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Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

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Everything posted by Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

  1. I got a tank that came with some fish but I don’t know what kind of pleco i got, it’s 10 years old and I don’t know what to feed it cause it didn’t eat algae wafers.
  2. K thanks for the help @Cory I’ll make a post when I get them!
  3. Those big stone are cool. Where did you get them? Just my LFS, they are called elephant skin stone.
  4. I used the Jc&p light on my 10 gallon and the colour is really nice and it can grow low-high light plants, it has a built in timer and you can control the the colour super easy. it comes in lots of different sizes and its really good for the price I recommend it. (my tank with the jc&p light) Link:https://www.amazon.ca/JC-Aquarium-Light-Extendable-Bracket/dp/B07FMHTG93/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?crid=2BYB0ULFJAS6A&keywords=jc%26p+24”&qid=1661975115&sprefix=jc%26p+24+%2Caps%2C202&sr=8-7
  5. This is my 10 gallon it’s smaller and I’m not good at aquascaping but it’s something. ^All super easy plants that don’t need high light or co2.
  6. I’m wondering if this would work in a 55 gallon? -6 Purple acei -6 yellow labs -6 red zebras. In a 55 gallon stocking ideas video @Cory said that it would work but I feel like the purple acei might be too big. Do you think it will work? cause I really want to but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea.
  7. I’ve breed white clouds before but the adults always get the babies do you know if there’s a way to grow them out in the same tank or pond or should I remove them?
  8. I’m getting a 55 gallon this weekend and I was wondering can I breed a pair of apistogramma in a community with some fish that just stay up top? could it even work with some corydoras down Below?
  9. Welcome! if you are looking for good deals always check marketplace cause I got a deal for a 55g with stand, fluval canister filter, fluval 3.0, with aquasoil and plants/ a bunch of other equipment for only 400$CAD!!! just check every once in a while and you should be able to find a good deal. good luck,
  10. That’s great cause I wanna keep some African cichlids and at some point some South American type fish.
  11. I just moved and I can’t tell the ph of the tap water what does it look like to you?in person it looks more like 8 but it could be between 7.4 and 7.8
  12. The title lol 😂. Can you guys show me your tank racks I’m looking to set one up for breeding and I want to get ideas. Thanks 🙂
  13. @nabokovfan87so only running two sponge filters shouldn’t make me lose two much co2 correct? But I still will lose a bit because of the surface agitation.
  14. what about a tank like this it has a sponge filter and co2 and the plants are pearling and doing amazing. (By: @Dean’s Fishroom)
  15. @nabokovfan87 k thanks for the help but doesn’t surface agitation also add oxygen and some co2 into the water so you’re not losing that much co2 plus if you want to see pearling plants you need so much oxygen in the water you can see the bubbles coming off the plants and it’s not just co2 that makes them pearl but tons of oxygen in the water. Also I have a drop checker already.
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