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What was your frustrating fish hobby moment in the last week or two?

Kathy F

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I will start.   Today, I threw out a perfectly good heater because I thought it was malfunctioning.   Installed a brand new Aqueon Pro from my LFS.   Only to find the temp still wasn't rising.   I then thought it was the plug so started checking electrical output.   Finally pulled out the temp gun to find out that my digital tank thermometer was malfunctioning.   I feel like an idiot, I should have just double checked with temp gun from the beginning before pulling and trashing equipment, lesson learned.

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In November I moved all my tanks into a designated fish room all in one day. Hurriedly plugged everything in and was going to hang power strips and set drip loops “tomorrow”. Yesterday was tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I had added tons of electrical things and changed things…..oh my goodness it was like untangling a very bad attempt at macramé 🤣🤣🤣🤣 here is a pic of 1 of 7 tanks that all looked like this nightmare 😳🤦‍♀️


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@Guppysnail 😍🤣😍


Mine was having to catch fish that had been ordered, and discovering that the reptiheater for the turtle pond had gone out, so I had already dismantled the Walstad, and taken all of the plants and hardscape out of the 4' tank to catch the fish that weren't breeding true, and then did a massive musical tanks and apparently dumped some of the turtle pond fish straight into tanks instead of breeder boxes.... so I am going to have to repeat my sorting, and I accidentally crossed a couple of lines I had wanted to keep separate for a few more generations 🤦‍♂️

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On 2/12/2022 at 1:56 AM, Torrey said:

@Guppysnail 😍🤣😍


Mine was having to catch fish that had been ordered, and discovering that the reptiheater for the turtle pond had gone out, so I had already dismantled the Walstad, and taken all of the plants and hardscape out of the 4' tank to catch the fish that weren't breeding true, and then did a massive musical tanks and apparently dumped some of the turtle pond fish straight into tanks instead of breeder boxes.... so I am going to have to repeat my sorting, and I accidentally crossed a couple of lines I had wanted to keep separate for a few more generations 🤦‍♂️

I so empathize with this pain. 😝

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On 2/12/2022 at 10:18 AM, BLOBfish said:

i bought a heater and to my supprise there is no numbers on it only a a plus and minus ☹️ i dont know if i should get a new one that i know will be at the right temp or just keep it and try out and make it right with the thermometer 

Most of the ones even with numbers are not calibrated correctly in my experience. I use a temp gun and keep adjusting until they are the temp I want and use any inkbird safety control to make sure when (it’s always when never if) they malfunction it keeps my fish from being cooked. 

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On 2/12/2022 at 9:48 AM, Tanked said:

Must be a bad week or two for heaters!

 This weeks frustration: Finding that he planted tank is off by 8 degrees to the cold side, and not being able to find the programming instructions.   

every week is a bad week for heaters.

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The mystery disease/parasite I've been fighting in my limia tank is still around; it wanes with heat and salt, but comes right back when the fish are returned to their tank. I'm currently trying Ich-X in their main tank, as I believe it might be a protozoan/ciliate. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm so ready for this to be over. 

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On 2/12/2022 at 5:04 AM, Guppysnail said:

I so empathize with this pain. 😝

I figured you might🤣

On 2/12/2022 at 8:54 AM, lefty o said:

every week is a bad week for heaters.


On 2/12/2022 at 11:01 AM, H.K.Luterman said:

The mystery disease/parasite I've been fighting in my limia tank is still around; it wanes with heat and salt, but comes right back when the fish are returned to their tank. I'm currently trying Ich-X in their main tank, as I believe it might be a protozoan/ciliate. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm so ready for this to be over. 

Sending you the good ju-ju that this resolves quickly with no more losses!

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I tried to hatch ricefish out of a clod of thread algae by putting it in a jar and feeding infusoria. The water quality totally crashed and only one fry survived. Two weeks of babysitting this jar (but not well enough apparently) for basically nothing. You know the water quality’s bad when the snails die! 😬

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On 2/12/2022 at 12:01 PM, H.K.Luterman said:

The mystery disease/parasite I've been fighting in my limia tank is still around; it wanes with heat and salt, but comes right back when the fish are returned to their tank. I'm currently trying Ich-X in their main tank, as I believe it might be a protozoan/ciliate. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm so ready for this to be over. 

Have you tried a UV sterilizer?

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I had two beautiful tanks that I just had to get rid of. Both were low tech heavily planted tanks. The first was a 29 gallon that was home to a cherry shrimp colony, some panda corys that were spawning on a regular basis, and many ramshorn snails. The other a 125 gallon community tank with different platys, tetras, barbs, corys, and bolivian rams. Both tanks were thriving and doing very well.

I am moving across the country and felt it would be two difficult to move them as I am driving and it is a 4 day drive. I ended up selling both to my mom for far less than they were worth, but hey it's mom. I moved both tanks to her house and only lost one older fish during the move. I am happy to say the tanks are doing well there. 

Once we move we will be staying with the in-laws while our house is built (like six months), God help me. The bummer part is I won't be able to have any tanks there, and I was gifted a 100 dollar aquarium coop gift card recently and won't be able to use it until our house is built and I can set up some new tanks. 

I do miss my tanks, but I am looking forward to setting up new ones. It just seems like it is going to be forever before I can.

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On 2/12/2022 at 6:19 PM, FlyingFishKeeper said:

Mine was probably filling a brand new 10 gallon somewhere around half of the way, seeing what looked like cracks, then draining the tank before finding out that it was excess silicone, and then refilling the tank again.. Glad they weren't actual issues, but still AGH-

I have done that although instead of silicone it was some hair that had gotten stuck to the side of the tank.

On 2/12/2022 at 9:31 PM, ccurtis said:

I do miss my tanks, but I am looking forward to setting up new ones. It just seems like it is going to be forever before I can.

A new house is exciting.  I always have fun planning new tanks.  Hopefully, you will have fun brainstorming a new setup to match your new space.   


On 2/12/2022 at 12:22 PM, quirkylemon103 said:

not being able to get dechlorinator for a week and watching the tanks slowly get worse while I wait until I can. I finally got some last night.

I hoard dechlorinator.     I don't have the luxury to run to the store at a moment's notice so I keep duplicates on hand when I can afford to buy extra.   For a while, I had a bunch of Tetra Whisper air pumps because Amazon was selling them for $3-4 a piece.   The supplies I have problems hoarding is fish medicine because they expire and are never on sale.    It never fails that the one medicine I am out of is the one a sick fish in my tank needs.  

Edited by Kathy F
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