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The One Hour Challenge!


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Cory has challenged us all to take part in the "1 hour challenge". Take 1 hour out of your day to spend time with your fish! You could be feeding, maintaning, and just enjoying your fish for this one hour!

Did you spend an hour with your fish today? What'd you do?

Edited by James Black
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Cleaning the surface skimmer, running water tests, feeding, checking the CO2 system (drop checker, diffuser, bubble counter distilled water level, pressure gauges), thermometer, adding fertilizer and black water extract, and pruning a few leaves that were getting too large, and several minutes watching the fish, and shrimp feed and just taking in the tank's peaceful atmosphere. Daily occurrence except for the water tests, they are a bi-weekly, and the fertilizer gets added three times a week.

Edited by Jungle Fan
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2 minutes ago, flossybooch said:

Pulled up a chair and stared at the tank.

Love it. Same here but I did pull a few dead leaves out and try my new aquarium coop test strips that were delivered today. Love those too. 

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I'm glad others also responded to the 1-hour challenge. When I heard Cory issue the challenge on the live stream I thought "I'll try it, but there's no way I can find an hour's worth of stuff do to in the fish room." WRONG. Once I got to feeding, cleaning, and moving and trimming plants around, an hour and five minutes transpired. I love the idea of the 1 hour challenge, even if you can't make it to an hour, just trying to results in a greater investment in our aquariums. Great idea.  

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  • 1 year later...

Still is one of my favorites and is one of my favorite things when it comes to being "present" when it comes to the hobby.  A lot of my tanks get some eye time when it's dark outside, just before bed or early morning, and it's peaceful. The mind can relax and you just.... Are there.

Definitely worth a second (or first) look if you missed this one.

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Raising BBS to feed my new fish, also encouraging the white clouds to plump up for a breeding project I hope to do. I’m using a metal cone light for my 10 seeing more plant growth. Seeing changes encourages me to look in more often 

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Everyday is the hour(s) challenge over here these days. I am preparing to launch my official shops within the next couple of weeks and there are lots of new tanks being set up, lots of fish coming in, racks/filtration/lighting systems being reworked and an endless amount of work to do. Lots of space for expansion in the new fish room/workshop means my fish get to see a lot of me.

Today I set up a 75 gallon tank to move my LDA046 into and cleaned/reset that tank for the columbian and spoonface whiptails I have coming, set up a 30 long to give my reticulated corydora their own species tank, set up quarantine for the 120 tetras coming in 2 weeks (filters and substrate seeded from mature tanks so they will be cycled and ready to go), and worked on the new mudskipper tank some as well. I found a recipe for the perfect mud for them that allows them to dig natural tunnels and burrows and am setting up a much larger tank to house the ones I have now plus the 4 more that are coming to join them, I have high hopes of being able to breed them after modifying my system with a a much deeper layer of mud that will allow more natural behaviors and a revamped system of pumps to allow for more natural tidal flow. I got tips from an expert who has successfully spawned several species in captivity. I am even considering getting another species. This evening I am working on some caves and on decorations with live plants and driftwood to beef up my inventory.

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