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  1. I've gotten mixed results from my internet research, and some people say certain brands are safe while other brands are not. I'd like to do a 3d background with spray foam on my new ten gallon tank but I obviously do not want it to poison fish ... is spray foam safe? If so, which brand works best? Thanks for the help!!!
  2. Has anyone had an interaction problem with lead Plant Weights and shrimp? And if so, what did you do to fix it? Prep-purchase, I did as much googling as I could and the overwhelming response was lead weights specifically sold to hold down aquarium plants are completely safe with shrimps including Amano Shrimp. I used six strips and within a few days, all dozen-ish Amano shrimps went missing or died. I'd like to know what is likely the cause... hoping to rule out the weights. Unfortunately, no other changes were made to this tank in the recent few months so the weights are my only suspect. Post incident, I did find a short blurb that claimed lead weights are fine except when CO2 is used but no other information or reference was given. Any experienced insights on any of this would be very much appreciated. The tank is 75 Gallons, heavily planted, light CO2, Aquarium Co-op Easy Green & Easy Iron dosing, a mixed bag of ±50 small- & ±8 medium-sized community fish that are thriving, tons of tiny pond snails (that were unaffected), UV light bulb inside hang-on-back filter. The tank is about 8-years old, well-established that up until this occurrence, has thrived. At the very least, Thank You for reading. 🙂
  3. Recently, I created a poll to illustrate some widely held misconceptions about the primary source of ammonia production in a freshwater aquarium. Now, I’m curious to know how many really understand the levels of ammonia that can be harmful to fish. Take the poll, and explain your answer.
  4. Hi guys, The micro fertilizer that I plan to use is CSM-B Compound [0.134g/ml], which apparently consists of 0.1% chelated copper... I plan to add ~2 mL a week, that means I'm adding about 26.8 mg of chelated copper into the tank. I have a 20 gal (75 L) tank so that's 0.357 mg/L or ppm of chelated copper in the tank. Plus according to my city's water quality report, my tap water has 1 ppm of copper already. Based on what I've read online about the toxicity of copper to shrimps.. the tap water alone should have already killed them... They seem fine so far. But I've only had them for a couple weeks. Is this micro fertilizer safe to use with my ghost shrimp and apple snails? Could my tap water pose a problem? Thanks for you help!
  5. Fish police like to say colored gravel will “leech toxins” into your tank, but I haven’t seen any actual evidence other than some anecdotes. Is there any truth to this?
  6. Hi, my landlord wants to paint my ceiling. I’m concerned that it might be dangerous for my fish. I can’t move the tanks out. Any thoughts?
  7. Greetings So my landlord will be coming to my apartment to check for rodents (in the walls). He will also disinfect my kitchen cupboards with some products (bleach or another of the kind). Can it poison my fishes? My aquariums are in the living room but it’s right next the kitchen. Of course I will open the window but I was wondering if there was any danger and, if yes, what can I do? Thank you!
  8. I wanted to set up a pretty tank. I know! I know! But don't judge me! 😄😄😄 I bought some "sea glass". I read the online description. It sounded fine: It's very pretty...exactly what I wanted: I got it home and just happened to read the lid before filling my tank: Grrrrrrr! Any idea why it's not ok for a tank??? Alesha (akconklin)
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