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Why are Plecos more popular than shrimp?


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I think it's pretty clear how much more popular Plecos are than shrimp. This isn't a slight against Plecos. I'm just generally curious. 

Can someone please enlighten me? I don't understand. What is it I'm missing? I've never kept one, so I'd love to know what all the rage is, about them. Shrimp come in all sorts of colors, so it can't possibly be that.

Edited by Jeff
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Shrimp make me really apprehensive because of how sensitive they can be, and plecos are pretty much bullet proof which is why I went with them. I want to get shrimp eventually, but I find them intimidating since they're not exactly beginner friendly. Plus there is that whole being a really expensive tasty treat for my fish that's a bit of a deterrent as well...

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Definitely thirding the durability and minimal predation. I've had both but tend to keep my shrimp as species only. The only fish I've ever kept with fish are Neos and Amanos. I used to have Caridinas but I might have had a heart attack if they were placed in a mixed tank.

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I only have a bristlenose pleco, but their personalities are amazing. They're not shy at all and very industrious. I really enjoy having a pleco!

I love my shrimp, too, but they're just entirely different creatures and shrimp need a bit more specialized care to really see them thrive.

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Pleco have stunning colours come in sizes from 1in to 2ft so their something for everyone one and have great personality I have been keeping and breed them for 20 years it plecos over shrimp every time for me 

Edited by Colu
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I think there’s a lot of variety and they can fit a nitch in a tank that shrimp can’t - cichlids will eat shrimp, but will tolerate a pleco. Plus they’ve got faces only a pleco mom or dad can love! 

So I’m kind of crazy when it comes to plecos. So far I’m only keeping ancistrus but some day will extend into hypancistrus and panaqolus L# plecos. shrimp.thumb.jpg.b58783d788fd8168d6b594ecdea29fa1.jpg0A6AFAA0-1ACD-4363-AF12-66DCE16B8ADF.jpeg.77ff3c39c32f6801d5a9ee5c013d623e.jpegFAB01074-F4D1-4EEE-96C6-EF5EBB55D5E7.jpeg.c6c284c5fe4c0633913fd3f23219c382.jpeg

Now I breed Neocaridina and 3 varieties so I’m a huge fan and want to setup a Caridina tank but the personality of a pleco maybe like a bulldog or ugly cute dog applies here. E94EF48A-7260-400B-8D41-BFBCE162D1D8.jpeg.50fe1b0b39d7905430282cf021b66f56.jpeg
Here’s my latest baby so that’s my deal. 

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I have only had 2  pelcos … my first one lived a long time ,, my reason they are easier to find and easier then shrimp take care of and i tried shrimp when i started out and they was dinner for my fish  pelco might only show mostly at night or wee morning hours ,, with less light ,, but they have a personality and help keep the tank clean  .. I love feeding them fresh vegetables 🥗 my first one use come to me and eat his cucumbers out of my hand ,, my second pelco is not as brave but he comes out when he sees the zucchini piece or Rapashy 



Edited by Bev C
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Plecos are practically immortal.  I prefer shrimp myself, but yeah... plecos are like Superman having drank from the Fountain of Youth with Jesus as his best friend.  I had a pleco as a kid and everything in the tank died (give a 10 year old control of a 10-gallon, go figure), except for the pleco.  It literally sat in that tank without water changes, by itself, and continued to grow.  It came to a point where we had to give it away because I was scared of it.  IT WAS ALWAYS WATCHING...

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