respiration has probably helped me so much over the previous months, so thanks!😁

On another note, I’ve become an Uncle.🥳

Wow!  So cool!  I don't think I've ever seen stick insects like that before.  I'm familiar with these. We call them "walking sticks".


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On 3/22/2023 at 7:05 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Wow!  So cool!  I don't think I've ever seen stick insects like that before.  I'm familiar with these. We call them "walking sticks".

Extatosoma Tiaratum

 They’re pretty common in the pet trade, and get nice and big😁. Do you have those Walking Sticks in Florida ? 

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