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Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

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Everything posted by Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

  1. This is cool but I don’t think I would ever do it because of the way I like to keep fish.
  2. Never mind guys it died 😞 I’ve had the white clouds since last summer and I don’t know how old they where when I got them so it could have been old age. 😕
  3. Just tested the water: ph: 7.6 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 10-20 (cause I just fertilized the tank yesterday)
  4. I just noticed my white cloud minnow couldn’t swim but he’s still breathing and alive, what do I do?
  5. Welcome! I started keeping fish at the same time as you, and I went low tech at first and added co2 but a low amount and still kept lower lighting, I recommend this because high tech tanks can go unstable if it’s not perfectly balanced and you only need that little bit of co2 to make your plants grow faster, I personally think a lot of people are putting much more co2 into their tanks than they need. Good Luck!
  6. I agree with the Bolivian ram guy, they are just such beautiful fish and much more hardy then other rams. I would really like to get some in the future.
  7. I want to move to Germany now! The aquarium hobby there is on another level!
  8. @Chrisanderson707i hope you figured it out but I was wondering where did you get that cool tree decoration?
  9. I’m looking into getting this air pump is it quiet enough for a bedroom tank?
  10. wow those are some beautiful fish! every time I see bigger fish like that it makes me wanna get a big tank.
  11. well I guess since your light is at the top they would stay up there, and I've heard cory say he feeds them to fry that stay at the top.
  12. I was looking into the tidal because I hate how my aquaclear is not self priming. but since you said the tidal doesn't suck up much fry I might just go with that, do you have a size you recommend for a 29 gallon?
  13. There's lots of videos on YouTube with 20 gallon stocking ideas. but I personally would go with a couple pseudomugil rainbows and a small school of corydoras, you could also add a couple more Harlequin Rasboras for a bigger school. I hope this helped and your tank looks great!
  14. I'm pretty sure vinegar eels stay at the top.
  15. @TeeJay @Scotts Guppy Haven The thing is I just really don't want sponge filters in the tank because I want as much room in the tank as I can get for plants and the look isn't great is there a smaller canister filter that would be good with and intake sponge or a hob you recommend?
  16. @Mmiller2001 wow Those are some beautiful tanks I just have one question, what's blasting sand? I hear people talking about it but I don't get how sand can be good for plant growth, is it nutrient rich? Please explain.
  17. I'm going to set up a 29 gallon guppy tank soon and I don't know what filter to choose? I want something quiet because the tank will be in my room. I want the filter to start up easily unlike my aquaclear that will power off from the power flickering. and I don't want it to be ugly like a sponge filter also It need to be fry safe. so after considering all that I was looking into the seachem tidal but I cant cover the skimmer part with a sponge so it will suck up fry. so I don't know what to do. any suggestions?
  18. thanks ill look into that, what did you use in your 75 gallon that's under your post, it looks really nice and healthy.
  19. Hey I'm gonna be setting up a planted 29 gallon with guppies and at least half or more of the plants I want to get are heavy root feeders like dwarf sag, crypts, and sword plant. but I'm trying to decide between gravel, aqua soil or eco complete. I really like the look of the gravel compared to the planted substrates but I don't get the benefits, could I cap the planted substrates with gravel and it work the same? will the plants do fine with just root taps in gravel or is it just better to spend the money on planted substrate? what would you do and what's your personal preference? last thing is what's better eco complete or aqua soil? I have hard water so the aqua soil would benefit the plants a bit.
  20. Thanks for all the reply’s everyone it’s been very helpful, my stocking is a bunch of plants growing well and healthy and like 7 white cloud minnows in a 10 gallon. With Aquaclear 20.
  21. I just noticed my hob filter was off, it was probably off for 24 hours how long does it take for bacteria to die when exposed to air? And how long does it take to grow back? Because I’m moving in 2 weeks and I’ll need that bacteria for the life support after the move. The good thing is I have fast growing plants like elodea so the fish were fine. But I was also wondering will the bacteria grow if I have fast growing plants sucking up nutrients?
  22. alright thank you I just wanted to do this to my python because I'm gonna set up a big tank soon.
  23. do you know an alternative because we cant get cobalt here in Canada @Cory
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