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Everything posted by jwcarlson

  1. Welcome! Sorry about your black moor 😞 I'd cut back to just feeding once per day. When you change water, do you use any sort of dechlorinator or water conditioner? When you say really small tank... how small? Do you have any sort of test strips or anything to check your water? Long stringy poop can also be a sign of worms.
  2. I think Shop is the point of sale software/integration/payment processor, though I might have the terminology messed up. It's fairly common (as in quite a few companies use it).
  3. Thanks, @Sarina and @Herefishie, it seems like logging in without using the shop login popup does allow me to access all of the account stuff. 🥳
  4. Interesting. I gave that a shot and it still doesn't work. But maybe I have to clear cache, then reset password? 😄 Maybe I'll give that a whack. It's not particularly important to me. As long as I can still order as needed I'm fine! Glad yours is working. I still get the shop code login thing that texts me a code.
  5. I tried clearing cache/cookies on both my phone and computer and still having the same issue, @Sarina . I agree that it seems to have started when the login process changed, but I'm not sure how long ago that was.
  6. I'm having the issue on Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra Android Version 13. Using Chrome browser. Also an issue on Dell laptop computer Latitude 5330 Windows 11 Enterprise using Microsoft Edge. And desktop computer that I built with Windows 10 using Chrome. The way it manifests itself is basically constant "refreshing" or that's what it looks like. If I click or tap "stop", it quits the blinking/reloading. However, most of the options do not work (like reorder, order details, return item, etc).
  7. It happens for me too, it's not just you. I don't really ever need to go back and look what I ordered, but it doesn't work on a computer or a phone. If you keep your emails from them you can go back and look, but I keep my email pretty clean so once I receive an order from any online store I delete the email.
  8. Has he figured out that it's actually just going to be another aquarium and nothing is really going away? 😄 I made this argument to get a 40 breeder in order to move everything from this stupid 37 gallon that I'm using for the fry system and combine down a 46 gallon bowfront that I also didn't like. In my defense those two remained empty until I built the fry system. And I have no plans to use the bow front. But it's still hanging out in the basement. 😄 My wife basically lets me do about whatever I want, so I have no complaints really. And truthfully, it's probably good for me to have at least a little bit of a checks-and-balance system in place.
  9. What do you normally do for hatching container cleaning, @Potaqua. I just got a really good hatch from my CPDs after bleaching and scrubbing.
  10. Must be a little bug of some sort, it was actually a nice surprise. I was wondering why the box was so big!
  11. The good news is that the kits were in the main package!
  12. This meme is kind of out of date for my CPDs, but the apistos are holding strong.
  13. If it's possible that you just haven't noticed before, it could be genetic. Short gill plates are an issue in certain species, though I'm sure it happens outside of those as well. Ammonia as noted above can cause an issue like inflammation. But I think ammonia during growth can cause lasting effects as well.
  14. It's a cheap game, but I got substantially more enjoyment than I ever would have guessed out of Halls of Torment. I think it is like $5-6. You can certainly find a video of gameplay to see if it might be your cup of tea. It's similar to Vampire Survivors (though I have never played that).
  15. Having the space to relocate fish can open some doors. Even if just temporarily if things don't work out and you need to find someone to take them off your hands. I personally hesitate to even get into possible issues with aggression, but everyone has their own goals/preferences. The thing to remember about all cichlids is that they might go on a murdering spree at any point. Though obviously there are differing chances based on species and sexes.
  16. I think 16 cichlids is way too much in a 55, but maybe that's just me. I had three male apistogramma hongsloi in a 55 (similar size and temperament as macmasteri from my understanding) and that felt cramped in a lot of ways. Without a female, they did get along well, though. I'd worry that a blood bath (or blood baths) could ensue when some of these cichlids want to spawn. You might be better off leaving the second pair of apistos out of the mix?
  17. I haven't, but you can start a sourdough starter "from scratch" and it just picks up everything it needs to get going. But I think it takes awhile. You can also ferment alcohol that way, though I've never tried as it can also produce "off" flavors.
  18. Yes, I would set up another tank or bucket and relocate them. Bring over any filter and run it in the temporary setup to keep the bacteria going. This way you can take your time and do it right instead of cutting a bunch of corners and possibly feeling rushed. I wouldn't feed them in the temporary setup.
  19. As long as there are not other symptoms, it's likely due to hormone and color enhancing food used by breeders to make their fish look better and grow faster. You can feed a red enhancing food that might help. But if it's hormonal treatment, there's really nothing you can do. It's a good idea to deworm anything you bring into an aquarium. Discus can be pretty darn touchy in many ways. How long have you had the tank set up? And how long have you had the discus?
  20. Thanks for the vibes! Looks like the majority of them have hatched.
  21. I have enjoyed cory fry so far. Limited fry powder use is probably the main factor there.
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