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Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

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Everything posted by Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

  1. I’m getting this dark algae on my moss near my hob filter overflow. it’s not growing like crazy but starting to cover the moss up. I’ve cut it off but it comes back. how do I get rid of it? The tank has low light low co2 and medium amount of ferts, all the plants are growing well and I’m not getting any other algae it’s just that one spot.
  2. Yeah I think the best thing for babies to survive is dense plants underwater! Guppy grass could make a dense bush in one spot of the pond.
  3. Parkinsoni rainbows, now I love rainbowfish and I think all of them look amazing and I’d keep them all if I could except parkinsoni rainbows, I just think for some reason that it looks weird how the orange/yellow colour on it looks like it’s falling off. And I said that i didn’t like them on a livestream to Bob (steenfott aquatics) and he timed me out 😂 cause they’re one of his favourite fish. I just think there kinda ugly. (Sorry not sorry)
  4. IT SUCKS, okay this all my opinion but I have moss in my tank and it looks great but it’s a pain to trim cause it gets everywhere Plus it’s kinda hard to trim it and make it look good, the trimmings sink in the bucket so their hard to dispose of and they collect a lot of waste. EVERYONE who sees this tell me you’re experience with moss and how you like it/don’t?
  5. Yeah that’s probably better than when I killed it because I didn’t know what it was 😕
  6. So should I just remove them if I see more until there all gone?
  7. It had 3 tails so I think it’s a damselfly larvae and do you know how to kill them and get them out of my tank if there is more?
  8. Yeah we have those here but I never see them. I took the larva out will there be more or is it usually just one. I was also kinda scared putting my hands in the tank after seeing that!
  9. But I don’t know how it got in my tank there’s no dragon fly’s where I live and the tanks indoors, plus the floating plants where from tissue culture. Will the dragon fly larva kill my fish/shrimp or eat plants?
  10. I was about to do a water change on my tank and found this what is this alien and is it bad? will there be more? someone tell me! I took it out and killed it.
  11. Hi I’m trying to figure out how much fertilizer I should dose for my tank right now I’m using tropica fertilizer and doseing daily, I want to switch to nilocg thrive because it’s more concentrated than the tropica. The thrive is basically the same as easy green but I don’t know how much I should put in, should I start with once a week or twice a week? The tank has fast growing plants lower lighting and 1 bubble of co2 every 1.5-2 seconds it’s a 10 gallon so one pump treats the whole tank. Here’s a picture of the tank(yes I know I need to trim the plants I’m just lazy)if you need more information on the tank ask away
  12. I’m gonna set up a 29 gallon soon and those dwarf lily’s are on of the plants I wanna get!
  13. I don’t think a tank can be too jungle unless fish can’t swim around I personally love really plant filled tanks. What are the plants in the tank?
  14. Yeah I used to have that, it’s a pain so I switched over to normal filter floss that comes in a big roll, it doesn’t leave those fibers cause it’s just a pad and you can just cut it to size. I like it so much better.
  15. If I had a big enough tank and was close to the store I would love to get that arowana! What other types of arowana do you guys usually get in?
  16. I was wondering what are some good paying Jobs that have to do with fish/aquariums? Right now I'm just in high school and I'm gonna try getting a job at my lfs, does anyone have any thing I should know when applying for the job or is there anything fish stores are looking for in employees? also what are some jobs the you can do full time and well paying that are related to fish because I know working at a fish store isn't the best paying job.
  17. its a great plant but I recommend trimming it and don't let it take over the entire pond it becomes a problem when it grows to much.
  18. Yeah I was out every day last year with my pond. They are such an easy and beautiful way to enjoy your fish. I made a video on my pond last year if you’re interested, it was my first pond and there’s a lot of things I’d do different next time but I think your pond will turn out better then the one I did. Because of the better plant selection, pond size, the way you planted in the pots and you added substrate. Also can you post some updates on the pond in the future cause I’m really interested in how it will turn out thanks. 🙂
  19. Yes I do a 50% water change every time and it goes below the intake. My pump works fine and starts up fine it’s just every time I turn off the filter the impeller won’t start unless I Fiddle around with it. I kind of have to move it once and then it starts up after plugging it in.
  20. The pond looks great I can’t wait to see the progress on it. That’s some great plant selection and I’ve had white clouds in a pond before and they love it. Good luck with the pond I hope everything works out for you. I would love to set up one for myself this year but I’m moving in a month and it just wouldn’t make sense to set one up now. When I set up my pond last year the water hyacinth and water lettuce really did well and covered the hole top of the pond and it probably will do the same for you, the fish love all that cover. One plant you could add if you wanted is some elodea, it grows super well and would be good if you put a pot of it in the bottom of your pond the fish and fry would love to swim in it. I grow some in my aquarium and it grows really well in low light.
  21. It would be cool if they sold Echinodorus reni it’s a smaller red sword!
  22. Yeah I don’t think it ships to Canada that’s the problem I have with a lot of aquarium products, that you can’t ship to Canada and the ones you can it cost so much. Thanks so much for all the great info on the Ehime heaters I’ll probably go with the 100w one.
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