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Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

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Everything posted by Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

  1. I am kind of a newbie because I don't have that much experience keeping with different tanks im only on my 3rd in like 4 years of keeping fish but I was wondering if I should remove the mulm when it builds up in my current tank or just gravel vac the spots with no plants? Its a 10g with normal gravel with root tabs and cryptocorynes and hornwort, super lowtech, the fish are guppies I just got so they will soon populate the tank.
  2. thanks! I was kinda thinking that might be the answer, I guess i just have to wait and see if i get any fry in the next month or so.
  3. I just picked up 6 guppies(4 females & 2 males) one male looks full grown and the rest are still pretty small how big do they need to be for breeding size? The biggest female is about 1 1/2 inches and the rest are about 1 inch big.
  4. I’ve heard that mulm is inert but then I read this on the an article: “Mulm is beneficial to planted aquariums because they revitalize the substrate and add nutrients for plants to consume. While mulm may look a bit unsightly, it's actually an indication that you have a thriving ecosystem in your fish tank that can support life and process organic waste without a drop in water quality” what has your experience been?
  5. I finally got guppies!! @Cory‘s videos made me really want guppies for the longest time now but I didn’t have a tank for them. my tank is finally ready for them so I found a guy local to me that was selling them so I got 2 males and 4 females. I’m really excited because whenever I see fry from my white clouds I get so happy and now I’ll see tones of fry with these awesome guppies! I also tried xtreme flakes for the first time today. my fish act like I’m giving them frozen food, they really love it 👍
  6. I want to set up a 40 breeder with the 36” led and use dwarf sagittaria, what light level would be best for the dwarf sagittaria to grow about half the height of the tank? Like this:
  7. Can plecos breed with corydoras in the tank? its a 40g breeder. (not trying to breed the corys just the plecos)
  8. I can’t look at m&ms the same anymore after @Cory‘s nitrogen cycle video 🤣
  9. Thanks for the answer I’ll probably just keep them separate then unless I have to downsize tanks.
  10. I was curious if I put normal white cloud minnows with the golden kind would they cross breed? What kind of white clouds would I get from them? anyone have experience with this?
  11. Ive caught these when fishing and I gotta say they are some beautiful fish
  12. The tank is a 10 gallon and I’m using a sponge filter so there’s low flow and I have low light. I think they just need some time.
  13. I just got some amano shrimp yesterday to eat the little bits of hair algae I have but I don't see them eating it and they kinda stay in the same spot all day, they move around but in the same small area. is that normal? are they just getting adjusted to the tank?
  14. What’s the easiest way to put a black background on a tank that is already set up? Painting it isn’t an option because I don’t want to move the tank.
  15. @Streetwise @Cory Is it possible to make a similar thread to this one for the new co-op light? Id love to see what setting others are using. For example someone could say "I'm using level 6 for these plants... in this size tank... and this is what kind of growth I'm getting...
  16. I was wondering if there was a small echinodorus species that won’t outgrow a 40g because the normal Amazon sword gets so big I think it would outgrow the 40g breeder I have. any ideas on a small echinodorus species?
  17. Thats so awesome I hope I can raise some up too! What’s infusoria? Also I watched a video and turns out I have 2 males so I need to go buy a couple females before I can breed them.
  18. Thanks I have a pair right now that are really healthy and fat one looks female and one looks male. They are doing the flair dance that white clouds do does that mean they are both male?
  19. Is there a difference between these two foods? Id like to support the co op and buy there branded food but shipping costs just for a bit of food is too much here in Canada but my lfs sells hikari branded is there a difference? they look the same to me.
  20. I have some golden white cloud minnows and they breed for me quite often but I never fed them small fry foods so I only got a couple to raise uP. I’d like to see how many I can raise now so I’m setting up a 10 gallon with a bunch of java moss and I’m gonna feed lots of fry foods but I was wondering how do I sex them? And what male to female ratio should I have in a 10 gallon? I was hoping to colony breed them like I did in my pond, would that be possible? (A couple pictures of my white clouds, I’d like to get some more because over the years I’ve had sickness in the tank and 1 or 2 jumped so I’m only down to 4)
  21. I’ve heard when ever doing a dirted tank you should mix in crushed coral with the dirt to avoid any ph problems
  22. what is that nice red plant beside your sponge filter?
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