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Everything posted by jwcarlson

  1. Are they always so active immediately? The only other fry I have spawned like this are CPDs and those things were catatonic for like 10 days it seemed.
  2. This is the tank I'm talking about. The big hornwort mass in the middle is where most of the visible shrimp and shimplets are. There's also a good pile of bigger rocks center left that the shimp can use as refuge. I'm sure there's still a lot of shrimp in this tank. But I thought they were totally gone for months. So... if the goal is to see the shimp, it might not be a great fit. That said, you're talking about six tetras and I've got like 20 in here. There's 15 kerri tetras and 5-6 other random "leftovers" from elsewhere. Once you have a decent colony, it doesn't much matter if there's some predation. They can certainly co-exist, but seeing the shrimp might be an issue.
  3. Most average sized tetras, in my experience, will eat cherry shrimp. If you goal is to just have a community tank with a little of everything, it will probably be OK. But I would maybe let the shrimp get established and then add the tetras. I've seen my kerri tetras with adult cherry shrimp in their mouths and they can't really eat them in one bite. But the school will tear them apart as they try to steal the shrimp from the one he caught it. And they CERTAINLY eat a lot of shrimplets. If you're planning on getting excess shrimp out of the colony to sell or something, it probably won't happen.
  4. I've been listening to this track every time I get in my car for the last few days...
  5. Healing up pretty good, I am going to feed her up for awhile and put my "spare" male in at some point. I am not sure how long to wait, though. Or what signs to look for when she's solo.
  6. The first sterbai fry has hatched. And more coming. Looks to be about 30 coming along. You'll have to trust that the one in the corner has a tail,though you can kind of see it.
  7. I would assume wound if it were me. That seems to be where mine like to "peck" at each other when they're doing their thing.
  8. Here's mine and the *new* way that I'm feeding them tubifex. For some reason my sinking pebble method has started failing and the worms slip off very early instead of holding on and mostly staying where the fish can get them. I had a worm cone that doesn't work at all (in my opinion), so I cut the end off and hot glued a 1/2" stainless washer inside the bottom of the cone, it fits two good sized tubifex cubes pretty well. It seems to be working really well and almost no wasted worms. Also, some pictures of my breeding group for reference. I've had these about two years.
  9. Do you currently have any tanks? If you do, are they planted? If so, what plants are the most successful for you? I'd suggest doing more of those. I wouldn't want to add up all the plants I've tried and how much money I have spent, but I find plants fairly sensitive to water parameters and I don't know that we talk enough about that, honestly. I *assumed* that water is water as far as plants go, but I no longer believe that to be the case. Now I have a handful of plants that do pretty well in my setups and just let them infest any tank that I want them in.
  10. I vote for a 20L personally, but really defends what fish you want and if you want them to stratify. So a 20H might be a better option in that case. Then start your "I am not going to use these" tank pile and wait a few weeks before you find a totally fabricated reason to start using them again.
  11. I think these look fertile. They had decent spawns for two days and I harvested about 40 or 45 eggs. Have taken out a couple eggs that got white, but the majority seem to be developing.
  12. As you can see, this bucket is a catch all for plant trimmings and as the water evaporates I top it off at water change time from the tanks nearby (and it has its own light). I've recently moved plants from QT into the bucket after it was occupied by pencilfish for three weeks. And I've also pulled some plants from CPD jungle tank into here fairly recently. It's unheated and I think the temp probably sits somewhere between 65 and 70. Which do you think these are? It's almost got to be CPDs, but I have no idea how pencilfish lay their eggs so maybe it's likely that there would be eggs in a floating mat of hornwort. I will say they are right at the surface, so I think that's one point for pencilfish. I've never seen a CPD above the midpoint of the tank they're in unless I'm trying to net them. Just the two fry so far (both in first picture).
  13. I struggle to keep my dying java ferns tied to ill placed driftwood and someone on the same forum does something like this! Wildly impressive, @Mmiller2001... that's absolutely beautiful!
  14. To be fair, this aquarium lily seems to send up leaves and let the old ones melt and it seems like they mostly are eating those. Maybe it's my management. It's made a few new plants so it can't be too unhappy. Or maybe it's a tiger lotus, honestly I don't know how to tell the difference.
  15. Mine seem to be fine in basically straight RO in my apisto tanks. Shells look good. The pH is still relatively high, though. Mine eat plants, particularly aquarium lily. Agree regarding hydra though. Tank with them no hydra. Tank without hydra farm.
  16. @Guppysnail Do you experience your spixii dying after they laid their clutches? Mine laid a couple of clutches and then died. I still have about 8 of the babies who have grown up quite well even in my apisto tank. The other set also died at the same time. When the clutches hatched I moved about six of the babies to a new tank and they too all died. I have no idea what in the world it would have been that took them out. Didn't have anything else going on. I would like to move some of the survivors, but I'm scared they'll die.
  17. Females have kind of been going crazy, the male was actually swimming with them a bit tonight. Maybe he's worn out. 🤣
  18. Got something like 25 sterbai eggs. I don't know if they're fertile. I think I only have maybe one male.
  19. I have 100 gallon/day RO Buddie (from Chewy or Amazon), they're about $80. I haven't had any issues with it, but I'm making something like 30 gallons or so a week. Nothing too crazy.
  20. I'd assumed that you were looking into this for this exact purpose... reading the... oak leaves from your other posts. There's suggestion of keeping spawns down at these temperatures or artificially pulling eggs and chilling them?
  21. I have never shipped fish, but have shipped live queen bees quite a bit. I think the hesitation comes from a good place typically. Usually it takes some hand holding and it helps to find then right person that knows how to do it. There's one lady at our PO that knew what to do without a lot of fanfare. Stinks they took it and just left it on your porch. There was some discussion on another forum talking about higher rates of fish theft in boxes labeled as fish.
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