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So more eggs. I moved them because one big girl was eating them while the stents tried valiantly but futilely to protect them. I have them in distilled water with enough warm dechlorinated tap water to bring it to 80 degrees and an airstone. I used @Fish Folk 1 mil of hydrogen peroxide after I dropped the eggs in to clean off anything that may have been on from the parent tank. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 

after they hatch and are large enough to not fit through the holes  I’ll move them to the Ziss breeder in the funny tank where I’m going to grow them out. 

I would so love to raise a batch of the stunningly beautiful fun loving water puppies 🥰




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Hopefully you get some fry! They’re painfully difficult to keep alive for the first month.

In your situation, I’d first try hatching out in your tank water. When you use R.O. water, the salts in the eggs can make the fry “explode” open prematurely. Yes, it may be that your water hardness is prohibitive. Maybe try mixing 1/3 of Walmart bottled water (RO) with your tank water. Float the bottled water in your tank for 20 mins first to match temperature.

1-ml. H2O2 every 12 hrs. 3x doses total.

To do this with all R. O. water… here’s a video series my son made a few years ago…


Edited by Fish Folk
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So collecting the eggs from the outflow was hard. They stick fast. They don’t just roll off. I think I smooshed more than I collected. 
I turned the overhead plant lights on and seen what I thought was a nematode wiggling about up and down in the top 3 inches of the tank. Surprise it’s a new hatch Aspidora. I couldn’t catch it. It disappeared before I got my net. So I checked the hatch floater and I do indeed have about 5-6 wigglers. 


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On 12/17/2022 at 8:04 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Hurrah! Have you tried removing the outflow and attacking it with a credit/ID card?

Those don’t fit. I did remove the outflow and used a flat bamboo stick, q-tip. And my fingers. It felt like trying to remove nerite eggs. They REALLY stick fast unlike cory eggs that roll. 

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On 12/17/2022 at 12:32 PM, dasaltemelosguy said:

Wow. Mine aren't even close. Mine are buried because of the Severums but they tend to be thick, short, orange roots. That's amazing. I've never seen one like it. 

Thanks. All my others are the thick short orange. When I seen this I could not figure out how pothos roots got over here. Then I realized it was the LB. 

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On 12/16/2022 at 4:40 PM, Guppysnail said:

None of my other lucky bamboo grow roots like this. Not even ones in the same tank. 😮

@Odd Duck @dasaltemelosguy have either of you seen roots on LB grow like this?



I don’t see anything like that, but I’ve got some roots popping out randomly on stems (at nodes).  The base of mine are buried in the pot and I haven’t tried to look at those roots since they were planted.  I also have a couple side sprouts off the sides of 2 of mine down very low - starting completely underwater.  Ignore the BBA.

Edit to add that I have roots that erupt out of the sponge caddies up top, but I can’t tell if they are bamboo or pothos roots because I have both in those caddies. The bamboo passes through the caddies, the pothos is just stuck in from the top, some have ends sticking out through holes.  I think the Jack Dempseys may eat some of the roots or they may be inhibited by BBA or both.




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GBR day 3. 
Had a really good hatch considering the big girl ate half the eggs before I could collect them. 
While I was looking this morning a few more had just hatched. 
For anyone who has not read this ridiculously long journal acrylic breeder boxes, specimen containers for hatching etc are my nemesis. I have never been successful. My ugly fry tanks and mulm-y microfauna infested snail tanks as well as the coffee filter are my go to where everything hatches and survives. 
These guys I was told probably wouldn’t hatch in my hard water and that these guys are super susceptible to bacteria of any type. So I went the specimen container route so I could use RO. I only have my funny tank available with shrimp so I couldn’t transition the entire tank to 50% RO. It has also recently been used as a Qt for the gbr and honey gourami. 
Im incredibly nervous about needing to feed these and transition them to hard tank water. 


Tear apart the funny tank but only enough to remove the shrimp and all mulm. I will not clean the tank only squish out the media in the hob and the 2 sponge filters. 

I run a 9w UV in that tank I will keep there. 

100% new water. I only have 3 gallons of Walmart RO water to mix with tap so I may use 1 gallon of distilled which is what I used to hatch them. The funny tank is 8.75 g so I only fill it 8 gallons. 50/50 RO/Tap

The shift in ph may stall or crash the cycle Not certain how bad @modified lung?

Im not as worried about that as I am trying to feed this many in a spec container and trying to transition into plain tap. I have frogbit and duckweed floating in the spec cup. 

The spec container is only a Lees small. My ACO spec container was too big to fit in the funny tank. 

I’ll add the new tank water to the spec cup a few mils at a time. Then I’ll set the spec cup in the Ziss breeder if it fits. If not I’ll use a glass dish on the bottom so these itty bitty babies don’t fall through the bottom grate. I wish the bottom of these was micron mesh. 

So @Fish Folk how hare brained is my plan?  Should I go with it or roll the dice that this time will be the first time I can keep fry alive in a spec cup?  Also according to your sons video he didn’t feed until they were all free swimming is that correct?  I should add even mixed with RO The spec cup ph is 7.8  so high and dangerous for ammonia  I took a Ziss airstone running very gently and wrapped some seeded sponge around it from a snail only tank so it should not have anything that attacks fish on it  I rinsed it in dechlorinated tap  the algae and diatom is on the exterior of the spec cup  attached to the tank  




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On 12/19/2022 at 6:21 AM, Guppysnail said:

The shift in ph may stall or crash the cycle Not certain how bad @modified lung?

Technically it's the shift downward in KH that stalls the cycle. Below 40 ppm which is usually around 6.5 pH is the danger zone. You can go to lower pH without problems if bicarb is dissolving into the system slowly enough.

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So here is what’s going on today. Yesterday stalled out because it only felt half right. Putting the GBR fry in the funny tank they would get to lost and that tank is hard to do water changes and clean due to it’s funny shape. So I waited. This morning I attacked with a plan. 
The sponge over the airstone wasn’t great. It left debris all over the spec cup. I could not siphon the unhatched eggs and dead fry out to keep it safe because I use a large magnifying glass and phone camera on full zoom just to see these guys because my eyesight is poor. So that leaves no hands to work with. I do still have a few live ones hopefully more than I could see hidden in the dust. 
I moved the White Wizard snails to another tank and used their 5 gallon 50/50 RO/ Tap. 137E3BB5-6A32-4BF7-AD34-90F02D9EEDD1.jpeg.545e5eccd57656cd226a8499e1d1c210.jpeg
If these don’t make the transition (I do see a few scooting about). I will have a hatch tank ready for next time. 
My eyes and shattered wrist just make a spec cup too prohibitive for me to work with. I need a cycled tank to have success with eggs. 
WW new home. Maybe someday they will surprise me with babies but they are so slow reproducing dedicating a tank to them is making me frustrated with them. This way they can just be ornamental. CE643D9B-CD74-47C5-A43C-5F6960CEB080.jpeg.8a1bdfa00eeda8c421daf7b54655d5ac.jpeg4F004DA6-9B22-4342-8A6C-3CBC195F54E1.jpeg.a8e018c417fa9e72994957e32b0538d8.jpeg716C8704-839D-4606-BC68-5AAAEA8459D3.jpeg.c7335f548dd270ff0bd0135ab24d233c.jpeg

I’m up to 25+ Piano snail babies so I’m going to move them to the funny tank and use their 5 g tank to raise the Aspidora cat fry in. 
Everyone will be happier and my life will be easier. Win win 




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SoS ! 

@Guppysnail and @Chick-In-Of-TheSea  i need advice please i was cleaning the sand on my main tank and found 3  baby magenta   snails   in the sand around my sponge filter  and found a half of a cutch not hatch yet  i guess they where left by a snail  hidden or it  it fell from the top    of tank

i have 3 babies already hatch i put them  and the rest of the clutch in a tupperware  let it float in main tank  till i knew if they are alive. and find out what i need to do

2 of the 3 snails is moving around  and not sure if any more will hatch ,, I know i need to set up a temporary tank what needs to put in there i have a extra sponge filter  in my tank and a extra heater. what else is need  i have baby shrimp and pygmy cories in my quarantine tank can i put  them in with the   other babies in the same tank or should set up a separate tote  i can put in Rapashy powder and small bug bites in till they get bigger

any advice would be appreciated i was not planing on more babies but i guess i will have at least 2 more snails if i can raise them 

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On 12/20/2022 at 4:56 PM, Bev C said:

SoS ! 

@Guppysnail and @Chick-In-Of-TheSea  i need advice please i was cleaning the sand on my main tank and found 3  baby magenta   snails   in the sand around my sponge filter  and found a half of a cutch not hatch yet  i guess they where left by a snail  hidden or it  it fell from the top    of tank

i have 3 babies already hatch i put them  and the rest of the clutch in a tupperware  let it float in main tank  till i knew if they are alive. and find out what i need to do

2 of the 3 snails is moving around  and not sure if any more will hatch ,, I know i need to set up a temporary tank what needs to put in there i have a extra sponge filter  in my tank and a extra heater. what else is need  i have baby shrimp and pygmy cories in my quarantine tank can i put  them in with the   other babies in the same tank or should set up a separate tote  i can put in Rapashy powder and small bug bites in till they get bigger

any advice would be appreciated i was not planing on more babies but i guess i will have at least 2 more snails if i can raise them 

@Chick-In-Of-TheSea has done a mystery snail care sheet, which you can find in her signature. Please post some pics 😁?

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